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Posts That Were Thanked by Soyboy 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by aldra MoD has reported S-300 units will be transferred inside 2 weeks.

    Actually, Shoigu (Russian Defence Minister) has announced 3 new measures in response to recent jediry:

    1. The delivery of the S-300 anti-air systems to Syria was suspended in 2013 due to israeli objections - the delivery will be finalised within 2 weeks.
    2. ECM systems specifically designed to interfere with GPS and missile targeting are to be deployed down the Tartus coast.
    3. Russian and Syrian air defence systems will now be fully interlinked. The networked system already exists, but previously not all data was shared - now it is. The reasoning given is that the Syrian system has no IFF capability (ability to determine whether a target is friendly or not) which led to the missile striking the IL-20 instead of the israeli warplanes. The Russian system does, and by sharing all of its targeting data friendly fire incidents can be prevented in the future.

    The Russian S-400 systems have much more advanced long-range radar than anything currently fielded by Syria, which ostensibly means that Syrian air defences will now be able to detect israeli planes almost as soon as they leave the runway. Attempting to evade detection by coming in from the ocean or from Lebanon will no longer be an option.
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  2. DontTellEm Black Hole
    How would u Ever in life ban Fona but let Infinityshock able to post.

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  3. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    (5 picture max my ass fuck you lan ny)


    I've returned, you can stop worrying and get a good night sleep. I am not balogna nacho, who would have surely perished in this hurricane.

    I look back at my old replies and it appears I devolved into some sort of evolutionary creature , from an earlier, simpler time.

    First of all, I'm sorry I don't have the amazing footage and pictures I promised. It was hard to get any good footage as the worst times were at night, and I couldn't open my front door to get much because it would have obviously blown the front door off at best times. This is a quick thread going over some things, but if I ever transfer the stuff from my other camera I might make another thread but by then Florence will already be older news than it arleady is.

    I wandered around the house 3 days, some windows boarded but dark out always, non stop wind and rain, unsure if it was day or night or morning or what. My sleep was FUCKED, and with lack of tiz (oh I'm gucci now tho) it made it all that more difficult. But yeah it was a long and confusing 3 days, you wake up and think man theres no way its still hurricaning out *stumble to front door* *WHOOOSHH* "Good lord it feels like its been doing this a week" Heres a random picture of a tree on a house. And a short video with no sound of some of the gusts.

    The worst by far, was after the storm. When the sun came out, and eating, sleeping, and staying clean was quite a chore.

    The heat of Monday morning, and from what the radio was saying at least a minimum of a few days without electricity, was going to be the shitkicker. And of course I was one of the last to get power, 9 FUCKING DAYS WITHOUT POWER. Whens the last time you went that long without power? Its HOT, your supplies are LOW, the inhabits of the city are scampering around like rats in hopes of finding fuel and ice. Fist fights breaking out over snicker bars.

    I looked and felt like this day in and day out, soon getting used to waking up to the backfire of the neighbors generator, or just some random loud noise, drenched in sweat.

    A puzzle, a radio, an acoustic guitar, and lanterns/flashlights keep me sane and somewhat entertained in the days of heat and pooping in a toilet, only to go outside and get a bucket of water to pour into the toilet to get it to flush (Yeah thats how it works for those you retards arguing about how flushing toilets work)

    Oh yeah I made it ON the radio and got to call in! And they were all "Hello you're on the air" and I was like "Oh dude are you serious? YEAAHHH I've never made it on the air before whats up!!?!" and now I am a local celebrity.

    I parked my car at my friends house because she asked me to so people would think she's home and wouldn't get robbed, which I didn't understand because by her liberal mind people will only come out and help everyone after a catastrophe right?!? Nobody would think of taking advantage of the situation and looting and breaking in would they?!? That'd be racist to think!! God what a fucking idiot she is.

    So while I park my car in suburban retard zone some of the only damage done was when some dumbass didn't put up their grill and it flew into my Volkswagen.

    On the 5th or so day with no power, I got to watch copters put a spotlight across the street cause apparently sheriffs had to come get some dude out of a trailer because the heat/lack of medication got to him and he was shooting off guns and acting erratic. Of course I'm not a weak minded person, so I was still mentally in-tact and thriving.

    All in all I'm glad I stayed to make sure everything was okay and I'd be here if family needed me. Might have caused a rift/end in one of the longest friendships I've ever had, but if she doesn't understand why I stayed and I should be just as mad she abandoned me, then our friendship must not have been worth much of a damn anyway.

    There will be more threads from this possibly to come. Hope you enjoyed, and thanks for your thoughts and prayers, even though you knew I wouldn't need the, as RisiR stated, I have 5 star survival ability.

    But I do appreciate the thanks! I hope you faggots never have to go this long without power. We truly are lucky to have the modern amenities we are. So go over to your air conditioner and give it a big hug, and thank it for keeping you comfortable.
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  4. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    And all those revenge memes.

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  5. gadzooks Dark Matter [keratinize my mild-tasting blossoming]
    Holy shit it turns the word "dear" into "faggot".

    99% of the time that would be utterly hilarious, but it was brutally inappropriate here.

    I had to italicize one of the letters so it wouldn't convert.
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  6. stare rape African Astronaut (banned)
    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine That's what I feel about piracy and streaming

    Yeah, I definitely enjoy music more when I buy it.

    They did a study on that a while back IIRC, where people were given two glasses of wine and told the cost of them. Most people said the more expensive one was better, but they were actually the same wine
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  7. Bill Houston [my protanopic apetalous kneel]
    Originally posted by Technologist Way too ambiguous. I was raised Catholic and was taught if you commit suicide that you’ll go to hell because you are killing yourself.

    Thou shalt not kill.

    The actual reason is because you are rejecting the will of God by taking the gift of life for granted
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  8. Siouxsie_Q African Astronaut
    But there is hope for the addicted! Prayers, perhaps? And lots of self control...
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  9. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL Why the fuck did I just read this whole thread

    because its cultural and soul enriching.
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  10. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by DontTellEm

    Life sucks, No one should Ever treat u like a sucker.

    You should pour gasoline on yourself and fart on a candle
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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage

    Mike Pence's involvement in 9/11 is all but confirmed
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  12. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING III - Escape From the Planet of the MORALLY SUPERIOR BEINGs Is it a nuclear powered American Spy Drone?

    see how its wings are black ?

    those are solar panels.
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  13. Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America

    Originally posted by PrettyHateMachine Trump needs to be killed and so does everyone in the top echelons of the government

    You are such a damn troll.
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  14. Originally posted by Zanick Taste is not a very good point upon which to mount a defense for the practice of murdering millions of helpless animals every year, but ease of access is a real concern. The first world can, in my belief, afford to move to a completely vegetarian diet. Economically, this would be difficult to stomach but it would be possible. But in shitty countries where there is a scarcity of food (not just meat) and animal products are the most nutritious available options, it would help for Western governments to invest in them agriculturally. Animal well-being isn't the only reason we should do this; Americans in particular enjoy a very good lifestyle on the whole, and it's about time they gave a slice of that to the people struggling to swallow their cakes of dirt. There's absolutely no reason children should be starving over eggs in India when they could be given enriched rice or soy or some other easily cultivated plant-based protein source.

    Animals are helpless, which means they will naturally live a life of suffering when left to their own devices. The default mode of four-legged existence is suffering. Life sucks when you have four legs and no fingers.

    I read a few months ago that something like 70% of moose in Maine die in the wild from ticks. If you've ever seen a moose covered by ticks over 80% of its body, you know how scary nature really is. Others die from freezing to death when they get mange or chronic wasting disease. Getting predated upon is a very painful, slow, terrifying experience.

    We can look at the miserable state of wild animals, and allow them to suffer pointlessly because of their natural handicaps, or we can reach in and take advantage of all the benefits of animal domestication, while giving these animals a fairly decent improvement in comfort and safety of the course of their lives.

    Anti-meat/milk activists also have no answer as to what to do with animals when we stop killing/milking them. Do we let them loose? If so, they cause much environmental destruction and crop losses. They also get brutally killed by other animals or ticks, or cold wet winds, or hunger. They also take land from wild animals such as deer and the American and Eurasian bison, which are finally resurging after being nearly exterminated. Encounters between them and freed cows would lead to further hybridization; this is irresponsible.

    The only "moral" solution would be to end the "holocaust" by simply exterminating all domesticated animals once and for all. But no one wants to do that, and it defeats the entire purpose as well.

    The truth is, morality is not the be-all and end-all of human decisions. The biggest con the system ever taught us was that it is, and that we have to have these pointless discussions about abstract ideas like "morality" to justify our actions. We do not. There is something else called reality, and it's far more important. Human actions are about 75% reality, 25% morality. It's what works.
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    this is absurd

    there's so much information I'm drowning in it

    lots of these 'social networks' for specific professions and stuff are just scraping full user details and adding them as members that 'haven't activated yet'

    I was searching for a photo of kr0z's lawyer so I could make an image macro out of it - the guy has no website I can find but there are at least 3-4 sites listing his full name and home address, not his business name or anything. They must've scraped it from the white pages and not bothered to verify the data just so that they could essentially blackmail these people into signing up for their shit 'social network' to be able to correct the mess of data that's listed under their name.

    I hate the internet more with each passing day.

    do I dive
    senses fried
    access denied
    eternal night
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra

    lol k

    He's missing the propeller on top.
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  17. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Flatulant_bomb Trump is the thorn in the NWO's side. I hope he survives it.

    lol k
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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    OK, after reading a bunch of analyses and local reports, I think israel just tried to kick off WWIII.

    Putin and Erdogan had just made an agreement to halt the Idlib operation so that Turkish forces could create a 20km DMZ around Idlib, stopping the 'rebels' from launching attacks on surrounding areas. Turkey was obviously trying to protect its assets, and it seems to me that everyone else (Russia, Iran and Syria) only considered it a temporary measure that was likely destined to fail. If it didn't, however, it could help create a political solution.

    'Stopping' the Idlib operation spazzed out the west's (FUKUS, israel etc.) plans to accuse Assad's troops of war crimes (staged chemical weapons attacks as described previously) as a pretext to escalate the conflict. They'll likely arise again as Russian and independent sources indicate that recordings of 'gas attacks' have already been made, and in some circumstances children have been kidnapped and eventually returned after being used to make these videos.

    israel absolutely wants Syria and, by extension, Iran, covered with cruise missiles and couldn't handle the setback. They seem to have made an agreement with France (which would not happen without the US' blessing) for one of their missile frigates to participate in an attack on a Syrian 'missile factory' (israel says it was manufacturing parts for Hezbullah missiles, Hez says it had nothing to do with them, domestic Syrian work).

    Four israeli jets were launched to strike the factory in tandem with the French frigate, intentionally timing the strike as a Russian IL-20 was preparing to land - they struck the target, then essentially used the IL-20 as a shield against incoming SAMs as they made their escape.

    The plan was for the Russian forces to sink the frigate in response - drawing in NATO forces under article 5 and escalating exponentially. They did not take the bait however, and israel has now lost a lot of ground - Russia now has grounds to essentially close Syrian airspace and is likely to deliver the S-300 and possibly S-400 units they previously planned to transfer.

    Instead of making Russia/Syria/Iran look like the aggressor and create a greater conflict, they're rapidly losing the ability to safely conduct air raids in Syria.

    This will not be the last attempt.

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  19. Originally posted by Brain?

    Um look again where the wound is in relation to the position of the brain...

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  20. kush_blunt Houston
    let the fon back in :{|
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