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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by Narc That's just the 2:14 seconds that they chose to show you of what he said in that room that day. And notice what he says at 1:48.

    Also with trump you need to consider that he is part of the elitist establishment. Maybe they put him in there to make a mockery of the presidential position for a reason. These people are always planning 3 moves ahead at least with this sort of shit. For all you know this could be the start of them putting a long line of dumb fucktards in the oval office to diminish the peoples faith in 'elected officials', has that thought ever occurred to you? I mean just look at George Bush jr ffs? Another bumbling fool that somehow managed to stumble into the hot seat. America has this strange habit of electing bumbling idiots into the most powerful position in the world, supposedly. Do you really think 330 million people are really electing one moron after another because they knew 100% they were the best man for the job? Yet they still got into the position.

    Like I keep saying, the media decides who wins an election. They can choose to show you only the positive images and sound bites or only the negative ones with every single candidate, time after time again. And they know the majority will just vote for whoever they portrayed the best when they step into the voting booth. Doesn't matter if they consider themselves conservatives or liberals, democrats, republicans, right or fucking left. They will just tick whoever seemed to look the best on TV.


    your country put a women in #10.

    and a clown after that.

    apple, tree, far.
  2. Originally posted by 🐿 Your mom is ashamed of you.

    hes dead to her.
  3. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah that's why police are always huddled together one inch a part when they use their radios.

    equating NFC sensors with police talkies.
  4. Originally posted by aldra there is literally no benefit to trying to get that close to the police radio if you're trying to jam or decrypt it. It doesn't make sense at all as an attack vector.

    I mean, even following that logic why would you try to touch up a cop instead of going for the more powerful radios in their cars

    lol wut ?

    its literally in the title of that video.

    police radios work in frequencies that NFC sensors in most smartphones can capture, and just like using NFCs, you need to tap your phones onto the thing because the sensors range is about a few inches onky.
  5. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Well you told me and proved your case, congrats.

    what else do you need ?

    > a country with highest cat meat consumption per capita.

    > happens to be the only country with no covid19 deaths, and 100% recovery.
  6. Originally posted by Grylls First of all, that’s a UK news source

    so ?

    Second of all, shut the fuck up you non asian faggot

  7. Originally posted by Technologist Iowa had their highest voter turn out in last weeks primary since 1994.

    theres your proof of voter fraud.

    right there.
  8. Originally posted by Narc If a dog was born in a stable it doesn't make it a horse.


    non sequitor.

    its not like stables are exclusively for horses only.

    jesus was born there.
  9. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Did you just call me a Native…

    i was trying to quote §m£ÂgØL.
  10. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson huh? yes we do.


    a person who has broken the law, especially one who remains at large or is a fugitive.

    ..and English isn't even my first language

    ^ still do not have native language.
  11. im surprised they didnt bury him in arlington.
  12. disorganized terrorism is still terrorism.
  13. warriat-tier art.
  14. Originally posted by -SpectraL You have to get stitches for a hole that big. It won't heal across that large of a gap. It will just fester.

    no, stiching it up are for girls.

    real men fill their wounds up with gun powder and light them to cauterize their wounds.
  15. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yes. But they didn't really jail people back then. It's a really recent thing keeping people locked up for their crimes instead of just exiling/mutilating/beating/killing them. Jails were for prisoners of war who could be used or sold as slaves. The prison industrial system, lack of any sort of certification to become a cop, and the amassing of ticketing/seizure/etc funds by the dept who issues them, has led to RAMPANT abuse both by police and by legislators who stand to profit from keeping the status quo of America being the most incarcerated nation in human history.

    We've been at it for about 150 years and the issue has only been getting worse. Prior to the mid 1800's when police started becoming a thing, we had sheriffs and constables. The sheriffs were voted in by the people, and they chose their constables. This became less feasible with the growing of cities and the protests surrounding European immigrants on the east coast. Police in many instances were formed for crowd control.

    Also you can argue that guards/watchmen were not that militarized. They may have had weapons and armor, but civilians still had knives and farming tools and could reasonably fight back. The power disparity is much stronger here. You have unarmed protesters against a force that could mow down the entire crowd if they wanted to. They have aerial support. They have chemical weapons that may I remind you, are against the Geneva convention.

    Why the fuck do soldiers dealing with potential foreign threats have more training and culpability than police dealing with potential domestic threats. Why can we use tear gas on peaceful protesters, but not on ISIS. That is fucked up. Police need heavy reform and the current force needs to be disbanded in a calculated way.

    I think we can do this by setting a federal standard for certification and allowing all existing officers to attend these classes for free while still maintaining their jobs as police. If they pass, they pass. If they don't pass, they don't pass. Misconduct should be an automatic barring from re-entering the police force in a different dept. There was literally some FL PD that said they'll take any officer being charged with police abuse. Like wtf? These people literally don't think the excessive violence and militarization is a problem. They are so far removed from reality it is disgusting. These people cannot be allowed to retain power over average civilians.

    I just want cops who give a fuck about protecting people. We shouldn't have 19 year old cops. It should be a minimum of 2 years training and education and psychological tests. We also need to stop using chemical weapons on our own citizens. It's literally just analogues of chlorine gas and is fairly comparable in effects, without the lethality that chlorine gas presents.

  16. Originally posted by Octavian

    Had X rays done and there was no fractures, just tissue damage. FUCK YEAH!!!.

    those arent defensive marks.

    lol you took it like a beeyatch.

    the last ones on your back while your running away, wasnt it.
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Op what…there is no correlation between lower covid deaths and eating dogs..

    yes there is and any statistician will tell you that.
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Source??

    get a mirrer.
  19. Originally posted by aldra

    I was joking


    am I a god?

    what revolution started in 49 ?
  20. Originally posted by Technologist POT US!!!!!🌲

    no, your getting the oven.
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