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  1. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby no not at all captain obvious fag

    you're made from undesired parts.
  2. Space Nigga
    This is when I remember him and CIA seed Marc

    fuck you for coming into my work and rotating my hand downward over yours then flipping it as if you're in charge of me.

    sick fuck

  3. Space Nigga
    Goose Liver


    Operation: Foie gras



  4. Space Nigga
    This site is a mirrored page on a military IP address.. Ima disconnect this server thanks to whoever is using it.. whether MIC is trying to shut me down or put me in a Sand Box Innerweb host or because of talking about Zoklet working for the FBI and or totse related to 9/11

    illegal use of service.
  5. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by EllariaSand The one with Down’s syndrome

    The one Down with Syndrome
  6. Space Nigga
    I was enquiring why my IP is a Military server's IP

    and I typed up "Military workers saying Nigger" and this page popped up with this photo

    wuts up?

  7. Space Nigga
    So is this the real or is some dickheads working for the MIC/Who fucking ever mirroring my contacts?

    what's the point of having a fucking internet connection. not to mention I have half the fucking speed and it bogs up all the time now.

    Pay for my next bill. asswipes.
  8. Space Nigga
    Reminds me of a guy name JJ (Jones) who ran 4gif and

    on his governement assigned domain of art (and he ran the entire had what looked to be suggestive photos of children.. close to CP

    I blew the whistle on him. he was attending USC at the time back around 2006

    all the shit I witness over the years is strangly amazing.

    anyways they took it down. he was angry because as a T/A he was making back then close to 40k .

    He ran 4Gif that was his site, now forgif. with his odd friend James.

    probably linked to 4chan as well. I was checking stuff and using a copy of get-right which the older version allowed you to see hidden directories for some odd reason.. I busted the dude.. had direct links, copied and pasted to HR at USC and the LA Police department.
  9. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Exactly. I cudnt agree more.

    I saw a video which looks like lanny of a guy in clearly Cams and packing up his gear in what looked like a standard bunker with bed and locker.

    Lanny.. you and your friends using the US Military's server for your own none regged domain?

    that's probably a big no no.. especially with a name like niggas
  10. Space Nigga

    doc and logged
  11. Space Nigga
    is the title too long?

    why is my IP tapped into Military LOL shouldn't Lanny's be? or is this a group utilizing tax payers property illegally for personal use to hack into my home server?
  12. Space Nigga IP Address Information <--- MINE
    ISP WorldCom/R. Rea Corp
    Usage Type Military
    Domain Name
    City Rockville, Maryland

    And then

    ISP SharkTech
    Usage Type Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
    Domain Name <--- Yours
    Country United States
    City Denver, Colorado
  13. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mikeyagain Is this your ode to suckin cock??

  14. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I'm Middle Eastern.

    I bet you're lying and also WTF Does that have anything to do with this?
  15. Space Nigga
    I witnessed more than totse. on top of it, I was on the phone on the 12th or 13th (the following day) and said some small planes were doing barrel rolls (loopty loops)

    I just heard a guy on a video say Loopty Loops recently regarding that guy who stole the plane in Seattle and crashed it. it was like this. just flipping the crafts upside down and rightside up.. WWII vintage Mustanges (P Models not sure with one)

    over the years they flew over our house. one crashed in the bay a few years ago, i think it might be one I got on video.

    if you want to see it, I'll look for it and post it, again. but my wife is with our then little girls in the background.. you can hear her say "They're doing stupid stunts again" because they had flew by earlier and yelled for me to get the video camera.. then she ask I call the police. So I called 9-1-1 and the operator says "We had an officer phone it in as well"

    the whole reason was this.. Bush and some guy from the FAA stated that small planes might be stolen and filled with fuel or possibly Anthrax"

    the Anthrax of the postal service had started the following week. this is why I think shitloads of people in California were apart of this group.. with in the MIC perhaps to profit large. it's so fucked up and cruel. it's like if a ethnic gang busted your door open and your entire neighborhood and terrorized the shit out of your kids and killed many people in the process including some kids.

    that is the feeling of this.. but most likely, Arabs, Whites, Euro Faux jedis and some other mother fucking pieces of shit treasonous making some money on the back end.

    that is what this is. these people shit and fart and in Bush Jr case, act drunk and stupid at funerals.
  16. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by jedi_darryl This is a newer generation. We have stay "hip" in order to feel relevant. Otherwise, you'll feel like you lost an exponential amount of cool points. Cool points is how we manage the difference from popularity, to being a potential sidekick. Everyone hates being a sidekick. Just ask Robin, tails, squire, aquagirl, Jimmy Olsen, etc.

    You can't lose exponentially all at once, can you?
  17. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by tr1pl3_thr3@t I cant say that is ever a phrase I have used, Pole. In fact I still use the phrase Booty Call.

    Even that was nub talk

    before that booty-duty
  18. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery That's weird. I was just thinking about that line last night.

    it means bad acting. which many people trolling on here are.

    it shows in the way they flip flop facts over time and then get caught
  19. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery I would love to die.

  20. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Cootehill [video]https:/

    Tarpley has the best analysis of what happens on 911.

    Although he falls down when he refuses to take the (((obvious next step))). He'll even rattle off whole lists of (((them))) without letting on.

    Maybe this means nothing.. but listen to what Cheney says about "Taking it as a compliment.. what follows afterwards. he stumbles a bit. but in truth dick cheney violated laws of Conflict of Interest for getting the company he used to be a CEO (Halliburton) of the contract to put out oils fires on pipelines that Suddams men would do as the US is invading as well as American or Allies having to do with strategic strikes (as well as the Carlyle group which then involved the Bush family.. and Bush's cousin being responsible for security at WTC?).. so as much as I like to say Bush had nothing to do with this.. his family does.? it's Fox/Henhouse. Suddam Husain was a douche but this wasn't a war about them. our troops did their best to deal with this shit. they're the heroes. Fucking evil rich people. Stop voting for these cunts and lets have a fucking tribunal once and for all.

    The Arrogance of "Iron-Ass Cheney"

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