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Posts by Concerned_Citizen

  1. Unprotected Anal Entry
  2. Personality traits of conspiracy theorists

    Conspiracy theory experts have found that certain cognitive styles and personality traits might be common among people who believe in them.

    According to a 2020 study, people who believe in conspiracy theories tend to show personality traits and characteristics such as:

    paranoid or suspicious thinking
    desire to be part of a like-minded group
    low trust in others
    stronger need to feel special
    belief in the world as a dangerous place
    the need to see meaningful patterns where none exist

    Is everyone vulnerable to conspiratorial thinking? Not necessarily. Some people are smart enough to recognize nonsense when they see it. Others will believe whatever they’re told.
  3. C’mon
    Give the kid a fuckin cupcake
  4. Originally posted by Donald Trump To me what's most impressive that they only spent $666k, yet managed to fuck up the whole world.

    loooooool oooooooo scary

    666k 🤔 definitely don’t sound like bull shit
  5. Originally posted by stl1 90% of Covid deaths theses days are the unvaccinated.

    Stay unvaccinated, please.

    If they actually believe half the crap they post I’m sure they’ll remain unvaccinated and hopefully die 😎
  6. Originally posted by POLECAT nope everday is different,, like today I got to cuss out a bitch for piping up about me not wearing a mask when I was informed I had to have one on to shop at a store I pay 50 bucks a year to shop at,, I said Just who the fuck do you think you are lady? she said I'm nobody but you have to put ur mask on,, I replied well ms nobody mind your own motherfucking business and get to stepping fast and then I turned to the persaon working ther that stopped me for no mask and told her and everyone else to go fuck thereselves and turned and walked out like a motherfuckin BOSS !!

    then I was on my way home about to fire up a joont as soon as I passed this slow moving cunt on the dirt road, so we came around a curve and I knew I had a strait away so I hit my blinker like I never do and passed the fool as soon as I could see the oncomming traffic was not there but Missed the state trooper sitting on the side of the road,, didn't hesitate at all, just kept rolling out like it was MY road and the cop never even looked my way

    Imagine being such a douche bag that you’re actually bragging about behaving like a bipolar senile moron……big man, bitching out some poor minimum wage kid for doing her shitty job so you can have a place to shop

    The irony here is we wouldn’t even be in a position where they had to bring back mask mandates if you morons had been vaccinated instead of being walking Petri dishes for new more deadly versions of this virus SMFH

    I hope you ALL get Covid and die
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson All the while laughing at faggots with bandaids on..especially those bandaids with smiley faces on them

    The Hello Kitty ones are ok though

  8. Originally posted by WellHung lanny, plz mongolvoid this thread. scron ruined it

    No worries

    He’s got 29 more alts to post from 🤜🏼
  9. Crying Eric Trump Asks Father If They Poor Now

    WASHINGTON—Pacing slowly back and forth as he delivered his words, President Donald Trump reportedly told a room full of his supporters, “You have disappointed me” Wednesday while strapping on a gas mask. “The only thing I ever asked of you was your support, and indeed you’ve failed me at that,” said Trump, securing the military-grade breathing device in place as the sound of a click and hiss broke the stunned silence and a dark, noxious fume engulfed the terrified crowd. “You’ve followed me through the dawn of my rise and my darkest hours, and I always counted you among my most loyal disciples. But now I can see my trust was misplaced. I can’t believe I put faith in your obedience. You’re weak—all of you, weak.” At press time, Trump slowly headed for the exit, treading over the mass of still, silent bodies on the floor with a crunch.
  10. Joe Rogan reveals he's never fucked a 12 year old with Covid
  11. Originally posted by AngryIVer Literally zero reason this thread needed to be made, and even less reason you responded with a different account almost right away.

    Perplexing isn’t it
  12. Originally posted by Narc Just watch the lat 30 seconds to find out why everyone is now laughing their tits of at you.

    “Everyone” ummmmm, ok

    More kool-aid?
  13. MAGA

    Manipulating America’s Gullible Asswipes
  14. Judging everyone
  15. Ok bye 👋🏼👋🏼
  16. Originally posted by Narc Did any celebrities die from covid?

    I know the Yorkshire ripper did but he don't count
  17. Originally posted by Narc ^Clearly didn't watch video to the end

    Actually I didn’t watch the video at all

    I have a zero tolerance for that idiots BS 🤢 his stupidity literally makes me gag
  18. How do we know those aren’t “media lies” 🤣🤣

    Gullible aren’t ya Donnie 🤔
  19. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny how would biden fare if he was given the same iq test ?

    It wasn’t an IQ test moron…… The Montreal Cognitive Assessment is "designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction."
    Here have a look 👀 see if you could pass it

    Originally posted by Narc I dread to imagine how bidet would make out on same test

    Or you for that matter

    Now I’m no Biden fan, but let’s face it, he doesn’t behave like a 13 year old girl when he’s mad, he actually understands foreign policy and how the government works, he’s able to read English from teleprompters, he’s self made…not a silver spoon grifter who’s never actually worked for anything, and every word out of his mouth isn’t a lie. Imagine a world leader capable of behaving like an adult with an IQ higher than 45

    If you’d like more examples of Trumps imbecilic behavior:

    Truth be told, I’d have voted for Ronald McDonald over Donald the clown, that moron is an embarrassment to the United States
  20. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny just because trump dug a hole doesnt mean biden had to walk into it.

    ohhhh. i forgot hes senile.

    Yes tRump proved he’s senile

    Let's simplify this a bit. Unpack it from it's characteristically indecipherable Trump-ese. Recall, Trump bragging that he took a cognitive test— why, and what prompted the assessment, he doesn't say — and, upon passing, insists that the doctors were "very surprised."

    The doctors gave him a "very standard" cognitive test, something 5 year old could pass.

    The doctors were "very surprised" he passed the "very standard" cognitive test.

    The doctors said "that's an unbelievable thing" when he passed a "very standard" cognitive test.

    Personally, if rumors were swirling about my mental fitness to execute the responsibilities inherent in the most difficult job on Earth, I would simply not go on television and blab that a panel of doctors could barely believe that I'd cleared a basic assessment of mental acuity.

    But hey, that's just me.
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