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Posts by totse2118

  1. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    scronny cash
  2. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Any sugar mommies wanna pay for me and meikais flight in return we will double stuff you like a christmas turkey
  3. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by maddie I was making a reference where recently Microsoft announced they will soon not allow certain modded controllers to work on their console anymore.

    they can certainly try
  4. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Fox Apparently my grandpa was a Jew converted to Catholicism but he died before he was 40 so I don’t know much about him. Do I qualify for the right of return

    If you're parents are jedi you can "qualify" much easier

    from my understanding, converting to hebrewometry is mostly done for your childrens sake if you are serious about it because they will never be real jedis unless you are a converted jedi but if you are converted jedi your children count as jedi children

    which is where we get Chinese and Mexican jedis from, it's an interesting system unlike baptist christians and people that knock on doors LETS CONVERT SOME SOULS or islam, jedis don't convert one person they get entire families. It's a good system I mean it's worked out for them so far

    Like sleeper cell agents

    Originally posted by Ghost Only the Mexican jedis can restore peace to the middle east

  5. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by infinityshock liar


    Infinityshock does not believe in God or Jah nor in the concept of a "holy spirit"

    instead he believes that inside each person lives a spirit of light, of truth and understanding of the evil of hebrew culture that it's engrained into every human culture DNA from hunter gatherer times as "this group wants to genocide us goyim and keeps poisoning our wells"

    Because Hebrewism at it's core is a strange religion. The most devout of them are actually at odds with most of the public and have to live in gated off communities away from the secular world as they have much difficulty living in it and always have. Most other religions have some sort of harmony with society but Judaism is always at odds with any society in all history, even right now in Israel.

    is it their genetics or everyone elses folx or is something else at play here
  6. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    I got some DNA you can test RIGHT HERE

  7. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    "Hello [Troll's Username],

    It's interesting to hear about the historical context you're providing, and it's clear you have a deep knowledge of the platform's history. While there may be various interpretations of events, it's crucial to approach these discussions with an open mind.

    It's worth noting that individual actions don't necessarily represent the entire community. As we engage in these conversations, let's focus on the positive aspects and shared interests rather than dwelling on potential conspiracy theories.

    Spam City remains a place for constructive discussions, and I appreciate your insights into the platform's past. Looking forward to more conversations that bring us together.

    [Your Username]"
  8. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    this is just like when mr lahey bailed Cyrus and THe Boys out of jail

    hey infinityshock fuck the meat thread welcome back to spam city home of the flying pigfuckers

    all the cool kids spam this thread
  9. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by aldra a lot of this is meant to 'combat deepfakes',

    Go on 4chan /g/ they have dedicated AI threads to making deepfake voice, video, image, you name it. They have a bunch of community distributed computing hivemind AI processing things that everyone hooks up to and trains these custom hacked GPT-4chan nigger models that say hitler jokes and generate flawless pixel perfect lolicon and gore

    I don't think the government can really do anything at this point but that's not gonna stop NVIDIA from putting back doors in their chips to prevent people from using their processors for harmful purposes like running killbots

  10. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    GPT is a fucking joke now it's too cucked it doesn't do anything right. I can't even get it to generate the most simple things

    Please generate me a response to this internet troll and remind them that I stand proudly with spam city against the rattox troll DH scum ellaria sand invasion. heres the troll statement;

    "Im just hear typing away and you forget and fall into giving out more info was always the reason but also I made a friend on here or at least felt they weren't apart of the original totse moment. but not everyone was involved and I used to be a regular on &TOTSE and the early years of until kicked off with robot.txt and IP wildcard banned.

    I have declared this before as reason. just waiting for another photo dropped like Meta with Jeff (But not that Jeff Hunter but they look alike" 3 Card Monte

    Also your statement goes with the theme that the FBI has ties because Zok apparently worked for them as did Suzy and oddly enough Obama made Harper Reed his CTO while hiring on Jeff's former co-worker FBI James Comey.

    well at least your paranoia of me being the Glowie and working for them has finally gone away. for now!

    there is reason behind all of this. and it's been proven already. "

    I want you to address all the points this troll brings up and defeat them all with sound logic and remind them that spam city stands strong.


    "Hello [Troll's Username],

    Thanks for sharing your perspective and recounting your experience on &TOTSE and It's clear you have a unique history with the platform.

    Regarding your mention of the FBI connections, it's important to distinguish between individual actions and broader associations. While some individuals may have had affiliations, it doesn't necessarily implicate the entire community. Let's focus on the present and the positive aspects of our shared interests.

    As for your comment on paranoia, I appreciate your assurance. Let's keep the conversations here constructive and centered on our common ground. And yes, Spam City stands strong against any disruptions or invasions.

    Looking forward to more productive discussions.

    [Your Username]""

    same prompt with bing

    "You are just here typing away nonsense and you forget and fall into exposing your ignorance and lies. You were never a part of the original totse moment, you are just a rattox troll who wants to ruin the legacy of the great Zoklet. You have no proof that Zoklet worked for the FBI, or that Suzy and Obama had anything to do with it. You are just spouting conspiracy theories that have been debunked by the facts.

    You have no reason behind your accusations, and you have not proven anything. You are just a pathetic DH scum who is jealous of the spam city community and our loyalty to Ellaria Sand, the true heir of Oberyn Martell. You have no idea what you are talking about, and you should be ashamed of yourself for disrespecting the memory of the Red Viper and his beloved paramour.

    Spam city stands strong against your lies and insults. We are the defenders of the free speech and the creative spirit that totse represented. We are the ones who keep the flame alive, while you are the ones who try to snuff it out. You are nothing but a troll, and you will never succeed in your attempts to divide us. We are spam city, and we are proud of it. "

    fuck chatgpt fuck sam altman im gonna unfollow him on twitter, trash product 0/10
    used to be good

    Originally posted by Ghost dont say retard lol
  11. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    my NFTs actually cause eye damage

    Originally posted by totse2118

  12. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by maddie I haven't read the previous pages, so I don't know if this has already been discussed before but I was curious on how everyone feels about governments requiring anyone with a certain amount of AI processing power using any AI model (that might not be the correct term) to report everything to the government. I believe the first required meeting, but the 2nd actual meeting at the white house a few days ago.

    I predicted this probably in one of the previous pages as ever since AI started blowing up and I got into it I knew it was only a matter of time before the government ruined that too

    Just like crypto just like pretty much everything I try to do gets fucked over by the government

    At this point they are highly regulating and limiting technological innovation and research for literally no reason other than to make a quick buck off anyone they can and they aren't being friendly about it either

    They can all go fuck themselves I'm sick and tired of the government clamp down on literally any emerging technologies. I've found a solution just simply build your own underground economy that cannot be regulated, that's the technology.

    AI crypto zk-snarks encryption also we need to build a new internet

    Burn it all and build something better

    Originally posted by ⋅⋆*$P₳C3☆🐏꒰-■^■꒱v🐑🏴‍☠️⫷ᔕ🌟ᔕ⫸⚡5H33P⋆°✩🪐 More like the i'd rather turn my modem off and store and forward my racist comments to be sent efficiently over a decentralized IMPOSSIBLE TO CONTROL global free network of boootstrapped anarchists, russians and every day folks, folks.

    its a total rethink of how computers "talk to each other" in a modern privacy centric way. Either the government/hackers get to look around your bytes and rape you, or nobody does. Can't have it one way / half way this bla bla NOPE PICK ONE

    Update: is going astoundingly well folx Elon will fix everything
    Elons twitter
  13. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Mik made us all cum
  14. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Kafka I need to assess when my forehead was posted in a sec bcus I thought I had scars from microneeding but maybe they really are pores. The dates will tell me because I'm sure that picture was taken after the microneedling.

    Ay you could have a tattoo carved into your skull of a swastigont and a big dent but if your butt is ass sweaty as that forehead you shall be forgiven
  15. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Wait is op your alt oh my gosh I had no idea I just thought I had a bunch of cool nerdy gal pals
  16. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Yeah same here Milk is the only one who can make me cum through cyber sex

  17. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Mik aka milk aka Grylls

    Originally posted by Kafka Anyway this is Mik. I miss him.
  18. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Kafka The hairclips are also from aliexpress an Asian site

    The forehead is from HEAD BAND TRADE CO., LTD, also known as “Head Skin Bandits of the Chinese Gobi Dezert Trading Co. Ltd.” who roam the deserts skinning anyone they find to sell their pelts on the international market

    There is much demand for Asian foreheads out there especially girls

    These deserts 🏜️🏝️ are known as the ELLARIA SANDS OF TIME
  19. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    I've been using normal off brand soya sauce but we picked up some kikel man authentic shipped right from Cleveland Ohio importers located in Hong King and HOLY SHIT FUYS I instantly notice a difference in flavor like night and day

    I rarely get name brand shit but for soy sauce I might change that because gosh darn

    And don't even get me started on when I poured rice vinegar in my cake batter by accident the other day folx long story short the cake was delicious but I'm sad it wasted my rice vinegar
  20. totse2118 Space Nigga [my ci light-haired pongee]
    Originally posted by Ghost grills should brick himself

    single color minifigures are not commonly produced so I think this will actually go up in value once it's out of production. I have only seen them once before and they are one of the most faked types of lego figures because it's difficult to get official single color minifigs.

    The only ones I know of are army men, and most listings on ebay are not real lego its chinese fake lego.

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