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  1. Originally posted by Buff Billy

    I want a gold digging ant now.

    Tell the ant you want gold, sit back and relax, and just wait for the ant to bring it.
  2. Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I want a gold digging ant now.

    Tell the ant you want gold, sit back and relax, and just wait for the ant to bring it.

    it's not going to give up the gold so easily after it does all the work. Ants are known to be a bit possessive about their haul.
  3. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    I'll kick the fucking ants ass if he don't give up the gold

  4. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    The gold-digging ant is a mythical insect described in classical and medieval bestiaries. They were dog- or fox-sized ants that dug up gold in sandy areas. Some versions of the Physiologus said they came from Ethiopia, while Herodotus claimed they were located in India.

    The Indian Gold Hunters, illustration of giant ants chasing Indian gold-hunters, based on the description by Herodotus in Book Three of his Histories
    In Histories (Book 3, passages 102 to 105) Herodotus reports that a species of fox-sized, furry "ants" lives in one of the far eastern, Indian provinces of the Persian Empire. This region, he reports, is a sandy desert, and the sand there contains a wealth of fine gold dust. These giant ants, according to Herodotus, would often unearth the gold dust when digging their mounds and tunnels, and the people living in this province would then collect the precious dust. A 2011 study by Australian scientists found that termites have been found to excrete trace deposits of gold. According to the CSIRO, the termites burrow beneath eroded subterranean material which typically masks human attempts to find gold, and ingest and bring the new deposits to the surface. They believe that studying termite nests may lead to less invasive methods of finding gold deposits
  5. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    mfw following the trail of giant ants to the secret vein of gold ore hidden beneath the sand
  6. CandyRein Black Hole

  7. Kinks Actually pretty straight [bitch the twenty-second stewpan]

    another cup of coffee, stretches, then dog walk/bird spoiling outside when its lighter out
  8. Instigator Naturally Camouflaged [the staring tame crusher]
    Karma a bitch

    I should of know better
  9. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Classic
  11. WellHung Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Buff Billy African Astronaut

  13. Originally posted by Narc I'll kick the fucking ants ass if he don't give up the gold


    ants can carry 400times its body weight up a tree 90 degrees. they're human size according to the myth.
  14. Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy ants can carry 400times its body weight up a tree 90 degrees. they're human size according to the myth.

    And my boot can kick 4 million times its body weight

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Originally posted by Insane Alien Flying Frenzy ants can carry 400times its body weight up a tree 90 degrees. they're human size according to the myth.

    There is an evidenced-based standing theory that certain animals, such as bees and ants, can generate an anti-gravity field using sonic generation techniques. For example, the weight of the bumblebee should scientifically make flight impossible, yet it flies regardless. The theory is the wings of the bumblebee are helping in achieving flight, but there is a secondary function of anti-gravity being generated by the frequencies the wings produce.
  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    Imma die having never done hard drugs or going to jail and I’m okay with it
  17. Originally posted by CandyRein Imma die having never done hard drugs or going to jail and I’m okay with it

    You should rob just one bank to say you've been there.
  18. CandyRein Black Hole
    I almost tried shrooms that one time .. but …
  19. CandyRein Black Hole
    I was reading this article and these people who did LSD were talking about talking to God and the amazing answers to many questions he gave …

    It made me think about trying it for like 2 seconds lol…

    But I could never …but I wonder if they were talking to God for real
  20. Buff Billy African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Buff Billy he suffered sobriety for a year to prove to us all that it means nothing after dying from brainbleed and cosmic bad luck. riptotse and all the sober heads were wrong and we should all cook LSD anyways
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