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Posts by Mr Gay Men Watch

  1. Intense hotyoga in an attempt to build flexibility, so he can finallt suck his own dick and attain nirvana.
  2. risir
  3. Oh or Silicon Valley investor nazis who don't like smoke of any sort.
  4. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING III: The Quest for 911 Truth I'm a citizen of the world.


    Nigga took one bitchy puff like a 12 year old about to get in trouble, everybody starts acting like he smoked a cone in one hit or some shit.
  5. Rosie did u like my PM
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL 0.25/10

    Fuck you.
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL I've never used PMs. Anything anyone has to say or ask, they can do it on the public BBS.

    Fuck you.
  8. Haha he dougls ass
  9. Nigger watermelon grape soda KFC doritos
  10. Originally posted by Zanick I don’t mean to say that psychedelics are a significant factor in our ‘mental evolution’ as a species, rather on an individual scale they serve the purpose of modifying our self-consciousness in a manner that can be called progressive. I’m applying the Hegelian model, wherein the interplay of subject and object awareness, through the synthesis of baseline understanding and new things experienced, produces a novel subjectivity.

    If you focus solely on the phenomena of the trip (which is but a single phase of the dialectic) as your original post does, you fail to grasp the full revolution. The real impact of psychedelics comes in a carefully moderated integration of the experience.

    It's a very meticulous cognitive process which determines how it might be integrated with what we already know and feel, but my view is that this process can be planned for and guided along to yield, as you have conceded in your original post, some positive outcomes.

    Barring the tautology (I don't care if it's real or simulated, the experience happens regardless and can be interpreted) and your mischaracterizing the phenomena of psychedelia as “garbage information”, I think we have common ground.

    Anyone who takes a psychedelic with the expectation that it will produce insight of value should have a preexisting framework of understanding that isn't full of holes to begin with, and they must follow-up with a similarly rational handling of what they experience or they are liable to believe any number of silly things without justification

    Perhaps, if it was factual. But I'm not arguing that psychedelics are or should be considered essays in fact given that they have awesome, well-documented potential to be exactly the opposite.

    Right, I get that, but my understanding of what you're saying is (or posits) that ALL new experiences are what might be called "progressive", if you can subsequently learn from that experience, and integrate it into your consciousness and rationality.

    For example, both of us might have been able to understand that domain of experience through our rational, self critical analysis after the fact and learn something from it in a way that is positive to us, so to speak.

    Is this an accurate representation of your opinion?

    If so, I must raise three objections.

    1. Contemplation opens many doors, but behind them are only other doors. For us this is a den of curiosity, but for the less curious it is a Pandora's box of dissatisfaction and angst. What justifies your positive valuation of this particular way to handle our experiences? What if I prefer to act as many do, impulsively and unmindfully?

    2. Do you believe it is impossible for your cognitive machinery to output a garbage answer if it receives a garbage input?

    Are you proposing that your rationality is necessarily able to process these massive, noisy sets of alien experiential data in the most true or correct way (whatever you choose to define that as)?

    We have an absolute boatload of empirical cognitive research data on biases and illusions that the brain succumbs to. We're a grotesque patchwork meat machine that hacks itself into consciousness. It's not pretty or clean, and it's definitely not rigorous.

    What makes you think that your attempts to parse and analyse what might be largely meaningless data will yield good results? I could find meanings in the clouds if I wanted to, and turn those into seemingly useful little stories to tell myself.

    3. Are you implying that the combination of the experience and your rationality, in light of the previous 2 points, cannot lossibly generate a net negative outcome for you? Do you think there really is a truly "correct" way to process those experiences, and do you believe that you know what that true way is for sure?

    I suppose this is a moot point, however, if you believe that self-awareness is a cosmic joke. Can you elaborate on that view?

    As a species of conscious agents that evolved in an interacting biological community within a natural environment, we have evolved to model the data about our environment in intentional and teleological terms, and assign agency to anything that moves, so we can avoid threats. That threat avoidance is so we can try to not die.

    But when we turn that eye inwards, well, the ultimate teleological "purpose" of all living things is to die and there isn't much we can do to avoid that. It's a self-ringing panic alarm,and we can't really turn off that faculty. The best we can do is come to grips with why we will continue to feel that fear deep down, and try to not to fear that fear itself, and live life knowing that it's the result of a broken but essentially useful cognitive tool.

    We also need to understand that we cannot model ourselves teleologically: you can only determine your behaviour, not predict it in a vacuum.

    Instead, I’m responding to your claim that what can be said is verifiable should be of paramount importance in the context of psychedelic use.

    Could you quote where I said that?

    I’m asserting that the value of such an experience does not rest solely on its relationship to truth—in fact, not even primarily is it necessary for a productive psychedelic episode to bear resemblance to anything real or factual.

    I am arguing that there doesn't seem to be any grounds to say it's definitely productive and positive, and it's almost logically inarguable that garbage data can very easily be mishandled by your cognitive machinery. In their mechanism, applying psychs to your brain is like removing the character type restrictions from a text entry field on a form; it is very easy to see how this could result in fucked output.
  11. Jack Johnson
  12. Originally posted by Ghost

    Oh sweet, is that the new Yellow Ebola?
  13. Originally posted by aldra Oh right, I thought you were talking about current tech. If anything though I'd expect that to be easier to intercept as long as you have forewarning of a launch - it'd be like artillery (China actually claims to be working on EM/railgun artillery at the moment), unable to avoid countermeasures and it's speed limited by gravity (given that it travels in an arc). I guess you could armor it and pack in more 'smart' electronics though since weight won't be such an issue - counter-counter-measures and the like.

    Wouldn't the projectile still be moving horizontally at like Mach 6 or whatever? I feel like it would completely impossible to intercept such a shot.
  14. Originally posted by Lanny A distraction from what? You're the one that described the human condition as absurd, self awareness as a "cosmic joke". What better response is there to a joke than to laugh? What better answer to absurdity than to select an obviously meaningless project like videogames and embracing that absurdity, engaging in that meaningless project vigorously, acknowledging the lack of some grand extrinsic meaning but authentically pursuing your goals anyway?

    Yes like I said, first you accept the joke of your existence, THEN you play videogames.
  15. Lmao, HTS Thank
  16. Originally posted by gadzooks Have you, or anyone you've known, actually accomplished this?

    I'd be quite surprised; skeptical, in fact.

    I mean, I'm alright with it. I don't know if I've gained perfect acceptance per se but I don't see the need to have any fear of death. You just avoid it because you want to keep doing more things, but it's not necessarily a tragedy.

    I'm doing my best to lead a noble life, so when I die, I put it all in a neat blue box with a ribbon on it and sign out to my satisfaction. If not, that's okay too; I'm a relatively stoic person and I'll be fine with just getting it over with, ultimately.
  17. Originally posted by Mr Gay Men Watch If I die satisfied with my conduct, I call that heaven. If I die with thoughts of what could have been, I call that hell.

    And so we will judge ourselves with more mercy or cruelty than god ever could, because the mirror reflecting on itself reaches beyond infinity.

    I wanted to elaborate a little on this.

    I like to imagine what I might be like on my deathbed.

    I can imagine nothing more terrifying than to be laying there in my final minutes, drifting off into unconsciousness, reflecting on what a pussy I was that one time and I should have said what I meant, or maybe I did wrong by that person and it hurts me that I hurt them, how I never got to tell the people I loved the things I needed to say.

    Conversely, I think if I make peace with everything I can, and make peace with the fact that I can't for the things I can't, and if I lead a life worth leading... I think I will be perfectly satisfied and happy to put a bow on it and step into the dark.

    And consider that maybe if the death DMT is kicking in, it might lead to you having a positive or negative trip on the way out too so hey, maybe psychs do have some relevance.

    Do you really need any greater reason to not be a turdbag in life, than to ease that transition into death?

    Heaven, nirvana. It's that place of happiness when you've lead a good life and can end it with a smile.

    Hell, jahannam. It's the anguish of your final despair.
  18. Originally posted by aldra a gaping void

    highly poetic


    We're all trying to fill a god shaped hole in our ass.
  19. Originally posted by gadzooks But maybe distraction is the answer?

    Life is suffering, after all, as the Buddhists claim.

    It's probably no coincidence that they embrace mindfulness and focus, to keep the mind from wandering towards existentially frightening thoughts.

    No, not quite. Buddhism has many answers for such questions, but they ultimately terminate in recognizing the limitations of our knowledge. There is no distraction from that fact. Acceptance is entirely different than distractions. The answer is not to distract yourself from the existential questions, but to come to terms with them.

    The answer is to accept the facts and then play videogames.
  20. Originally posted by RisiR † I might be able to talk myself out of it, though. Wish me luck.

    Talking to yourself is how you start going full Mash
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