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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Between me and two other family members, yeah. I just dump 30k of it annually into my cousin's investment fund. I think it's a closed end fund (??) but I honestly don't fucking know, this was set up when I was 19. All I know is that I'm more than comfortable squaring away ~30k a year and having my immediate living expenses taken care of. It also really removes my drive to do much of anything with my life since I can just go sit at my house alone on the computer and get stoned/drunk all day for months on end. My sister used the money to get a good education but I can't be fucked. Like, is there really a reason I shouldn't just do whatever I want with my time?

    this is whats wrong with capitalism.

    (regardless if the story is true)
  2. Originally posted by ORACLE I'll teach you how to do it easily

    Just pay $500 to enroll in my course

    i would rather go to trump university than give a paki 500.
  3. Originally posted by Speedy Parker obvious troll is obvious

    cheap immitation is cheap
  4. wear jogging attire when conducting breaking and entering.
  5. 5G
  6. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    A male skeleton is a male skeleton regardless of "arousal"…you're not getting it and keep talking about sex as an act rather than a biological fact.

    i dint know skeletons have penises.

    also no.

    if you are really talking about skeletons there isnt really such thing as male or female skeletons since a majority of criterias that define one as either a male or female are absent on skeletons.

    in skeleton comparison what you really have is skeleton type A with high bone density, broad shoulder and narrow pelvis that used to belong to a male, used to, but theres nothing male, man or manly about the skeleton now.

    you cant say a skeleton is a male.
  7. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson

    Sex as in male or female, not whether they can have sex or not.


    sex (gender) is relative and the only thing that determines the sexual characteristics of that person is the sexual arousal and attraction it can generate in another person.

    a person that arouses a heterosexual man is a female irrregardless of what genetalia it may posses.

    a person that arouses a homosexual man is a man irregardless of what its chromosome says.
  8. Originally posted by Grylls whats chinese culture?

    do you even know?

    have you even been there?

  9. Originally posted by street_carp Both parents, and their parents and their parent's parents. I'm as white as it gets. Lol what made you assume I was mixed race?

    i didnt say mixed race.

    i said cultureless shitskín. because you sounds uncultured.

    whats british culture anyway.

    british footballs, beers, and asssecks ?
  10. maybe i should ask blm.
  11. Originally posted by Sophie It was a jolly affair.

    i can imagine secret service agents being tasked with burning their bodies after the first family suicided in the bunker.
  12. henry ford was a racist.

    hitler praising racist.

    time to take it down.
  13. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Cite 1 case where a male skeleton has been changed to that of a woman's, show me 1 case where the chromosomes of every cell in a male have been changed to that of a females, show me a medical procedure that added functional ovaries to a male, functional breasts, the muscle density differences, show me 1 case where functional testicles have been added to a woman etc etc..

    non sequitor.

    with the exception of functional breasts and wombs/testeses which can be done with donors and transplants,

    none of the traits you cited such as skeleton, bone / muscle density, chromosone plays a part in determining whether sex could occur between 2 (or more) individuals.

    whens the last time you fucked someone because of their skeleton.

    whens the last time you fucked someone due to them having high muscle cell density.

    did you really count her chromosome before you fuck her ?

    no. the sole determining factor of what ones sex is should be its ability to cause sexual attraction and arousal in people who come into contact with it.

    if a person can cause sexual arousal on a man whos only attracted to women, then that person qualifies as a woman. even when its a robot or an ET.
  14. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson I didn't mention gender. Your sex is determined by the biology of your body, chromosomes and shit, not some made up term.

    yes, biology of our body, which biological functions can be changed by doctors.

    and show me where was it casted in stone that the basis of ones sex is determined by its chromosones.

    show me the commandment.
  15. Originally posted by Archer513 15 federal agents to investigate a door pull…

    America is soooo racist.


    Meanwhile nigs keep noggin on with no repercussions.

    Whiteys over protection of the nigs will be the downfall of free society.

    free society is its own downfall.
  16. Originally posted by Grylls You should get a book on how to learn Chinese

    you mustve missed my x-mass present thread.
  17. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Removal (or addition) of flesh doesn't change biological makeup.

    gender have nothing to do with biological make up.

    a negroid female is just as female as its caucasoid counterpart despite having a much more inferior genetic make up.
  18. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Even Mexico does school funding at the federal level so that everyone has access to an equal education.

    and yet why isnt mexhico the target destination of mexhicants who are looking for a brighter future for themselves and their familias.

    si, because equal educations are useless when they're all equally shitty.
  19. Originally posted by street_carp I'm white and English, you're speaking my language you confused little nonce.

    both parents ?

    and no, i dont respect your language enough to use it.

    i abuse it. like your dad with you.
  20. Originally posted by rabbitweed What does China gain?

    why are you avoiding the question ?

    is it because

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny

    often people who espouse this have difficulties elaborating why this is so.
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