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Thanked Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by GGG I wish there was a video like this but with a dude.

    lanny does have a sweet voice.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Originally posted by -mal- He owns nothing. He even needed his parents to buy him a car.

    so he owns parents that will give him everything he needs ??

    sounds great.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson So that the time you have left is comfortable and not painful.

    burn brief, burn bright.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Originally posted by HTS Let me get my balls removed first, m8. I'm this close to achieving true enlightenment.

    have them transplanted into your boyfriend.
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  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Many Americans view their pets at part of the family.

    i know.

    thats how emancipation got its traction.
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  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Updated for 2019

    "Give me your obese, your lazy, You're huddled Niggas yearning for a gov check, The wretched Mexicans teeming at the border"

    many amricans dont know the liberty statue was a gift from the frenchies.
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  7. Originally posted by Technologist Civil war? You guys are funny😂

    if russian trolls can make americans do such preposterous thing such as voting for trumpf, they CAN induce americans into a civil war.
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  8. prepare your ass for my sauce.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. we wish you a merry civil war.
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  10. Originally posted by Bill Krozby source?

    ::…….. .. . …:.:::::::::::,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;iiiiiiitttttjjjjjjffffffffffffffffffffffffjjfLL
    ::.:….. …. …….::::::::::::::::,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;iiiiittttttjjjjjjfffffffffffffffffffffjjjjjjfL
    ,:::. ………. …..:::::::::::,:::,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;iiiiiitttttjjjjjfffffffffffffffffffjjfjjjjfff
    ,,.:.. ….. ……..:.::::::::::::,,,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;iiiiiitttttttjjjjfffffffffLffffffjfjjjjjjjjff
    ,:::::…… ……….::::::::::::::,,,,,,,,,;;,;;;;;iiiiiittttttjjjjjjffffffffffffffffffjjjjjjjLL

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. Originally posted by GGG I could not possibly give any less fucks than I already do.

    we kno.

    you only takes them.

    in you're ass.
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  12. not in my experience.

    my prayers went up hard,

    but the priest came down on me even harder,

    i fought my hardest but eventually i had to surrender.

    prayer days, it left an invisible scar on me forever.

    on me and a many other.
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  13. Originally posted by ohfralala You're wrong. They're weaponized and it's published scientific fact. You are in fact a rapist.

    but they still get raped irregardless because male dolphins rape by attempting to drown the females by holding them down and prevent them from surfacing which they need to do because their not fishes.
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  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL As a kid, I'd just bash holes right through the brick walls with a sledgehammer and grab all the 50-carton boxes. 400 packs per box. Five or six boxes, 2,000+ packs. Enough free smokes to last for years.

    fake story detected.

    ciggarettes dont last for months, much less years.
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  15. dammit. still no war stories.

    i want to hear about that time the bunch of you have to wipe each other down, changing each others diapers and carefully clean each others hard to reach places with a damp cloth because there werent enough water for a proper shower.

    a bunch of naked men with hard hat on and nothing else grooming each other with deadly assault rifles in one hand and a damp cloth in the other under the hot, unforgiving afghan sun.
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  16. Originally posted by ohfralala I beg to differ. Someone called me a nigger once.

    so what happened after the nigger arrive ?
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  17. trump is using this deal to prolong his support.

    its like how script writters keep a characters fate hanging thru the episodes to keep them in the show.

    if peace agreement is reached now itll be season finale in many aspects and trumps character role would be reduced. if you want to know how this korea thing turns out, stay tuned, same time, same place,

    next week.
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  18. Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III bitch i promise you i've been through more than you have and done more than you have, and i'm confident i'd fuck you up if we fought irl so idk what you're talking about and neither do you

    tell us about your war stories.
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  19. Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning The American economic way of being is founded on landlordism, usury/debt and financial speculation, all propped up by natural resource depletion, exploitation of workers and infinity immigration.

    Sooner it collapses the better for us.

    it will not.

    the existence of those whom it exploits depended upon the wellbeing of the system that exploits them for their survival.

    its like the matrix, but once you unplugged yourself from it your confronted with the reality of living in haiti. its better you plug ypurself back in.
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  20. business plan : money begets money. more money begets even more money, so the more money your willing to lend me the more money i can make for you and me.

    instead of having a sound business plan you should look for those ecentric venture capitalists who're eager to throw their money around.
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