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Posts by SpaceCakes

  1. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    this site is fake.

    the subjects have become TMZ fanfare chit chat
  2. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala It’s true and I can tell you that I’ve already been granted some access to certain information. They’ve been watching you for quite sometime and when he officially makes me mod, things will move swiftly.

    OH MY GAWD You're mouth over my cawk.
  3. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Majestic 12 : The UFO Science Task Force

    At least 13 dead, lol.

    We still aren't being told shit about Vegas.

    We're not being told shit about who really was responsible for 9/11

    Osama was just an excuse and scape goat for justification of war. a false justification. Bush lives knowing everyone is too angry at Trumps focus on some stupid fucking wall to worry about someone re-investigating 9/11

    9/11 is a multiple cold case in the thousands.
  4. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    You make this board funny to hang out on but you're dodging a true American tragedy and treason on the highest level. This post isn't for amusement.

    at time's I seriously am about to lose my shit. If you're a sell out you should have your ribs pinned between two semi trucks
  5. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung It both amuses me and tur《ns me on to experience their reaction to seeing me naked… and if she is attractive… I'll usually masturbate to the scenario after she leaves.

    Why did you have to create a new thread for the subject of your motel room?

    not an SG thread.. it's an SG Postwhore
  6. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock im going to dress you up as a girlscout then im going to fuck you right in your cookie.

    Haha I bet you're a little MIC whore. you can't speak out against them or they will take your retirement from you. you signed a NDA

  7. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Beetlesiri I brought my dad's 3 guns and his no in broad daylight into an Intown Suite. No one even talked to us anymore until after we left.

    It honestly depends on the area, but it is usually Ghetto as hell.

    I say move to NYC. I mean they have some fancy condos and shit.. but most of the city is a ghetto. so you don't have to feel bad about the front of your house or building tagged. it's just being happy you have more than 400 sq feet rather than a closet apartment with a murphy bed that doesn't even fold up.
  8. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mikeyagain

    The little chick from the office is underrated, IMO..

    oh come on. everyone wants to pound that.

    come up with something new, Mikey
  9. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ohfralala Schizos anonymous

    shut the fuck up you little brown nose cunt. "Oh I got your back Lanny.. make me a Moderator.. hellz ya"

    grow the fuck up
  10. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING IV: The Flower of Death and The Crystal of Life $239 /7 nights = $34.14 a night

    That's fairly pricey tbh, about what people pay for a whole house when they're renting. You should see about getting a caravan or tent or living out of a larger size car and showering in a gym or something.

    So many people are doing that. trying to save money. California will continue to be bought up by foreign people with shitloads of money to retire or by the new tech billionaires. it will become more and more difficult to buy in desired areas. I mean you can live in a ghetto in Stockton or Bakersfield for a few hundred thousands and own that house. but you will probably be shot if you do so. statistics say it's in favor against you.
  11. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    I'll punch you so hard in the back I'll collapse both of your lungs.
  12. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria It's several paid shills posing as some overweight loser who came up some shitty website

    Literally just now they did something to my phone causing it to make sound effects

    This whole website is a psyop I knew it from the beginning

    They're trying to experiment on me psychologically

    I agree with this.

    except I think he's just one person. clearly he knows how to code but he probably learn to do IT work as well in networking.

    I think he works on Market street at Wells Fargo.. but he might be down on New MOntgomery as I first suspected. perhaps he works at Yelp or for or even reddit. they're all down there in the same block.
  13. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ajax Unemployment benefits isn’t welfare. It’s funded by insurance premiums paid by your (former) employer, not by taxes.

    So what. I didn't suck off the teet.
  14. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Both are terrible actors and I'm sure that was a terrible movie.

    it's weird humor that I find amusing but it's really bizarre they would do that.
  15. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock i believe in crystal light. i believe in me.

    Don't dodge a serious question. You seem like you are an angry American getting fucked over by the system (as you see it) how much more can you get fucked over. Especially if NYC was your hometown. I mean even the med and emergency workers got killed. even if you hate stock brokers, what about others just minding their own fucking business or having to do their business?

    Do you actually think Dick Cheney did nothing wrong with his contracts for Halliburton to put out oil fires that not only iraqis would cause but American fighter jets as well?

    you're a little girlscout .. go sell some fucking cookies.
  16. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Mewsik Believe it or not, he banged the hottest chick on the site … I still scratch my head to that one. Not only banged 1 time … but we’re together for a bit.

    Attraction is a strange thing …

    are you her alt?

    show a photo of this so called "Hottest chick"
  17. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ajax This, seriously.

    Yes, either increase your income or cut your expenses. Why not both?

    I pay more in taxes than a lot of people earn in a year. Some would call that unfair. Others would push their way to the front of the line with their palms up.

    I'v only collected Unemployment. you know, What My taxes paid into. and not for long. I went looking for work

    My family nor I have ever tried to get on Section 8. I tried for SS but it's a mother fucker unless you have friends who work in those offices who make it easier for certain people to get it while others like me have to wait years. fuck that. fuck Social Security. and fuck those who suck the teet off the system
  18. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny roman candles are now all made in china.

    and gas is made in America.

    It's a globalist show. get to it.
  19. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Loing Just released some logs in the toilet

    pathetic lanster alt
  20. SpaceCakes African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun Same

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