African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
that seems to be some sort of affliction or malfomration of your brain. could be tumorous in the oblongata t.h.h.
2020-02-10 at 7:40 PM UTC
Random Thoughts
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
well no offence larry but you must be pretty fat. on dh you use to show just about everything in your avatar... flashing off your body to anyone *homer simpson drool like he drools when donuts are around* now you can't even post one pic? you must weigh over 50 stone and make jabba the hutt look sexy
man what happened to you..???
2020-02-10 at 7:36 PM UTC
What did you eat today?
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
bloody juicy burgers with almost all the fixins..lettuce was bad. still delicious though. need a nap soon
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
posting this post in op wellhung thread.
2020-02-10 at 4:01 PM UTC
Dad thread
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
only thing that piece of shit and i had in common is we were/are both scorpios, he introduced to whisky both of us love(d)that shit...boy did he ever regret that one. only talked to him a few times after he kicked me out at 15..2 funerals and at that crack house he was staying at about 6 months before he died. we just couldn't stand each other most of the time...he really hated everything about me and when i got ol enough not to back down to him and i was a drunk i hated everything about him too. our last talk was less than a dozen words and i said them..he didn't say shit. fucking coward. when i got the call he was found dead in the crackhouse with his meedical issues i went on a almost 4 day binge...i was supoosed to go his service but last minute said fuck it and passed out for like idk 15hrs plus til my brothers handed me a new asshole and gut for not showing up. fuck him.
me and mother got along okay...it was hard to reach her at times when i really needed her but when she was coherent and with me or anyone she was a great mom. did her best. i just never felt close to her. she died a lil bit before that piece of shit...didn't hit me hard but always felt like something was missing when she passed. i think if had've been more in tune with the here and now...expressed herslf...and got out more i think she could have lived a helluva lot longer.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
you kinda remind me of the Oracle on the Hilarious House of Frightenstein Casper. well read my fortune BITCH.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
didn't know you were in a gang tech...i see you know how this and that goes with symbolism of the feet. so gangsta
but can you speak cantonese with them? i do that shit all the time
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
so seat back, totally fucking naked, thighs are doing the driving, and you is masturbating to rihanna's umbrella but what makes you cum all over the inside of your windshield is seeing Michael Jackson back from the dead in a dolorian with Mikey J fox break dancing to Weird Al's Amish in a Paradise
eh Candy? yeah i feel ya my Mondays are always like that too...in my car til the Pig's pull me over and wondering why is there pink jello all over the place and take me in for disturbing the peace. Before I go wit em I just blast Private Dancer and give them all a lap dance they will never forget.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
Welp seeing around..Rip Oct.
On topic jizz it up and freeze the carpet for a week or so. Unthaw...and take it to a car wash. Problem solved.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
and his poodle on a merry go round
2020-02-10 at 12:32 PM UTC
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
exactly 100 million? or give or take a bit. got pics of this thing nude?
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
its all fake. chinks can't be trusted. nothing more than a major cash grab on a dozen or so episodes of "Ahhhhh"..."Help me"...'Save the dingo from ma baby" "LIKE OMFG! GOTTA POST THIS ON INSTAGRAM" "I'll be back..." coming from that Funny hair gook going to bomb them. Fuck off with any of dat shit and just make a massacring porn filled with living and dead chink babies hopping off on the nuclear bomb. Faggots.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
my anus is terrifying...you just can't imagine what i got up there for brains. its a real horror show.
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
who the fuck knows? strangest shit seems to happen everywhere when i read the news. thankfully i don't do that often. curiousity got the better of me...wanted de niro or pesci to win in their category...hell even hanks
whatever to hollywood in real life...and news. i will just stick to watching their movies and thats it. i find more and more foreign shit more entertaining like the italians with their giallos, japs and koreans with their horrors, underground shit..
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
wasting time online..til i can motivate myself to do something else. coffee is certainly ain't doing shit for me right now. might need to cattle prodded into doing something. even than i don't know
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
didn't watch. fuck brad pitt. zellwger? fuck her as well. two cunts should be raped in a south american prison than necklaced.
2020-02-10 at 12:11 PM UTC
Random Thoughts
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
well that tends to happen when you are locked in a cage nearly 24hrs a day larry. jesus fuck get out and butcher her fine ass with you cock and the nearest chainsaw. put her in her place. not the other way around. wake the fuck up
2020-02-10 at 12:09 PM UTC
What did you eat today?
African Astronaut
[that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
haven't eaten yet..yesterday i had bbq and fries(assorted had to different bags goin so finished them off)