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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Lanny I was saying that "intelligence" is not a well defined term. I made reference to a common definition of intelligence which includes the notion of knowledge as part of it, but this is incidental.

    and i was saying that it shouldnt, and should never by people who actually knew what intelligence and knowledge are.

    I never claimed that "the magnitude of immorality doesnt change moral status ?". I said that a thing being morally wrong or not is the contingent on the existence or absence of different, potentially greater, moral wrongs.

    somebody please, i need help here. can anyone be kind enough to explain to me what lannys saying cause tbh i have no idea whats he saying.
  2. Originally posted by aldra millencolin gave him the bad touch

    as if a good ones possible.

    is it ?
  3. Originally posted by Sophie I'm sorry. Care to tell me why it makes you sad? You don't have to if you don't want to.

    its a reminder of time and innocence lost.

    time and innocence that ill never be able to get back.
  4. Originally posted by stare rape I prefer my shotguns stockless. Makes follow-up shots much easier while making them lighter and easier to conceal

    dont forget to trim the barrel too.
  5. Originally posted by aldra 12 and what is this

    come here ill show you.
  6. vaccumm cleaners
  7. Originally posted by Sophie 90's Music is pretty dope though.

    90s music make me sad.
  8. its great.

  9. Originally posted by What are they currently at

    very affordable.
  10. Originally posted by DietPiano Greed as in "I do what I perceive will lead to the best outcome for me", which is not necessarily repeated self-indulgence.

    doesnt sounds like the definition of greed, or at least the way i understand the word.

    greed to me, is the desire and craving for unnecessary excesses.

    maybe the word your looking for is 'selfish' ?
  11. Originally posted by r u a "chinaman" vinny?

    no, i dont have china passport.
  12. Originally posted by apt
    This is the most retarded article I've read in a long time and you should be ashamed for posting it.

    a mild meningitis and fever i had destroyed the part of my brain thats responsible for feeling shame.

    now i cant feel it anymore.
  13. Originally posted by aldra It doesn't really make much sense with the technology we have at the moment. The only way to defend against ASAT missiles would probably be countermeasures (probably too heavy) or lasers (possible but would need immense power supply) mounted on satellites themselves, but I suspect what it's really about is launching orbital missile platforms to kickstart another arms race to keep the military-industrial complex in business

    dont be surprised if they happened to be the one who leaked american military technologies to the other side to kick start some arms race.
  14. Originally posted by Ensign §m£ÂgØL In response to your shitty link, I will provide you with a review of over 100 studies that show there's a huge amount of regret and depression experienced by those who go through sex change surgery.

    1 - 222 > 100.

    2 - articles from 2004,

    3 -
    Research from the US and Holland suggests that up to a fifth of patients regret changing sex. A 1998 review by the Research and Development Directorate of the NHS Executive found attempted suicide rates of up to 18% noted in some medical studies of gender reassignment.

    sounds just like the attempted suicide rate of normal people.

    4 -
    Mr Bellringer, who works at the main NHS gender identity clinic at Charing Cross hospital in west London, said: "I don't think that any research that denied transsexual patients treatment would get past an ethics committee. There's no other treatment that works. You either have an operation or suffer a miserable life. A fifth of those who don't get treatment commit suicide."

    or the right attempted suicide rate for their kind.
  15. Originally posted by hydromorphone I think she's got the mental intellect of a 14-16 year old.

    most adulta have an iq of a 14-16 year olds.

    our iq stopped developing by around that time except for a few genius3s.
  16. Originally posted by Sophie Silver prices have been down recently.

    so are bitcoins. time to slurp them up ?
  17. op wants to be probed.
  18. Originally posted by DietPiano Greed is what drives all living things; acts of seeming compassion or altruism are actually very complex acts of greed. Other living things do not hold the life of prey as valuable because it does not help theirselves.

    i disagree. there are no obese animals in the wild. and they dont hoard more food than they can eat in a season.
  19. Originally posted by Lanny I haven't confused one for the other, not accused anyone of doing the same. Maybe you want to reread my post.

    no ? then i;l concede i have no idea what your saying when you said this:

    "Firstly "intelligence" is not a term with a uniform definition. Many you'll find are vacuous and apply so broadly as to include clearly emotionally and experientially inert objects. One of my favorite definitions hinges on having "knowledge" which seems to substitute the problem of assigning a good definition to the word "intelligence" to the much larger project of defining knowledge."

    It does not.

    i thought the moral status of something that is 'less immoral' isnt the same as something that is 'very immoral'. the magnitude of immorality doesnt change moral status ?
  20. Originally posted by infinityshock youll shoot yer eye out

    aim penis away from face while you masturbate.
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