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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Lolwut.

    Not an insult

    Not a stereotype

    He's not Indian

    Holy shit are you retarded? Must be because you're a Malaysian and everyone knows all Malaysians like eating retard rice.

    pakis are just angry, self loathing indians who refuse to identify themselves as indians.

    but of course i dont expect a retarded spic like you to understand anything more complex than taking it up your gay, faggot, ass.
  2. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Yeah vinny, because I didn't just pull that off the banner at the top of khan academy. Retard.

  3. Originally posted by Technologist I noticed you guys mentioning Khan online Academy. I never heard of it before, then BAM, there was an interview of the founder Salman Khan on the television.

    It’s weird how you’ve never heard of something, then you’re introduced to it, and all of a sudden you start hearing about it regularly.

    just like 'metastasis'.
  4. Originally posted by Grylls shut the fuck up you non oriental cunt

    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny ^ doesnt have native language.

  5. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Reminder that Vinny has never shown he can speak Chinese, English, or any other language fluently.

    ^ doesnt have native language.

  6. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lardass lanny the luxury of the lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer. there wont be concentration camps

    there will be extermination camps.

    whereupon the wiggers will be sodomized by the niggers prior to their being put down.

    yes, we herd it the first time.
  7. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lardass lanny the luxury of the lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer. actually, it was the a-rabs that gave niggers their first technology, ironically the ability to make structures that werent shit-tier (literally…niggers use/used shit as a construction material)foliage piles.

    also ironically, it was the a-rabs that started the mass slave harvesting of niggers.

    the epitome of irony is south africa. it was once a nuclear power under white rule then as soon as niggers took over it became a sub-third-world shithole with crime rates higher than literally anywhere else on the planet.

    no, niggers are a verminous infestation that needs to be exterminated like rats and roaches.

    what technology did the r-rubs gave them ?

    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Even in africa the decent places speak English and use European architecture and technology.
    Without whites they would have died off millions of years ago.

    yes, they;re all white supremacists.
  8. Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lardass lanny the luxury of the lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer. actually, it was the a-rabs that gave niggers their first technology, ironically the ability to make structures that werent shit-tier (literally…niggers use/used shit as a construction material)foliage piles.

    also ironically, it was the a-rabs that started the mass slave harvesting of niggers.

    the epitome of irony is south africa. it was once a nuclear power under white rule then as soon as niggers took over it became a sub-third-world shithole with crime rates higher than literally anywhere else on the planet.

    no, niggers are a verminous infestation that needs to be exterminated like rats and roaches.

    what technology did the r-rubs gave them ?
  9. Originally posted by -SpectraL Long enough to run a person through.

    Pointy enough to puncture cardboard or cloth.

    what kind of person.

    what kind of cloth and cardboard.
  10. Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace That was a singular event in a singular place and not at all comparable to mass protests going on all over the country. Besides, the vast majority of these protests are non-violent and non-destructive. If the millions that were out protesting were all looting and destroying there would be far more destruction. The majority of the arrests are for things like violating curfew and 'resisting arrest.'

    Open a history book. Attribution of the crimes of the few to the voice of the many is pretty textbook authoritarian speak. The HK government said the same thing about the protesters there. The British said the same thing about the Whigs and other revolutionaries. Boston Tea Party? Oh god no. They were heroes for that. All those government offices set on fire after the Stamp Act? Goddamn patriots is what they are.

    This is literally in our constitution. Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. If you can't stand by people expressing that then I don't know what kind of freedom of speech you actually stand for. There will always, always be rioters in protests this big. Doesn't matter what you are protesting. Few movements are completely peaceful. You're just giving into the propaganda by thinking it has anything to do with any specific movement, and isn't just human nature.

    Protesting is for red blooded Americans.

    you will change your mind in an instant when these protestors 'peaceably' assemble on your front yard.
  11. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood yeah.

    when you lose does it feel less bad because your not really losing to a girl.
  12. ghislaine is the best kind of woman a man can ask for.
  13. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Your illiterate ass would think I was talking about jihadists

    Benny no read good

    oh so you dont want to talk about them no more.
  14. Non-Whites for White Supremacy.

    Hi there, if you just walked in, WELCOME !

    My name is Dr. Jimms Dobson and today on this warm and lovely summer day I would like to talk to you all a something about the tabboo subject of WHITE SUPREMACY !

    Have you ever look at pictures in the news or MAGAzines or even hollywood movies of WHITE SUPREMACISTS and say to yourself "wow, they're so cool and I wish I was WHITE so that I can be just like them!" ?

    Well, the truth is a resounding YES.

    YES, YOU CAN !!!

    This is because according to the omnipotent God of Information, the Wikipedia, WHITE SUPREMACY is the belief that WHITE people and their cultures are SUPERIOR to everyone else's and therefore they should rule over everybody, which is already a something that you all have been doing !

    If you are a NON-WHITE and are listening to this speech in English, which is a WHITE LANGUAGE, or are reading the text version of this speech in its unadultered ENGLISH form, then you are already a practitioner of WHITE SUPREMACY. Obviously you, or your parents have decided that this WHITE LANGUAGE known as English is superior to your own native language (if any) and is a something that's indespensible and that you can't live without and therefore it is paramount for you to acquire, grasp and master it.

    And congratulations, for you have succedded in doing just that. You have mastered ENGLISH, your WHITE MASTER'S LANGUAGE.

    And if you are a functional individual living in any part of the civilized world whether it's in the East or the West or the North or South, then you are already definitely, positively a practitioner of WHITE SUPREMACY. This is because everynight when you goes to sleep and every morning when you wakes up you do so according to WHITE MEN'S definition of time, in their WHITE HOURS, WHITE MINUTES AND WHITE SECONDS. In short, you have already subjugated yourself to the supremacy of WHITE TIME.

    You also probably woke up this morning with the assitance of an Alarm Clock, which as we all know is a WHITE INVENTION, instead of the cocks of a cock. And the first thing you did after that was probably brushing your tooths, with a tooths brush, and tooths pastes, which are all WHITE INVENTIONS. For the rest of your day you probably spent it doing what the WHITE MEN have decided that you should be doing according to their WHITE MEN'S laws, WHITE MEN'S customs and WHITE MEN'S cultures, all in their WHITE MEN'S economies.

    In many ways, you, a NON-WHITE, have already acknoledged the SUPREMACY of WHITE MEN'S way of life over your own, hands down, unquestionably, and indisputedly,

    and the only thing left for you to do that you have hitherto have not yet done is to be honest with yourself, embrace your WHITE SUPREMACIST weltanschauung, bend your knee with pride, then brazenly proclaim;


    And arise a WHITE SUPREMACIST.

    Until we meet again,

  15. Originally posted by Grylls define your ethnicity

    ^ mixed beyond recognition
  16. Originally posted by rabbitweed If you hate reddit, stop using it.

    if you hate what OP had to post, stop coming to his thread.
  17. A big game shooter who proudly posed with the dead carcasses of giraffes, elephants and rhinos has been hired to be a state government conservationist.

    jediell Crossberg was recently appointed acting district manager of the Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions in Esperance, on the state's south coast.

    A Facebook album titled 'business and pleasure' has surfaced showing Mr Crossberg standing over dead giraffes, rhinos and zebras he's shot at South African game reserve in 2010.

  18. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Did your mom tell you, "You're such a clever boy" when you posted that?

    y ?

    did you think i was ?
  19. Originally posted by Speedy Parker Ask either of your parents or any of your siblings.

    asians have high iq by default.
  20. Originally posted by DontTellEm What comes first, the chicken or the egg?

    define chicken. at what point dinasaurs become chicken.

    define egg. at what point does a cell can be considered an egg.
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