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Posts by Blue Oyster Cult

  1. I wonder how her stock portfolio is doing
  2. Originally posted by Donald Trump The metaverse isn't dead, OP is just jealous cos I have a €146,000 mansion in the metaverse and he doesn't.


    thats what i thought

    my metaverse is all reality including this "real reality" which is a "metaverse" of REAL reality aka oldschool runescape. Take that, zuck
  3. Originally posted by Kafka I'm thinking about what I want my husband to be like, this is how I know I'll never find one:

    - Engineer (it's the most autistic profession)
    - Loves me as much as my dad did
    - Stylish (preferably cottagecore style)
    - Ginger
    - Can support me financially (I do want to have my own company but there may be times when I'm too mentally ill)
    - Ambitious
    - Leaves me alone (I need to be a hermit at times)
    - Doesn't expect me to cook everyday or even eat with them
    - Is fine supporting my coke habit and Botox if need be
    - Surprises me with gifts
    - Is fine paying for a surrogate mother
    - Feminist
    - Bookworm
    - Into DDLG but not an extreme way
    - Separate bedrooms
    - Doesn't try to stop me


    make this your tinder profile YOU NEEVER KNOW
  4. Originally posted by Kafka By age 19, she'd moved to Canada by herself to get away from her dad, funded her own uni tuition, I think she was juggling an internship and had stock investments.

    The poor thing, i will pray for her soul
  5. how do I make it make things good

    anchors ahoy!

    okay now make it a fish with wings

    but what if nobody wants a fish though

    Seems to always lead back to the same thing

    Either you can make 100 variants of BLOB or randomly generate 100 different blobs. I can't think of anything else besides these two fundamental baseline procedural generation systems and AI does not help much. THis is a complexity problem I can't even describe because of how complex (retarded) it is. This entire fucking idea is retarded OP just make them NFT monkeys or upgraded digimon ffs
  6. Yes folks the former "all in meta" has bounced from tech hype to tech hype with boomers and investors screeching as he blows billions of dollars on the newest trends

    But this time THIS ONE MIGHT WORK

    fuck metaverse it was dumb

    what about AI you seen this uherd about this???
  7. Just think about that
    They sit there and punch in all their data for cooking a herbadrpp of METHAMPHETAMINE SHABU HABU and import of 1000kg from China

    Punch that in the old biml

    "Just go around North Korea according to our calculations there is nothing stopping you from just trading with them anyways and ignoring the rest of the world as they cry and photograph you from space"

    Xx ya once you get cartel big and have ships and planes you can basically do anything. AI powered cartels 👀
  8. How higd her penis
  9. Damn she must have opened her legs
  10. I might hop a bus this weeked
  11. SAM GOR USES BIML!!!!!!

    that's how big they are. Mind blowing shit

    they move in a world you can't dream of

  12. People by the way

    No, I think he is actually too nice. Nothing worse than an immigrant from Salvatore . This man is a visionary and your western capitalist lies will soon wake up to the truths of EL PETRO and the southern American global economic revolution
  13. Steadman
  14. Lol American starts yelling at Chinese trains

    Gee that's uncalled for! News flash nobody cares about China , but everyone likes making fun of asshat Americans who probably 50% believe biden brandonm and hunter caused the crash BECAUSE TUCKER SAD
  15. I put mine in a pipe and smoke it. I'm a bit of a rebel watch out ladies
  16. Checking back database against known entities of OP . Yep he is definitely a retard faggot

    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Who wants to live forever?…as me old mate Freddy Mercury used to say.

    Depends if I can do it in style or have my style cramped like life is now by a gay globalist cuck society
  17. His name is Balrog and he is MY STEAD
  18. I heard there's an entire army of Bangladeshi teenage girls with specialized software that are paid pennies on the dollar to keep that dead server game you don't play anymore but still have installed online.

    Literal life support, oh yeah lots of online players come sign up! and it's just some poverty women liek BAO BAO!!!! MEING TAK!! KHGUTWMGU!!!! the future of gaming
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