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Posts by Concerned_Citizen

  1. Originally posted by GGG Hydros never been able to quit any drugs in her life because her dad who was illiterate home schooled her, and thus she never learned about symbolism.

    Or symbiosis
  2. Originally posted by Narc Read my previous post.

    Maybe you can explain things a bit more then.

    I mean what would somebody who wasn't affected say?

    O wise one



    Moran 😬
  3. Originally posted by mashlehash This. Is no one familiar with the relationship between a growing root, the scientific process and analysis of photosynthesis in relation to Space Light (Ethereal?) Travel?

    Can no one gravitate towards light, for christ's sake.

    Considering the collective intelligence of what I’d say is the majority of posters here it comes as no surprise to me
  4. Originally posted by Mewsik Your online boyfriend threatebd my children in a private message BECAUSE HE CLAIMED HE WAS PROTECTING YOU!!!!! I did NOTHING to deserve that … I thought you and I were friendly prior to that PM from YOUR PSYCHO looser online weirdo boyfriend.


    Looks like the alcohol consumption started way before I logged on this morning looooooolzzz
  5. Originally posted by DontTellEm Mewsik. She has already apologized to u. She's irrelevant to u, but u continue to harrass her at all hours of the morning…🙃

    Stop being a creep ass weirdo.

    Eery time this old broad mewsick posts she drunk as fuck. Given its New Year’s Eve she likely starting early

    I look forward to her insane incoherent blabber as the day and her alcohol consumption progresses

    Obvi this shit rents serious space in mewsicks head WH
  6. Originally posted by GGG Telling us how little it affects you is a sure sign of butthurt

    There’s actually a great deal of truth to this post ^^
  7. Originally posted by Loing

    He’s saving his pennies for a real step up in 2019

  8. Originally posted by HTS We can take this outside, I'll show you a "sir".

    CAP locks would have made this threat more effective sir
  9. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny theres no evidence to support the notion that this universe is infinite.

    There’s no evidence to support the notion that this universe isn’t infinite
  10. Originally posted by HTS Semantic, pedantic. Earthling intellect leaves much to be desired.

    As so ineloquently displayed by you sir
  11. There is little chance that in this entire universe we are the only life forms. What a waste of space that would be
  12. Originally posted by always hacking hackers fucking it up for everyone.

    well.. it only makes everyone go back to the drawing board and do-overs

    Thanks to technology there’s a way around everything

    My original point was that the implants were foretold in the book of revelations as an indication the end times are upon us
  13. Originally posted by i could see a spaceship transit center with portals going into separate wormholes into different galaxies one day.

    Probably already in use for centuries now
  14. Originally posted by Why do we need it implanted. people can just cut your hand off.

    it would be better with eye scans. someone cuts your eye out that eye turns white and changes. eye and facial scans should be used to buy shit or start our cars.

    We already know you can wear fake irises to fool a scanner into thinking you're not you, but this is the first fake iris you can use for impersonation: to fool a scanner into thinking you're someone else.
  15. Originally posted by they will argue none of them can travel here in their lifetime making it futile to do so.

    but if they figured out a portal of bending the universe into this region then it's clearly possible. and I believe they're already here. maybe fallen angels .. you never know.

    Worm holes allow for what we’d consider time travel, sort of a interstellar transit system
  16. Originally posted by HTS No. Only a batty conspiracy theorist would believe in aliens. I bet you like Alex Jones. 👾

    Technically people from foreign countries are considered aliens you fucking little dick moron

    Now, given the fact that the universe is infinite I think anyone who thinks we’re the only life forms inhabiting it is really pretty short sighted
  17. Originally posted by BeeReBuddy How may we help you end your miserable existence?

    Show him your liver
  18. Originally posted by GGG Can we not forget that you chased your boyfriend down the street and beat the shit out of him under a bridge in the name of revenge.

    Since they’re both men it is not related to beating a woman now is it.
  19. EMO
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