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Posts That Were Thanked by Donald Trump

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Our hand is with you on the trigger, as we fight the enemy of God in support of our most vulnerable people and our oppressed people in beloved Palestine, so strike them above the necks, and strike them with every finger, and be certain that your martyrs and our martyrs are on the path to Jerusalem, until the day of the promised conquest.

    Hez's latest statement is like a Judas Priest song - badass, but also kind of gay
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  2. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    is GG or the prostitute the white phosphorous in this scenario
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  3. Kawkasian African Astronaut
    That isn't wine the black woman is holding, it's purple drank.
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    'The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has taken the decision to fully liberate Iraq from all foreign military presence, and there will be no backing down.'
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  5. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kingoffrogs I'm going to cum to this picture tonight.

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  6. Originally posted by Kawkasian German-Israeli woman kidnapped at music festival has been found dead, Israel's foreign ministry says

    I'd have subjected her to unspeakable horrors too…

    I'm going to cum to this picture tonight.
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra Yemen's talking a lot of shit lately

    apparently they said that they were going to send a bigger wave of missiles than israel's ever seen at 1PM, which was about 5 minutes ago, Yemen time. flight time to israel is 1-2 hours depending on what they're firing.

    to compensate for their low ABM stocks israel's moved a bunch of naval ships to the Red Sea to try to intercept them en route.

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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    "subversion? that's when you shoot up aid ships with a submarine innit"
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  9. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    in that case,

    the north of israel is largely blind thanks to Hez's efforts (pay attention to the targets they favour):

    their ABM shield is down and their ground forces are tied up in Gaza. Nasrallah is scheduled to make a speech in two days. Yemen is openly threatening their nuclear facilities:

    who moves next? does the US get involved? do they make good on their big talk of the SAMSUNG OPTION?
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  10. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by aldra israeli media reporting their Iron Dome interceptor stockpiles are low to the point where they have to be selective about what targets to engage

    Its times like these I look to conflicts in the middle east for heartwarming feel good news
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly lanced lannys longing labia, letting her larp as a little laotian ladyboy lapdancer..................................... and prize to the first country to declare war on judenkikeland goes to yemen

    lends credence to my original theory that Saudi Arabia kicked this off

    "why did you bomb a refugee camp?"
    "there was Hamas in there"
    "but you knew it was densely packed with noncombatants right?"
    "yeah but there was Hamas in there, we had to kill them"
    "...can you even confirm that any Hamas members were killed?"
    "no lol"

    Wolf Blitzer of CNN spent time working for AIPAC and has spent his career running cover for j'ews and even he can't believe this shit
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  12. Sophie's Ghost Yung Blood
    and I'm here for ghostly vengeance. I don't forgive my enemies, and Kafka, you're just that to me now. You should have left well enough alone.
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  13. Originally posted by Donald Trump
    Maybe skip to 1:15

    Don't piss your neighbours off. Some of them go hard.

    everything was fine until the bitch started to act uppity and belligerant to the point the large negroe had to restrain her.

    if you ever had to confront another agitated man, dont let your bitch get anywhere near the both of you.
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    doesn't mention that the malteser man put a pair of scissors to his neck

    everybody in that story is retarded

    "My husband had no gun, no weapon. Why did you bring a gun to shoot my family? Why would you bring a gun to tear my family apart? Why? Why?" Delille said.

    he brought a pair of scissors to a gunfight

    also you can't really tell without sound but it looked like the shooter was going to let it go until malteser said something at the end there
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  15. Originally posted by aldra they effectively blockaded the Palestinian enclaves and left them with a leadership that only knew how to rage impotently and piss on everything, giving the people an outlet for their political will but knowing that it'd just splash against the walls they'd built and evaporate in the sun.

    as it turns out, their blockade wasn't as total as they thought and their 'project' was very receptive to israel's neighbours who are tired of them playing their shitty Yid music at all hours and stealing their lawn furniture.

    its also very good that theyre now actively attacking the west bank because it gives the world a preview of what happens when there arent any hamases.

    same shit happens.

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  16. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny idk. it sounds retarded anyone would create anything that they cant control in the end because to accept this it would be necessary ti accept the fact that theyre run by either retards, or just reckless people.

    or reckless retards.

    they effectively blockaded the Palestinian enclaves and left them with a leadership that only knew how to rage impotently and piss on everything, giving the people an outlet for their political will but knowing that it'd just splash against the walls they'd built and evaporate in the sun.

    as it turns out, their blockade wasn't as total as they thought and their 'project' was very receptive to israel's neighbours who are tired of them playing their shitty Yid music at all hours and stealing their lawn furniture.
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Donald Trump

    Inside the bakery, my great-grandmother and great aunt witnessed a horrific scene that continues to haunt me. My grandmother often shared this story with us because she believed it was our responsibility to never forget.

    While holding villagers in the bakery hostage, Zionist soldiers ordered the baker, Hussein al-Shareef from the town of Lydd, to throw his son Abdul Rauf into the burning oven. After refusing, the soldiers knocked Hussein to the ground and proceeded to throw Abdul Rauf into the oven while his father watched.

    “Follow your son. He needs you there,” said one of the soldiers before throwing Hussein in next.

    it might actually just be an inversion of a story the Palestinians tell about the massacres in the 40s and 50s.

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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny isnt hamas an extention of mossard

    the israelis essentially created and use them as an outlet for the Arabs to disperse their political energy so that nothing changes; the PLA/PLO were actually moving the people forward to a 'two state solution' - at the time the people weren't ready to accept it but they were making progress up until Rabin was killed and Arafat was chased away.

    that said, they don't seem to have as much control over Hamas as they thought
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  19. CandyRein Black Hole

    When we did it out here in the wetlands earlier today🧡

    Doggy style while I was holding on the rail 🤫
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  20. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

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