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Why is Windows XP so fucking lightning fast but Windows 10 is absolute garbage?

  1. #41
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Does anybody here remember the hentai sites back in the day?
    The ones where you would get galleries of photos, most of them taken from crappy visual novels with lots of censors.
    I would go to those sites mainly for the forums and one day (I think it was on exhentai) one of the people who ran it got fed up with me and told me to go to a place called "4chan", my life has never been the same since.
  2. #42
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Most of the major ISPs now block FTP/HTTP ports, if you try to setup a home server on your own box. Also, you basically have to use DynDNS, because the ISPs usually use dynamic IPs.
  3. #43
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Despite one of my earliest memories of 4chan being unpleasant (some douchebg said something mean to me on /b/) I really really love old-school 4chan.
    It was such a unique and wonderful place ... like it encapsulated geek culture of that time ... now that tech is so mainstream and all the normies are on the web now that feeling has completely disappeared.
    4chan of today is absolutely nothing like it used to be.
    There was this special and unique Japanophile aspect to it, with the community being comprised of real otaku, not these fucking normie fucks like you find today who discovered anime through crunchyroll and netflix and goddamn I wish I could murder those stupid whores who dress up as anime or video game characters and then do porn ... "LOL LOOK AT ME I'M SUCH A GEEK LOL" ... those whores defile sacred and pure 2D women.
    Everything back then was more special and unique and no, this is not nostalgia, because I have literally lived on the web since 12 and saw in realtime the transition, everything started getting really boring around 2008 - 2012.
    All I wanna do is go on 4chan and see the sidebar back, anime porn front and center, normies and otaku haters gone, Japanphiles back and everything back in swing.
    It's really weird too because when I go there now it's very obvious the people there are clueless about what the site is truly/was truly about, they feel like completely different people.
    I wonder where all the oldfags went.
    I'm afraid to visit Japan now because it might be completely different than the one I wanted to visit when I was 15.
  4. #44
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    I would rather see ugly women who are real otaku than these stupid whores who just dress up in cosplay for attention
  5. #45
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    When facebook inevitably dies will the internet return to greatness?
  6. #46
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    This isn't my screenshot but just take a look at it

    isn't it beautiful?

    The sidebar
    MSN Messenger
    Windows XP
    Anime porn right next to the technology board
    People talking about real videya like Metal Gear ... not this modern garbage like fortnight or whatever

    I seriously contemplate suicide just so I can go back and relive that era
  7. #47
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    btw I always preferred echii to the degenerate garbage
    I have always had class
  8. #48
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    "if you build it they will come"

    Guys, I'm going to revive the early to mid 00s and keep it alive for eternity.
    We can pretend as though the 2010s never happened.
    Throw away your "smart"phone, go back to Windows XP or something prior, don't ever use a widescreen monitor or television and make sure to stock up on PS2s and Xboxes.
  9. #49
    WellHung Black Hole (banned)
    u guys are computer nerds.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. #50
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    I fucking hate this piece of dogshit modern world with it's bland soullessness, jews pushing for mind control and censorship, the left replacing the religious right as the no-fun-allowed nannies and gaming being so shallow and boring.
    The 2010s decade is objectively garbage.
    Here is to hoping the 2020s will be better.
  11. #51
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    lmao @ shota being next to "sexy beautiful women" more like pig disgusting 3D whores
  12. #52
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I use WinXP mainly for the ability to play the old classic MS-Dos/Win based games, like Warcraft II Tides of Darkness, Starcraft, HalfLife, Medal of Honor, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Quake/QuakeII, Blood, Recoil, RedLine, HitMan, etc,. The kind of games you can come back to years later and they still deliver. The games of today are complete and utter garbage. Who wants "real", when you're playing a game!? An epic game should be fun, not real.
  13. #53
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Fortunately, it appears as though Japan is still somewhat pure and has yet to be totally corrupted by the jews.

    As you can see, there isn't an abundance of niggers or mudslims (yet) (hopefully never).
  14. #54
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The games of today are complete and utter garbage.

    They are and believe me, it is not goddamn fucking "nostalgia".
    People used to put so much effort into games, now they feel so hollow and formulaic.
    The 6th generation was an absolute FUCKING masterpiece and then the 7th happened, which I recognized as being shit back then so it wasn't nostalgia.
    The 8th gen has been so mediocre it's depressing.
    We have virtual reality now but I'm not even excited because gaming has gone to shit and jews want to control everything so I have no hope for that medium as far as gaming is concerned.
  15. #55
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    I like first-person action games which have a "cartoonish quality", like No One Lives Forever, or Quake. Right now, I'm playing Soldier of Fortune.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #56
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I like first-person action games which have a "cartoonish quality", like No One Lives Forever, or Quake. Right now, I'm playing Soldier of Fortune.

    Eh I was never into pure FPS, I like the ones that have a story and are more like adventure games such as The Darkness.
  17. #57
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    My favorite games of all time are:

    1 - Shenmue 2
    2 - Silent Hill 3
    3 - Dragon Quest VIII
    4 - Disaster Report
    5 - Indigo Prophecy
  18. #58
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    btw I was looking for new games of interest and I discovered this:

    it looks pretty neat and there is a physical version so I might pick it up
  19. #59
    -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by HikikomoriYume0 My favorite games of all time are:

    1 - Shenmue 2
    2 - Silent Hill 3
    3 - Dragon Quest VIII
    4 - Disaster Report
    5 - Indigo Prophecy

    If you like those kinds of games, you should try DarkStone sometime. It's pretty epic.
  20. #60
    HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Looks interesting.

    I tried installing Postal 2 earlier but for whatever reason the disc shows up with malware so idk.
    I'll try installing Morrowind and have some fun with that, I never have gotten around to finishing that one.
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