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Posts by Blue Oyster Cult

  1. a bangladeshi painter
  2. It's not a problem I CAN STOP ANY TIME IWWANT
  3. TAKE IT OFF!!
  4. I just want to get funky town
  5. Originally posted by Wariat i think scron and brwdley should wlso sort their lives out with ai.

    ???????the fuck
  6. Originally posted by Wariat

    holy shit a ghost
  7. yeah but my country is notorious for being an intetnet majit harinder suspinder scam kike market which is why I use da sneakernet and BATMAN and fidonet

    Originally posted by aldra the internet should be text only

    Every computer just needs a BIG ass sprite table but encoded and condensed and then ALL it does to read graphics is get a call from a brainfuck array at which tells it to draw the background, boxes, graphics.

    Yup that would TOTALLY WORk

    Tihs means *draw cat*
  8. I'm shoving bug suppositories up my ass, hbu OP??
  9. check out breawknig bad forum fuys they have real hoook up to the dark net and how to cook meth and bomb guides
  10. bump
  11. They run a different version , not AC or DC
  12. Dat cart
  13. I am well known in the porn industry for my production company and I go by the name "Seymour Butts"
  14. Who says I can't? You buy cheap useless crap LOOK MAH A BIG OLDJE FLAME like wow cool I can do that with a can of axe and a lighter -_-
  15. Having sex with a dog
  16. Import the random module
    import random

    # Define a list of possible answers
    answers = ["Yes", "No", "Maybe", "Ask again later", "Definitely not", "Absolutely yes", "I don't know", "Don't ask me"]

    # Define a function that takes a question as input and returns a random answer
    def magic_8_ball(question):
    # Print the question
    print("You asked:", question)
    # Choose a random answer from the list
    answer = random.choice(answers)
    # Print the answer
    print("The magic 8 ball says:", answer)

    # Ask the user to enter a question or type 'quit' to exit
    while True:
    # Get the user input
    question = input("Enter your question or type 'quit' to exit: ")
    # Check if the user wants to quit
    if question.lower() == 'quit':
    # Break out of the loop
    # Call the magic_8_ball function with the user input
    Received message. Sure, I can generate a code outline of a silly magic 8 ball in python. Here is one possible way to do it: ```python # Import the random module import random # Define a list of possible answers answers = ["Yes", "No", "Maybe", "Ask again later", "Definitely not", "Absolutely yes", "I don't know", "Don't ask me"] # Define a function that takes a question as input and returns a random answer def magic_8_ball(question): # Print the question print("You asked:", question) # Choose a random answer from the list answer = random.choice(answers) # Print the answer print("The magic 8 ball says:", answer) # Ask the user to enter a question or type 'quit' to exit while True: # Get the user input question = input("Enter your question or type 'quit' to exit: ") # Check if the user wants to quit if question.lower() == 'quit': # Break out of the loop break else: # Call the magic_8_ball function with the user input magic_8_ball(question)
  17. How much LSD should I bri g
  18. Dating Asians lol 😂
  19. Sam gore is the biggest meth mafia on the planet

    Business intelligence language is used by banks, large corporations, big industry like a large steel company to project markets and streamline all their data, suppliers, manage projects so the higher ups aren't just running blind guessing because their grandfather from communist Laos left them a brick plant that makes a million Yuan every month.

    It's really popular among zippers especially, not so much western whites except for old heads and it's mostly been replaced by services like google which basically do the same thing without all the PIZAZZ AND DAZZ

    with plugins limited to whatever you can program, it has a shitty old low level AI that just aggregates data and spits out graphs and data, not like the chat bots OF THE FUTURE but they used the best on the market at the time for stuff like helping design a cities or pipe networks and such.

    And yeh you could totally just say you are making LEGAL MEDICAL AMPHETAMINES for the global market or even say it's illegal and train it on laws and grey market stuff so you can stock up on precursor years before anyone thinks to ban it. Government agencies jump at the chance to use this stuff because it means a lot of fucking around acting like bnig whig industrializts probably making graphs and stuff like "How to waste taxpayer money going after amphetamine producers with the primary goal: SPEND AND PRINT, FOR THEIR OWN GOOD!

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