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Posts by Flatulant_bomb

  1. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Please don't gather everyone in D.C. and then fly me all around the country on Air Force 1 with the U.S. flag draped on my coffin OK? Just cremate me and be done with it.

    These are my final wishes.
  2. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Fixed.

    You didn't fix everything.

    You half assed fuck.
  3. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Cool! An intergalactic drive by..
  4. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny Yee, hippos take it. It's hard to look at them as the murder machines that they are, just too cute.

  5. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    We are using ESC at our office and it seems to work good but I hear they are phasing it out WTF?
  6. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Once DH was unmoderated it became the wild west, in other words, it was a blast. Craziest shit you have ever seen.
  7. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    What's the topic?
  8. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Meh nevermind, I will cash out a grand and go from there.
  9. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    I had to turn the light off, it was in my eyes.
  10. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    I have a 5 gallon water jug with all my change over the last 5 years, will you count it for me?
  11. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    I dabbled in the BBS days, then found Yahoo! chat, that was fun. Then I found DH as my marriage ended, good times! Tell me about Totse and Zoklet
  12. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by gadzooks I have to admit, that's kind of a cool story. The merging of two online worlds like that.

    Otherwise, the whole spirit of Totse would have died out years ago.

    Some might argue that it already did, but Lanny keeps it alive with NIS.

    Clint Eastwoods wild west would be proud of DH!
  13. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny I've worked in both type of environment as well, although I think we're in pretty different industries. "Employees having a say" sounds nice but I've become increasingly skeptical of it in practice. If the employees don't own a chunk of a company to go with their say what do they have? It's not real power in the sense of being able to vote or override the the decisions of the actual owners.

    Even in the best case where everyone has the opportunity to put their ideas forward and you do so, you're donating your creative/intellectual efforts to your employer without compensation, or perhaps for an unsure possibility of advancement. In the worst case "having a say" is code for being responsible for the success of the business, and when success isn't happening that can mean there's an expectation for the non-owner employees to pick up the slack.

    Yes we are in very different industries and we are also in very different cultures. You are (I think) in Northern California and I am in the deep south. You probably live in the "union" culture and I live in the "right to work" culture. I think we are worlds apart in that sense.

    As a small company, we all work for the company to be a success because we all know that if the company succeeds, we all do, we all get to feed our families. As the company grows, we do too in the sense that we can then demand pay raises etc. It works for us here.

    It's a family business, we look out for each other. Very much different from the larger corporations.
  14. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by gadzooks Yeah, I'm still totally in the dark on what DH is/was… Some kind of dating/hookup site apparently?

    It's kind of a neat unfolding of events though that the members of such a site ended up merged with a bunch of Totseans.

    It's an interesting match,

    It was a date site with forums. It was owned by one guy back when dating sites first started. He sold it to a group of investors at the right time. When those investors realized that the market was saturated they kind of stepped back and it became a forum free for all. It got pretty crazy with the law getting involved in some circumstances. Some even went to jail, so I hear. I did meet som good people from there though.
  15. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by Lanny Exactly, there are people whose job it is to figure out how to exploit my labor profitably. Some programmers like to be more involved in the business/product/design side of things or want to understand how their work affects the overall operation. I don't. It's not unusual for smaller employers to hold the tacit view that every employee has some degree of personal responsiblity to ensure the venture's success, this is not my view, failing to establish that can lead to awkward situations down the road.

    If I read this right, you have experience with large corporations and that would make sense. I work for a very small company and every employee has a say in how we run the business. I like this better, I have worked for both types of company's.
  16. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Well I did ask Soy what job he is going to beg for and I didn't see a reply. It doesn't work for all.
  17. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Originally posted by gadzooks Like I said, I love the whole idea.

    I remember seeing a TED talk many years ago where someone suggested doing it, and I thought it was brilliant.

    But unfortunately, being a voluntary intern just isn't as simple as it sounds in theory.

    And it sucks, because showing a potential employer your skills before they have to invest even a single cent seems pretty reasonable all around.

    We hire "tradesman" which might be different than corporate type jobs.
  18. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Are ya'll talking about the same D?
  19. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Kind of like DH was.
  20. Flatulant_bomb Tuskegee Airman
    Fed alert!
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