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Posts That Were Thanked by vindicktive vinny

  1. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    guy apparently made a career out of drilling through McDonalds roofs and dropping in to rob them once they'd already closed up and only a few staff were left. he was eventually caught, went to jail, broke out, then decided he wanted to live in a Toys R Us so he smashed a hole behind the bike racks and lived there for a while, eventually digging through to the abandoned Circuit City next door.

    he piped running water and electricity in, and apparently had a surveillance system made out of baby monitors
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  2. Wariat Marine/Preteen Biologist
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  3. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    zinc and sulfur 3:1 can apparently be used as a rocket propellant or as flash powder if you pack it

    was planning on experimenting with it
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  4. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by troon I don't know the details of lateral-flow and pcr tests, but they consistently reported my state of infection correctly, and all test results corresponded with events and onset of symptoms. I was testing a lot, because people I was in close contact with caught the rona in sequence, and I was last (nearly avoided it).

    The chance of two independent forms of tests repeatedly (e.g. something like 5 times in a row) getting correspondingly correct results seems slim to me.

    PCR tests weren't designed to detect viruses and it's dubious how well they work in that regard, even in a general sense, but the testing methodology used has been flawed to say the least

    Originally posted by aldra There's nothing to be gained from engaging with MMR and nobody else responded.

    1. Initial test kits distributed by the CDC were flawed/contaminated apparently requiring a completely new source for some materials. I noticed articles indicating the issue had been resolved a month or so later but there appears to be very little information available on the flaw or how it was rectified.

    2. The kind of test done essentially looks for viral material in the suspension fluid, not the cells themselves that have been collected. While it's a more economical method especially for mass testing, it's been demonstrated to have significant false-positive and false-negative rates (up to 50% combined).

    3. The PCR tests used to analyse samples are typically run at a much higher sensitivity than for any other disease, far higher than even CDC guidelines. Typical virus tests are run through 30-35 cycles, the CDC guideline for COVID19 is 33, and the majority (~90%) of tests are run through 40. At such a sensitivity, dead and inactive viruses trigger positives, as do partial DNA fragments.
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  5. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    yeah that''s how biology works you are attracted to females that are sexually mature but you talk about raping infants and fucking pre pubescent chidlren

    THe science says you are a sick fuck and the age of consent should be higher. ALso this has nothing to do with AOC so wariat and you can fuck right off and die, nonce pedo faggots /thread

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  6. the man who put it in my hood Black Hole [miraculously counterclaim my golf]
    fuck me im cracking out

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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny im learning the love scene from terminator 1

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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    Poland's top police chief has been hurt after a gift given by Ukrainian officials exploded at his headquarters.

    It is not clear what the object was but local reports suggested it was a grenade launcher. The officer was given the gift on a recent visit to Ukraine.


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  9. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny baby sharks cant consent

    With those teeth, it sure looks like they consented.
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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    reminder to go through this properly later, I couldn't concentrate on it long enough

    basically it ties together a bunch of peer-reviewed studies into possible reasons for the spike in myocarditis and other cardiac 'sudden deaths' following 'vaccination'

    it seems to propose that the M'RNA shots flood a person's system with Micro RNA strings, effectively short protein strings that haven't fully formed into the M'RNA or spike proteins that it aims to build.

    this flood of random, short strings of proteins trigger T-cells (immune response to attack a threat) to respond as though they were a cancer, and their sheer volume and inability for them to attack causes those cells to be desensitised, which temporarily fucks up immune response and its associated circadian rhythm in general.

    this in turn causes a buildup of various proteins that would normally be moved through your system on a schedule, some of which can cause dangerous malfunctions in your heart's ability to contract correctly and on time.

    I just read the little explanations and skimmed over the direct excerpts from the studies so I'll read it properly later and see how close I got to the point
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  11. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny do you have proof of this.

    very interesting read

    I remember seeing the original 4chan post but not knowing enough about genetics to tell how feasible it was.

    at least in regards to the conclusion, ie. second-generation mutations to ova, it's possible - M'RNA can be reverse-transcribed into DNA which would feasibly alter the DNA that is passed to your children without encoding to RNA and altering the person who receives the shot. from what little I could find on M'RNA > DNA reverse transcription though, it seemed that it was mostly being treated as an accidental and unwanted side-effect, and that we aren't anywhere near the point of being able to do it intentionally.

    basically the tweet posits that CDKN1B is mentioned in MODERNA patents but has had its data removed from GENBANK, lending credence to this idea that it was being used for some covert purpose. it also notes that LINE-1 reverse transcription is a very new idea unlikely to be even considered outside of the industry, meaning that even if the post is fake it'd have to have been written by someone with a good knowledge of how medical products and gene therapies are produced.

    not proof per se, considering it's not possible for most people to do genetic analysis of the vaccine samples, but interesting nonetheless
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  12. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    accumulating money for its own sake is PEAK J'EWRY and people who think like that should be holocoastered
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    assumed this was going to be literal - Germany actually had a policy for a while of placing young male orphans with homosexical child molesters because 'the child was sure to be loved'

    Beginning in the late 1960s and continuing until the early 1990s, with the authorization and financial support of the Berlin Senate, Kentler placed neglected youth as foster children in the homes of single pedophile fathers for the ostensible purpose of resocializing them, while explicitly encouraging sexual contact between the foster fathers and their wards. This project was later dubbed the "Kentler Experiment" or the "Kentler Project."[1] In his writings, Kentler advocated for pedophilia and his colleague, and former president of the International Academy of Sex Research, Gunter Schmidt claims to have received a letter from Kentler admitting to having started a sexually abusive relationship with his son at thirteen.[2]

    Then it was whether he wanted to take us or not. We were not asked, we simply had to go,” Marco said. For him, the years-long nightmare began in a hospital where he first met Fritz, who Kentler described as an “expert” in child care. “A month later I was in his care. I didn’t even know I had been sent there,” he revealed.

    What the boys didn’t know either was that the man was actually a convicted pedophile who lived alone in West Berlin. His criminal record didn’t stop the city youth welfare authorities from placing vulnerable children in his care on numerous occasions between the early 1970s and 2003.

    Fritz’s victims – some as young as six or seven – suffered unspeakable horrors while at his mercy. Several were sexually abused and raped, with one disabled boy dying in his care.

    these are the people that want to send you to jail for asking where six million bodies are
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  14. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny i couldnt find the photo of all bidens freaks/
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  15. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Wariat check out this video called:
    "xxx sex bdsm zoo - Tied and knoted"

    its weird as fuck. literally this dude with a paper bag on his head and holes for his eyes ties this chick to a post and a dog fucks her then a horse is around and she is getting untied i paused it as i not sure whats gonna happen next cause the video is already weirding me out. like at one point the dude with the paper bag on his head says thats the first time weve seen them together as the dog and horse like hang out or the horse sort of gives him a kiss or some weird shit. then they keep like hanging out and the horse lowering his head to him while the dog is satisfied after having fucked the chick and the man with the bag says "so you wanna learn from the other one huh?"

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  16. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by WellHung I only want candy to talk to me online I intercept her interactions and try to get them for myself

    I don’t want your thanks ..remove it and get a grip thirst bucket

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  17. Originally posted by Fox Every single one of those statements are out of context and not representative of the original statement's meaning. I'll just pick one at random, 1989 "nations will be wiped off the map by 2000"

    This is referencing a statement made by Noel Brown, regional director of the UN Environmental Programme at the time (not a climate scientist himself), in 1989. The statement attributed in the cartoon is not accurate, what was said was "entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000."

    Not that it would happen BY 2000. Whenever climate change deniers reference statements like this to debunk the science of climate change, they're failing to understand that these dates and time frames they're talking about aren't some kind of doomsday clock where the apocalypse happens when they expire. Carbon that gets trapped in the atmosphere can linger there for decades or centuries and migrate to different parts of the atmosphere over time so the effects are cumulative and it may take many years before the actual impacts are felt. But modeling those impacts is just simple chemistry and physics. You take the known thermal properties of carbon, the known amount of carbon we are putting out, and plug in the known qualities of our atmosphere and the energy input from the sun, and you get a model of climate change. Climate is complicated and these models aren't perfect but even when you look at a range from the most optimistic outcomes to the most alarmist possibilities, even the milder scenarios will be devastating for the world.

    I don't believe even in the worst case that this is an existential threat to humanity but it will certainly cause trillions of dollars of damage to the economy and likely a very significant loss of life around the world. Prove me wrong using any kind of logic or evidence, not cartoons and memes. You can't.

    The science is settled!!

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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    very interesting read

    I remember seeing the original 4chan post but not knowing enough about genetics to tell how feasible it was.

    at least in regards to the conclusion, ie. second-generation mutations to ova, it's possible - M'RNA can be reverse-transcribed into DNA which would feasibly alter the DNA that is passed to your children without encoding to RNA and altering the person who receives the shot. from what little I could find on M'RNA > DNA reverse transcription though, it seemed that it was mostly being treated as an accidental and unwanted side-effect, and that we aren't anywhere near the point of being able to do it intentionally.

    basically the tweet posits that CDKN1B is mentioned in MODERNA patents but has had its data removed from GENBANK, lending credence to this idea that it was being used for some covert purpose. it also notes that LINE-1 reverse transcription is a very new idea unlikely to be even considered outside of the industry, meaning that even if the post is fake it'd have to have been written by someone with a good knowledge of how medical products and gene therapies are produced.
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    CDC's V-SAFE data released.

    1/3 of people enrolled had an 'adverse health event', 1/10 were severe enough to be hospitalised.

    will look closer when I'm not on phone
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  20. asfd
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