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Posts by Jackrabbitfyi

  1. Negro? Dear gawd that's a dated term
  2. Originally posted by Grimace And the resulting cocaine has also been crudely purified somewhat, resulting in a more potent per weight coke shot that you would've got if you just bought powdered coke right off the street.

    I've shot both powdered coke and crack and I think anyone who has done both will tell you overwhelmingly that shooting the crack is way better.

    That being said I don't recommend either
  3. Originally posted by Grimace And the resulting cocaine has also been crudely purified somewhat, resulting in a more potent per weight coke shot that you would've got if you just bought powdered coke right off the street.

    I've shot both powdered coke and crack and I think anyone who has done both will tell you overwhelmingly that shooting the crack is way better.

    Yup. Agree
  4. I thought you said the rapist. Isn't that funny though?

    Therapist = the rapist. Tells ya something there
  5. Zopiclone is like trazadone. My mom swears by trazedone. The shit just makes me dizzy
  6. In NJ. My good friends mother and I did theater. She interview a bunch of murderers and wrote books on them. Mary s rysuk. Check her out
  7. I like serial killer documentary movies. Like ed gain
  8. Originally posted by Ghost Nah its great you can stay awake for a week on $100

    Not me... I don't get the same feel as others. It's like taking a diet pill to me and too speedy. It gives me the feeling I don't like from some coke
  9. Originally posted by Ghost baking soda is for making it freebase

    lemon juice reverses that process and makes cocaine hcl instead of freebase

    That's what I said... You said it better lol
  10. Meth sucks, I think. It's like the crap version of coke. I was on roxys for many years. Quit one day cuz I thought I was making my pain worse. Went through 6 months of withdrawals. Wouldn't go to detox or take suboxone
  11. Originally posted by trippymindfuk Weed is definitely better. I like heroin the best but I can't deal with that pesky dying….

    Or withdrawals omg
  12. Naw not really ...imo
  13. Originally posted by Ghost It's not crack anymore if you break it down

    If anything is mixes with anything it becomes something new. It's just the point that unlike heroin Meth and coke... Because crack is made with coke and baking soda, you need the lemon juice to dissolve the baking soda and break it back down into a form that can be shot
  14. Originally posted by Ghost This gif was 15mb when I started, pulled it from youtube

    It's cool. I am just at a loss... I'd pick something Id hate in an hour lol
  15. Originally posted by Ghost nice avatar

    IDK how to do cool avatars like you guys. I was impressed I could shrink a picture. I'm not keeping it tho. Just wanted to see if I could
  16. Originally posted by Ghost then you could just use water but if its like #3 heroin where you need to add an acid then its not really injecting freebase cocaine if you are acidifying it

    No with crack you can't use water. It wont break down with water. Coke does but not crack
  17. There are many but most are Broadway singers.
  18. Originally posted by Ghost If you have to add lemon to it that doesn't really make it injecting crack

    You add lemon juice rather than water to break the crack down. It's the same as shooting anything... Water dilutes it a bit but you can't shoot a Rock or powder
  19. Originally posted by Ghost I ate weed

    Yes me too...
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