victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0
I fucking hate this piece of dogshit modern world with it's bland soullessness, jews pushing for mind control and censorship, the left replacing the religious right as the no-fun-allowed nannies and gaming being so shallow and boring.
The 2010s decade is objectively garbage.
Here is to hoping the 2020s will be better.
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2019-06-08 at 6:55 PM UTC
Ghost is really nice...
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
I wrote this all out earlier but it got deleted because when I tried to submit, my internet switched to a banned IP and it all got lost.
So, I don't think spice is safe like DietYellow retardedly assumed. I've actually suffered from long term effects from it after using it daily for most of 2012-2014. Mainly my point was that people who overdose on it are retarded. Like I said, I used it daily and I never overdosed not even once. It's your personal responsibility to research the drugs you're doing. Smoking a fat blunt of the stuff is fucking retarded and anybody who has spent at least five minutes googling the shit should know that. The real risks for any responsible user (ie: Not most drug users, because most drug users are retards) are the unknown cardiovascular/neurotoxic/etc effects that you should accept as a risk when doing relatively unstudied research chemicals. And for that matter, you should never do pre-mixed spice since you really have zero idea of how much of what drugs you're doing. Smoke a full bowl and you're asking for trouble.
When I was using it, I developed these weird numb heart palpitations from AM-2201. It continued for like a year even while sober. I read of some others online having the same issue. The only persisting issue for me is that I now become physically addicted to marijuana. It actually took a really long time for me to figure this out as I was never much of a weed smoker, but eventually I used for like a month straight and started having the same symptoms I would have with syncan withdrawal. Numb skin (most telling symptom tbh) mood swings, complete loss of appetite to where I can't eat more than a few bites, constant nausea, liquid shits, etc.
It's nowhere near as severe as what I experienced with shit like AM-2201/MAM-2201, AKB-48, or PB-22, but it's still a lot worse than going without weed should be. I'm pretty sure that synthetic cannabinoids have permanently fucked my cannabinoid receptors or something. I've been trying to rule it out for like two years because it's just so fucking odd, but unfortunately it seems like weed really does fuck me hard now. I just use it sparingly now and it isn't an issue.
Plus, HTS is right. Full agonism = full retard. Usually with weed your tolerance hits a point to where it doesn't really do much but with synthetic cannabinoids you can always get to dissociative, psychotic space, and it can be pretty alluring to do that regularly and become a zombie. It'll completely fuck with your tolerance as well, smoking weed is pretty much a waste if you're using syncans.
I will personally never touch the stuff again. The withdrawal is seriously fucking brutal and it just isn't worth it. I'm not some dude who smoked a spice blunt and got sent to the hospital, or some media propaganda news anchor. I'm a nigga who used all sorts of different synthetic cannabinoids and now has guinea pig side effects that don't seem to be going away anytime soon. Who knows what kind of other damage it may have done. Huffing fumes over a lit foil every 45 minutes for months on end can't possibly be good for you.
I think that's scarier than all the overdose stories personally. I mean they do feel great and all. I remember pb-22 felt almost opioid like. JWH-072 had some nice ass CEVs too. But the risk to reward ratio is shit, especially if you aren't trying to pass any drug tests and you already have high quality legal weed available to you. And if you absolutely are determined to use them, you should look for the early JWH series or AKB-48. Those are the best ones imo. I think fubianca and whatnot are related to AKB-48 but I'm not sure, I haven't really kept up with the newest RCs.
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Bill Krozby has a lot of jail stories lol.
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[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by Dregs
yep. i'm gonna go for 2 weeks starting today. if i rage too much of it i will rob and beat some ol granny on the street and hope she has enough change so i can get a mickey or better(thats if she is a rich cunt.)
So your definition of rich is being able to afford more than some change for a mickey
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2019-06-10 at 4:56 AM UTC
One word story
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
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2019-06-10 at 4:26 AM UTC
Who are you sleeping with?
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
I am sleeping with Shell.
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[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by Bill Krozby
lol i had this "friend" dale , only hung out a few times, but he came over with his xbox and games and we were gonna chill and drink. my baby mammer when she was pregnant was over and was gonna leave shortly. I went to the bathroom and came out and what not, she was leaving and told me "your weird friend was hitting on me when you were in the bathroom"
and I was like meh.. whatever.. and anyways like the guy invited me to gym at one point and I went and worked out with him. Later that night we were drinking and he asked if he could sleep on my couch and i was like nah im not gay like that im going to bed cya later and he got really butt hurt and was like "I INVITED TO WORK OUT TO WORKOUT WITH ME!" as if that's a holy bond that seals us together as bromos or something
If you invite someone to drink at your house you should at least let them sleep on your couch. Especially if there's nobody sober to drive. That's a pretty shitty way to treat a friend Bill Krozby. If you don't trust the dude to sleep over don't invite him to drink with you. Piece of gay shit you are bromo.
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2019-06-08 at 2:13 PM UTC
ATTN CASPER about Malice
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Nobody cares about your gay dreams
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2019-06-07 at 11:17 PM UTC
Holy fucking misery.
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
The male hippo has been known to defecate by bending its penis backwards (which it can do naturally and without effort) and pissing into the shit stream as they spray the horrid waste mixture around with their flapping tails.
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2019-06-08 at 6:46 PM UTC
Ghost is really nice...
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
He sucks dick
It's not right.
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2019-06-08 at 4:12 AM UTC
Government monopoly on weed
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Cop: show me your papers
Giggling stoner: *throws zig zags at cop*
Cop: hes got a gun
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2019-06-08 at 2:56 AM UTC
Music video areola
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
The areola is actually the nigger of the nipple so it only counts for 3/5ths of a nipple.
So actually it's only like 7.5% of a nip slip. Chill out nigga. Haven't u ever had your dick slip out at Walmart?? Same principle applies here. Be gracious and thankful for the nipple we do see. It is a beautiful thing.
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[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
She left to go masturbate to you gadzooks, don't you worry. She'll be back to look for you eventually.
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[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by gadzooks
She left after one drink.
She shoulda slid on over and put her hand on my cock, as is customary in my culture.
Wow. If you ever see her again be sure to tell her how rude she is.
Also, I suggest taking mash's advice of finger finger finger.
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2019-06-07 at 11:15 PM UTC
Pineapple on pizza is gross
victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
I came for a thread about pizza.
OP should kill himself
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[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by WellHung
lol…his user name should be pinocchio.
When he lies, the distance between him and his daughter gets bigger and bigger.
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[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers
Well, yeah. Pretending to be racist or sexist or homophobic has always been a big part of the totse community. Same with posting goatse and tubgirl etc
Yep. Like I told Candyrein, the first time I called her a nigger I didn't know she was black. But she got so offended that I didn't want to stop, it was like striking gold. The day she called me a spic I orgasmed so hard I hit my head on a bird's nest. It was fantastic.
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
It's called trolling and its fun. Of course I'd never call candyrein a nigger to her face. Don't think many here would. This has just been how people fuck around in this community since always. I literally just copy paste the same three words and all you niggers lose your shit. I'm not racist, it's all just lolz. To me, if no one else.
Whats not lolz is being a real life homeless dope addict with a child to be responsible for. That's some serious shit. Tell us hydro, who takes care of your son while you rot away on the streets and shove needles into your arm? You ever taken your son panhandling with you? These are the pressing matters at hand.
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victim of incest
[my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
He made up phone stuff about me as well lol
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