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Posts by vindicktive vinny

  1. posting in a krolo thread
  2. Originally posted by Robert Mugabe :isad:

    i c.
  3. Originally posted by aldra it's not just money supply. what does the federal government produce? I don't know what states produce what products so I can't give specific examples, but the federal government only exists insofar as it injects itself into agreements between states. If it can't control trade and policy between states, if it's cut out of that discourse, it has no power and no reason to exist. all states need to do to break the federal government is ignore them.

    Wars happen when old sources of power start to lose their grip on the reins.

    what does the US federal government produce you ask ?

    one word : FEDERALRESERVE.

    they will tell you that the federal reserve is an "independent" body and its chairperson answers to no one, its really another arm of the US federal government since every printed dollar bills and every minted dimes are backed by the might of the US federal government thru its treasury.

    without the federal government all wealth, stocks, bonds and debts denominated in US dollar will be worthless because USD will cease to have any value without US federal governments backing.

    also americans dont produce a lot of tangible products and hence the rust belt extends into many states and those that do have leaky and pro bussiness tax regime that benefits large corporations at the expense of their people and state so these "rich" states are mostly bankrupt and rely on federal governmet loans and bail out just to get by.

    tldr : no US federal government = no more USD
  4. OP is sad loser who can only feel good by putting others down for having done some trivial minor offences.

    u sad ?

    i sad for you.
  5. Originally posted by aldra my prediction on this is that large sections of the country are going to become federally ungovernable, not properly paying federal taxes or obeying federal diktats. supply lines will falter in response as the federal government will be unwilling or unable to control trade between states and that's when the boot will come down hard

    its a mistake to think the US federal government is dependent on tax payers for their money supply. its what our rohingya economist would think and have you believe.

    no, the US federal government doesnt need tax payer or their money if you understand how US economy is run. their money supply comes mainly from the fed reserves, which "print" all the required moneys.

    citizen will just ended up dependent on their government for hamdouts and welfares, there will just be mass subjugation in the end.

    no wars.
  6. Originally posted by Wariat

    I just saw this show up guys on my facebook feed and had to share it. It truly is marvelous work imo.

    and notice how the snakes only have their heads (dome) halfway thru the valley / vagina-like openings ?

    thats what normally happen with man-child sexes, they normally manage to get just their heads (domes) in into their child lovers.

    dont ask me how i know.
  7. Originally posted by i­nfinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanney the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1001101--0-1--1--01.-111.01001-----0..-.1.1-0-.1011-11--01-011-----1.-.1--1----.-01---010010-0-(b­anned) thats pretty much how i made my avatar

    with snakes and little girls ?

    on topic :

    giant snakes and a little girl, the pict is a metaphore of man-child sex. its no coincidence warriat likes it amd fimd it appealing.

    and i too, for that matter.
  8. Originally posted by i­nfinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanney the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1001101--0-1--1--01.-111.01001-----0..-.1.1-0-.1011-11--01-011-----1.-.1--1----.-01---010010-0-(b­anned) literally every sane person on this planet knows the democrats cheated in this election.

    there will be civil war

    as of this morning it is 99.99998% chance.

    no. there wont be wars, not even pillow fights.

    there might be some noise and riots, but war means no internet and netflix.

    and ehmehricans cant live without these basic necessities.

    Originally posted by i­nfinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanney the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer---.1001101--0-1--1--01.-111.01001-----0..-.1.1-0-.1011-11--01-011-----1.-.1--1----.-01---010010-0-(b­anned) i guarantee theyre not allowed to use the capital bathrooms and are required to use port-a-shitter trucks.

    ask me how i know.

    the same reason 'piss bombs' are a thing

    yes, how you know.
  9. Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood Just becuase something is old doesn't mean it's better than some new thing either. It goes both ways.

    You are both acting like those old people that refuse to use computers because I AINT NEVER NEEDED ONE BEOFRE WHY WOULD I START NOW… it's like okay??? you do you then retard.

    is that why you prefer 50 year olds these days.
  10. Originally posted by aldra it's amusing you should talk like this - you have far better reasons to kill yourself than I do

    I probably would've killed myself a long time ago if I were in your position, living purely on charity. I sometimes wonder what it'd be like to be unable to feel shame - if I were ostensibly more capable of supporting myself and family but chose to impose the responsibility onto my mother, I can't imagine not either changing the situation one way or another

    in his defense he never asked to be borned.

    his mom ought to be responsible for his life amd wellbeing.
  11. how do you consider a suicide perfect.
  12. Originally posted by CandyRein Join date may 2018…

    Multiple post telling age of 35 last year…

    You wanna try again lol

    Just jelli I have a much younger man 🤭

    why would i be.

    24 is really too old and im not into men.
  13. you like it
  14. Originally posted by larrylegend8383 I love how Benny's trash bag ass has something to say after seeing me tell a low life pedophile to find death yesterday

    dont talk shit about benny hes not here tk defend himself.

    if you have anything to say say them to me.

    look at me. say them to me.
  15. Originally posted by aldra stop making retarded threads and I'll stop shitting in them

    take the torch

    like a Salem housewife who talked too much shit, faggot

    dont stop.

    i enjoy seeing you squeezes shits out of your tight, eurasian asshole.
  16. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Google "Map of USA", it shows a map(s) of Geographic Land masses/areas…that's physical not political. Again, context young billy.

    the map merely indicates where american proposition is being proposed.

    the reason the map shows area X as USA is because area X practises american ideology,

    area X does not practises american ideology because of its geographical location or region.

    good troll tho.
  17. Originally posted by aldra I think if I was getting married I probably wouldn't tell the US

    dont send out the invitation cards in english.
  18. Originally posted by aldra Imagine what the bathrooms are like

    they all wear tactical diapers.
  19. Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson That's the opposing left wing party.

    back benchers.
  20. Originally posted by aldra Gaylactic Faggeration

    why do you think of homosexuality all thw time.
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