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Posts That Were Thanked by vindicktive vinny
2020-10-03 at 3:24 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
2020-10-03 at 1:02 PM UTC in Trump and wife have Covid 19.
2020-10-03 at 11:12 AM UTC in Trump and wife have Covid 19.Things get worse when the bangladeshi refugee starts posting.
2020-10-01 at 11:28 PM UTC in ATTN: Stand by
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace If the FBI told you chickens were a type of bird, you would begin to doubt it.
It's actually the opposite case - if the FBI were to make a statement that chickens were a kind of bird very few people would argue with that because it's immediately obvious; anyone can look at a chicken and see the similarities to any other bird.
In terms of the Proud Boys being classified as a 'white supremacist organisation' though, it immediately begs the question as to why half their group is black, Mexican or South/Central American - they're either the worst white supremacists ever or the FBI is playing fast and loose with definitions. Going beyond that they openly reject racial policy and believe in civic nationalism.
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace The FBI is the only institution responsible for looking into domestic terror/extremist groups in the USA. They say that the Proud Boys are a white supremacist organization, and that anti-fa is an ideology, not an organization. Anti-fa does not organize like the Proud Boys. They do not have a leader, or hierarchy, or members. They literally act out assassinations of leftists leaders in re-enactments.
Antifa was originally the attack dog of the German Social Democrat party meant to silence anyone who professed right-wing views at the street level. From the beginning their definition of 'fascist' was heavily weighted and generally meant 'anyone with political views that aren't communist or socialist', and amusingly enough Hitler and the NSDAP were elected in large part due to the violent atmosphere they created (they offered order and prosperity without the precondition of ideology).
Today Antifa isn't so much an ideology as it is a loose coalition of the same kind of street thugs that started it, though now there's a lot more hair dye, oestrogen supplements and weed. If you want to compare the Proud Boys to them, the equivalent would be an Antifa 'chapter' like Rose City Antifa or Unicorn Riot.
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace It's also men only and they believe women are subservient to men. They have a four step hazing and the third step is getting a Proud Boys tattoo and agreeing not to masturbate.
Why would you have a problem with people willingly doing this? It's not like people are being forced into it. The anti-masturbation thing makes a lot of sense for a group meant to take political action.
Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace 93% of protests have been entirely peaceful.
2020-09-28 at 10:06 AM UTC in Remember when Wariat tried to solicit a 12 year old?
Originally posted by Wariat
Unlawful sex email?As the victim of a sex crime, she isn't unusual in saying that the experience of going to court and the attendant publicity was more painful than the incident itself.
Her equanimity towards the director is calculated to defend her from a permanent position of victimhood. People want her to be damaged and she isn't, she says
"It went on and on. And the trigger was an email I got – a mass email, from a women's activism group – detailing everything that happened, supposedly. I thought: 'God, here's this teenage girl and you're sending out mass emails to tens of thousands of people. Did it occur to you that you might be humiliating her?
When, at the 11th hour, the judge backtracked and exposed Polanski to the possibility of a 50-year sentence, the director fled to first Britain and then France and, as she sees it, condemned both of them to live out this episode for the rest of their lives. "We've been tied together because of that," says Geimer. "Empathetic is a better word than sympathetic. We've shared a lot of similar experiences."
and here we have the plague of social justice warriors described ever so succinctly.
this seems to be a common theme of almost every article like this one i read. the victim, sometimes denying her victimhood outright, complains of white knights and wymynz activists destroying her life a lot more than her alleged attacker.
to me, this mass obsession with rape victims and how everyone immediately begins stalking them and wedging themselves into their personal lives is seriously creepy shit. they clearly fantasize about being the next one to force themselves on her.
who but a thirsty fucking pervert thinks their pretext of wanting to express moral outrage and "support the victim" is convincing?
i see the same thing on this site when people obsess over a 12yo across the ocean in a foreign country they will never meet because someone called her beautiful on myspace. -
2020-09-28 at 8:04 AM UTC in I shared some conservative political opinions under my real name today.
Originally posted by street_carp most educated people aren't "got mine, fuck you" types.
Yes they are.
Repeating back indoctrination isn't the same thing as having a social conscience, in fact most people will repeat whatever is popular because they don't have a social conscience.
And notice how these people explode when you try to bring up why you disagree with the consensus - they know that their world view is based on a few dozen memorised talking points, and know that they are fucked in the heads, and they don't want anything - like reason or logic - that might cause them pain. They explode like how religious people explode - and it's not cos they are secure in their faith. -
2020-09-26 at 7:09 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
2020-09-26 at 7:01 PM UTC in Scientists Predict There's 90% Chance Civilization Will Collapse Within 'Decades'
Originally posted by netstat
Again, not a huge climate skeptic, but this graph is funky. The distance between 0 (presumably, it's not labelled) and 1.0 is the same as the distance between 1.0 and 1.25. All this does is serve to make any amount above 1.0 seem 4 times as visually dramatic. The size of the bar doubles from 2014 to 2016, but the actual increase is only 0.25.🤔 -
2020-09-26 at 10:09 AM UTC in "Clap for that ya stupid bastards" - Silver Man is President Americans DeserveI have a border wall up, so I can't see what Royahinga refugees say.
2020-09-25 at 10:37 PM UTC in Should the age of consent be lowered to 11
2020-09-25 at 10:37 PM UTC in Should the age of consent be lowered to 11
2020-09-25 at 10:33 PM UTC in Should the age of consent be lowered to 11If lgbt crossdressing is so frowned upon and illegal in poland I will just start spamming this cat girl picture all over polish social groups and twitter until people recognize you and beat you up for being a nya paw child molesting bitch
2020-09-25 at 12:18 PM UTC in Police raid in Vietnam finds more than 300,000 used condoms being packed for resaleThe last line is interesting:
A health official quoted by Tuoi Tre newspaper said the condoms were an extreme health risk to users, the AP reported.
Of course Tuoi Tre has no such quote.
Fake news. -
2020-09-25 at 1:43 AM UTC in Should we ban all pedophiles from this website?
2020-09-24 at 6:13 PM UTC in Should we ban all pedophiles from this website?Whats the point. It's the loli revolution i'm telling you, ignore me all you want but I can see the direction society is heading and this is our fate, it's what we deserve for failing as a society that sexualizes children, erodes the traditional family and let feminism and leftist ideals run amok.
All people talk about is love and accept, hate is wrong, let all the immigrants in, send your money to africa and israel but ALL PEDOPHILES ARE EVIL!!!! how long did you really expect that to hold up? when everything else in our world forces you to love and respect OR ELSE.
Did you really expect pedophiles to just sit on the sidelines while every other minority group got special snowflake treatment? You created this environment so don't act so surprised that this is becoming accepted and mainstream now.
Someone is gonna get sick of all this shit and go to a halfway house with convicted molesters and murder them all and people will think it's wrong because murder is evil and talk about how we need to stop the hate. Just you wait and see.
2020-09-24 at 5:47 PM UTC in Should we ban all pedophiles from this website?edited for privacy
2020-09-24 at 3:11 PM UTC in Trump admits he knew coronavirus was ‘deadly’ and worse than the flu while intentionally misleading Americans
2020-09-23 at 10:34 AM UTC in Why the woke won't debate (long read)
This is a pretty good article, it goes into the mentality of these people, and doesn't just call them stupid. -
2020-09-23 at 3:52 AM UTC in Why do people hate Donald Trump so much?
This video contains content from ABC Entertainment, who has blocked it from display on this website or application.
Originally posted by vindicktive vinny pelosi still looks fuckable in this video.
its amazing how a few years can change a woman so much.
she probably depleted the strategic vaseline reserves -
2020-09-22 at 1:21 AM UTC in Building a Pallet house