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Posts by Shrooms

  1. Shrooms Houston
    And the 9/11 Mario wtc demo video, ok only the 9/11 planes hitting the towers mock video that was on totse before 9/11 torrent your archive we demand the evidence
  2. Shrooms Houston
    Nobody steals from Sears idiot, LOL!!!!
  3. Shrooms Houston
    I still don't understand why Windows 10 forces so much shit on users when 5g gets here you'll see people tossing smoking computers out their windows on a daily basis. I hope we leave all these graphics bullshit to a single Os version or something... or in some form it beefs up security for a end owner.
  4. Shrooms Houston
    What's worse than someone knowing you shit your pants in the fifth grade? I trust everyone.
  5. Shrooms Houston
    I hate dudes that'll just stand there at the door with on security holding them makes want to fight the security for them it's so pathetic
  6. Shrooms Houston
    Originally posted by Dissociator Ive stolen about 45 benzedrex inhalers and maybe 10 pairs of panties from walmad successfully

    Bro you still take big whiff of crusty panties at work?
  7. Shrooms Houston
    My niggas snort up frozen h snot you don't know shit fuck yourself op
  8. Shrooms Houston
    dum dum what you do is open the valve
  9. Shrooms Houston
  10. Shrooms Houston
    It depends I know people who target the same store every other day and they've never been caught shoplifting.
  11. Shrooms Houston
  12. Shrooms Houston
    One kid... This isn't worth the trouble just tell the court you want the kid
  13. Shrooms Houston
  14. Shrooms Houston
    yeah they should have its common sense to knock before going into a house
  15. Shrooms Houston
    So you're alive, listen to the same opera record at 6am on the dot, when I sleep on the floor, and always come to the conclusion that you're a very chancy old man
  16. Shrooms Houston
    Dude you been drikin koolaid cause yo lips...
  17. Shrooms Houston
    niggas eating sea food at a strip club I actually understand him fully
  18. Shrooms Houston
    Vodka ? Is this why Russians look so young??
  19. Shrooms Houston
    Plant tress in the pot holes
  20. Shrooms Houston
    I forget the name of the movie but I remember toward the ending he calls he calls God on an all white phone I uploaded the clip years ago on a random YouTube account I made for the clip and can't remember the name does anyone know.. Maybe it wasn't him but some other 1960's film
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