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Posts by Football and pats

  1. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL I'll give you an A for putting yourself out there, but a D on delivery if you know what i mean

    I’m assuming you’re talking about Dick 🤷‍♂️
  2. Hey turtle head answer my question 😂😂😂
  3. Originally posted by infinityshock sex is a good cure for headaches

    Go blow the tire I’m sure it would help out . Or try a doll our choice chief

  4. Originally posted by ~L J~ Headaches suck! I guess I had one to many shots yesterday. 🍹☀️😢

    Good to know you were alive thank U
  5. Oh That was Ant yea that was funny jmo 🙋🏻‍♂️😂😂
  6. Truth hurts does it 🙋🏻‍♂️

    Hold on let me deal with DIRECTV Fucker
  7. Only thing you landed on was a dick and I hope like hell it was grease 😂😂
  8. Sure 👍
  9. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL tits or gtfo

    and if gtfo, you have mini traffic cone tits

    WTf 🥥 stick your dick in the coconut you’ll be OK 😂😂
  10. Oh btw during earthquake 2 freeway is fell down on each other

    You like apples how do you like them apples 😂😂😂😂
  11. Wow pretty exciting news 🤦🏼‍♂️
  12. DIRECTV is pissing me off at the moment. Can’t get the games on hold 🙄
  13. Originally posted by hydromorphone I was wondering if anyone confirmed if he really did off himself.

    I know he was living in the bay area, but didn't he move further south not terribly long before he did it? I was going to try and see if I could find an obituary, assuming nobody else has. Having a rough location would definitely help.

    I really miss him a lot. I don't feel like the forum is the same without him posting here, and while it's not the whole reason I've been so sporadic in coming here, even lurking, it definitely doesn't help that I don't have his autistic rants to read anymore. For all the shit he got, sometimes deserving, sometimes not, he was a good guy, better than most on here.

    Either he had HIV or he did himself off with LSD. Because that’s what Frisco is all about
  14. Originally posted by ohfralala Not enough

    Jealous 🙋🏻‍♂️😂
  15. Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III feds are en route to ur residence @ the motel 6

    I’m guessing the stupid moron plugged in the toaster put it in the pool with him 😂😂😂
  16. Originally posted by Football and pats Imodium A.D. 👍

    How many stupid ass robot thingies I have to go through to post I mean seriously 🤦🏼‍♂️😂😂😂
  17. Imodium A.D. 👍

    How many stupid ass robot store I have to go through to post I mean seriously 🤦🏼‍♂️😂😂😂
  18. Originally posted by mikeyagain I've never heard the saying that it's all pink on the outside.. WTF??

    I hope you’re not really enjoying that picture 🤦🏼‍♂️😂😂😂
  19. Originally posted by Football and pats Yes why is this fucker have faggot when I say dear tell me your confessions and you’ll be reprieve .I hope you have a rosary and you’re not one of those southern Baptist 🤷‍♂️
  20. Originally posted by ohfralala Christ

    Yes why is this fucker have faggot when I say dear tell me your confessions and you’ll be reprieve .I hope you have a rosary and you’re not one of those southern Baptist 🤷‍♂️

    Let try honey
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