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Posts by Shrooms

  1. Shrooms Houston
    Fuck Hyde he's one of the best
  2. Shrooms Houston
    Never doubt sega they had it right now the "fans" are making them change sonics design fuck faggots
  3. Shrooms Houston
    Nazi/racists groups are fun if you're looking for trouble
  4. Shrooms Houston
    I know you fuck nigga's don't like us but we don't give a fuck
  5. Shrooms Houston
    Well shoot most of us were unaware the United Kingdom still existed

    To us Australia is still outback
  6. Shrooms Houston
    So why are you homeless?
  7. Shrooms Houston
    No in-n-out is a superior fast-food burger
  8. Shrooms Houston
    My friend who use to smoke meth instead of weed only smoked it when there was no weed. If you're using something that you've said you can't handle don't.
  9. Shrooms Houston
    Cause we out of spice homeboy
  10. Shrooms Houston
    It's all rigged
  11. Shrooms Houston
    Literally no one want to hire mechanics you're an idiot that think high end engine will make them rich get some real tech skills and maintain things that need fixing you white whore
  12. Shrooms Houston
    i thought the word was familiar

  13. Shrooms Houston
    what the fuck
  14. Shrooms Houston
    got my cup noodles handed to me with scolding hot water to the brim
  15. Shrooms Houston
    'I believe God is good🙌🏿, even when life ain't✨'
  16. Shrooms Houston
    I smell a rattox!!!
  17. Shrooms Houston
  18. Shrooms Houston
    I can't see your posts.

    Originally posted by whoami
  19. Shrooms Houston
    why is this thread unreadable all I get is a quick rely text box heck
  20. Shrooms Houston
    I'm talking uber shit how deep is you account banned; do you have access as an email id hate to burn my shit on comments what with all the retarded shit on youtube
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