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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson You're not supposed to enjoy work (even if that's what the corporate brainwashing tells you should be the case), that's why you get paid to do it.

    I question the sanity of anyone who would rather spend their time working for someone else rather than using their time how they see fit…it's cuckery at it's finest.

    hows *your* company doing ?

    bussiness ok ?
  2. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz having survived hanta virus and several other things that make this shit look like mickey mouse, i gotta say this shit is fuckin ridiculous

    were you like .... this ... before you caught hanta virus ?
  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Marlboro is the shittiest cigarette brand

    spics arent wellknown for their exquisite tastes.
  4. Originally posted by -SpectraL No, you'd need a liquid piercing type first. You can't put the cart before the horse.

    no, no.

    barrels come with liquids. they'd already factor that in.
  5. Originally posted by kobe bryant rapist

    you lose

    but they still call you a petty officer tho.

    inspite of all those talemts.
  6. Originally posted by -SpectraL What if God isn't around at the time?? Maybe he's on lunch or break or holidays.

    then you wait.
  7. Originally posted by -SpectraL Can't pierce a barrel through water.

    yes if its a barrel-piercing type.

    they;re designed for piercing liquid filled barrels.
  8. Originally posted by -SpectraL Not quite true. Some bans are actually justified.

    only god may be the judge of that.
  9. Originally posted by Kuntzschutz when you're shooting fish in a barrel, the ammo is kind of irrelevant

    yes it does, you dont want the barrel-piercing type.
  10. Originally posted by ORACLE Ok bud

    Yeah. They are taking factual facts about the world to draw a conclusion about what will probably happen the future. I.e. what credit reporting agencies are supposed to do.

    their disclaimers disclaim the truthfullness of your statement of opinion.

    Yes because they don't want liability for what some random person on the internet might do based on their assessments.

    thats only because your a low level paki whos only involvement with finance and economy is maning the tills at your uncles paki grocery store.

    those disclaimers come attached to every hard copy of their ratings report they hamd out to investors, legaleses, ceos, governmemt officials etc etc.

    i know because i used to work in a printing house that print all these stuffs.

    No this is a standard disclaimer for "we are not responsible for your investments".

    Standard disclaimer.

    you only need a standard disclaimer because what you say are not true. people put money where their lawyers are.

    The US Government also has highly credentialed economists and financial experts specifically because we understand statistics.

    yea, that seek to profit themselves and their cronnies at the expense of the average americans.

    now go fetch me a pack of marlboro you goddamm paki.
  11. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Everybody who says the deaths are 'inflated' doesn't understand how the virus works. Things like heart attacks are being included because it's caused by the virus. Normally heart attacks are cause by blockage. We aren't seeing that with these. Corona causes damage to all sorts of stuff and we'll probably see people dying of Corona related damage for years after the fact.

    explain, with these anatomically accurate corona virus dolls how, do they cause heart attack.
  12. Originally posted by aldra was wondering why fona seemed like a rapist magnet

    feather, birds, ....
  13. Originally posted by BummyMofo That's some degenerate beastiality faggoty porno You got there. I wouldn't expect any less from you tho

    thats traditional nigger kukture.

  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL Shouldn't post the fbclid in your links. Certain individuals here can exploit that information and triangulate your real identity.

    how do people triangulate over the internet ?
  15. Originally posted by -SpectraL Experience isn't all it's cracked up to be. Knowledge trumps experience. Feeling a thing is not the same as knowing a thing.

    i thot so too til the first time i put my peepee into her peepee.
  16. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace You have to look at the practical tax rate not GDP to tax ratio, obviously the US taxes its corporations way less than anywhere else in the world right now, and that's why the big boys are making historical amounts of money here. Canadians pay about 28% average and Americans pay 18% average.

    Sounds like a pretty good trade for free healthcare considering how much Americans pay for just a single treatment. You have somebody who makes 30k a year go in for a root canal, that's at least 3k. 10% of their annual income, right there in one procedure.

    If you need more than that you're fucked. Want to pay 20%? 30% How about 500% of your income? It happens.

    Republicants are fucking Americans every step of the way.

    what are some of the most prominent canadian company you know of.

    thats right.
  17. Originally posted by aldra you look thai or something

    also that second photo looks sinister as fuck

    phillipines used to be a part of thai/burma/cambodia land mass.
  18. Originally posted by STER0S nuh-uh

    quit channeling your supressed memories on to me.

    how tall was/is your mom relative to your father.

    closet pedo confirmed.
  19. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yep.

    If Mongolia and Vietnam can do it we can too. The only difference is that those countries understand the threat. I believe it was Vietnam which released an app to help track the virus. You log in, tell them who you got into contact with, and if anybody in your 'chain' gets infected they'll try to test and see who to isolate. That's why they can be relatively open and free and we can not right now. But they started doing this back in Janurary.

    Swift and severe measures are what we need to take this fall, or shit is going to get very bad. Already 100,000 dead in the US. We can easily have another couple hundred thousand dead by the time this is all over if we don't get our shit together.

    100,000 is a lot of fucking people. Look at that number, folks. Remember when everyone was saying the flu was deadlier? This has killed 3x more than the flu does on average through out the year. Sometimes the flu is bad and we have like 50,000 dead. And ALL of those are elderly or sick. Nobody healthy dies from flu anymore. Healthy people do die from Covid-19. This isn't like the flu, this causes much more damage than the flu, even if it doesn't kill you.

    > 100,000

    > incalculable.


    edit : #6 died of niggeral cause.
  20. Originally posted by ORACLE So you have no answer. As I thought.

    the answer is right there, your just too retarded to grasp it.

    So you don't know what the word "empirical" means

    and believe Fitch's standard disclaimer means Fitch doesn't know shit and holds no relevance as an evaluator despite being the literal leading fucking standard.

    thats what the disclaimer claims, letart.

    Inb4 Moody's and Standard&Poor are jedi lies

    hollie shittee. this is golden.

    if you'd just fucking scroll down to the end of the page:

    "Credit-related and other analyses, including ratings, and statements in the Content are statements of opinion as of the date they are expressed and not statements of fact. S&P’s opinions, analyses and rating acknowledgment decisions (described below) are not recommendations to purchase, hold, or sell any securities or to make any investment decisions, and do not address the suitability of any security. S&P assumes no obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format. The Content should not be relied on and is not a substitute for the skill, judgment and experience of the user, its management, employees, advisors and/or clients when making investment and other business decisions. S&P does not act as a fiduciary or an investment advisor except where registered as such. While S&P has obtained information from sources it believes to be reliable, S&P does not perform an audit and undertakes no duty of due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives. Rating-related publications may be published for a variety of reasons that are not necessarily dependent on action by rating committees, including, but not limited to, the publication of a periodic update on a credit rating and related analyses."

    that is essentially jéw speak.

    Already addressed this.


    The federal reserve system isn't the US government.

    In fact that is the point.

    two sides of the same coin. jerome "brrrrr" powell brrrrrs when the US gpvernment wants it to.

    You don't know how finances in general work so, shut the fuck up faggot.

    the only finance you know is dance and show heavily bearded and heavily turbaned men yoir tender little ass in exchange for your daddys ciggarette money.
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