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Posts by Jackrabbitpsych

  1. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Pretty sure it was spotless.

    Well then couldnt be that huge of a doofus....or is it?

    Well i confused myself
  2. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun I'll be your superman lol

    Well superman aint got nothing on Charlie Puth (as he states in one call away) but im quite sure charlie puth doesnt fly and cant deflect bullets and shoot lazers from his eyes.

    Actually im accident prone so superman seems a scary choice for me lol.
  3. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano I saw a porn where a stick of butter was shoved in the rectum of a gourl and then her anus was creampied in and another gyrl sipped on the expelled concoction.

    I used to do tech for porn...ive seen too much. Im pretty desensitized
  4. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Erekshun It's time we finally meet.

    Who is this masked
  5. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Douchey doofus

    Im not sure that that insult makes sense....does it? At least the doofus is clean, i suppose
  6. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Again 3 threads just in my immediate sightline does not SCREAM, you are really outta here. Ya know
  7. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby it happens, I tell girls i love them when I don't and they are usually all over my shit

    Yeah i think a lot of chicks like not one and im very clear about that
  8. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Prepackaged salmon?

    What type?
  9. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by esbity Good question. IDK..

    My father had the magic number two when it came to glasses of pino...i never asked how much he drank and he for sure had at least 2 bottles to get that bombed so its just reminiscent. Do you think youre an alchoholic or just drank too much? Or neither
  10. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    That is super. I just started sleeping with a guy last week. He fucked it up by telling me he loved me. Now im all grossed out
  11. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Omg so what, love...honestly. she always thinks im someone else entirely. However, i will do as you requested. I understand
  12. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by eyeluvthe9ds A/S/L all looking 4 a hot 14/f/cali

    Omg those ads were redic
  13. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SpaceCakes I always had the impression Japanese women had large breast.

    that Youtube Persona from Japan who died. small boobies. the thing is she would of lived (tofu hiker" or something weird like that) but she fell 70 feet into a ravine and it took the rescue guys nearly 2 days to find her. she froze to death. A snow storm blocked a rescue medivac from getting to her.

    this lady looks like that lady.

    They are usually skinny minis...but thats my own experience and stereotype i guess
  14. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Why 2 beers? Just curious
  15. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Shes funny and sweet. Yall be trippin
  16. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Whatchou talking bout mewsik
  17. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RestStop Gangs ain't even shit tho!

    Ive hung out with john gotti...hells angels....crips...pagens so on and so forth...maffia is pretty fucked up but they are the most similar to the hells angels i knew based on their "women and children" mentality. They are all bad ass tho
  18. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SpaceCakes Mews, if you leave. take Cup with you. one of the convalescent workers forgot to change her and she most certainly had an extra serving of asparagus from the scent she left behind from her last postings.

    Cup hates me always has...years of her thinking she knows false shit about me. Weird
  19. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby no my cousin, my brother kinda looks like me but not as much as my cousin does. It's weird how it works.

    My aunts a mormon...i choose jedis
  20. Jackrabbitpsych African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls i swear i won’t come back

    Then why say free....spread those wings...i guess
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