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Posts by Haxxor

  1. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley Way easier to blame others than take personal responsibility for my own actions.

    The easy way out is the choice of the myopic.
  2. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bradley I wouldn't use vulgarity or discuss sodomy with a toddler.

    Precisely ✊🏽
  3. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Michael Myers Preach! If only certain people I knew irl thought of this. But no, they have a heart made of stone. Some people can be so heartless, man. I don't understand. Maybe it's because I'm ugly so they think they can do as they please.

    No, it has zero to do with anyones appearance.
    It’s easy to be a tough guy asshole virtually.

    I think 98% of the bad ass shit people post here is stuff they wouldn’t have the balls to say to a toddler irl
  4. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Jesus had standards. You can be fucked up, and you can be saved. You can't just join his flock then fuck him off, and say "I want all the benefits of this thing you have going but I don't want to do any of the work".

    Jesus said "let he who will not work let him not eat". If you won't work for your salvation, then sorry, asshole. exactly where in the Bible does it say this?

    I’m not sure what Bible you’re reading? Every version of the Bible I’ve read is quite clear that our own works do not help or merit salvation. We are saved “not because of righteous things we had done”. ( he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit) Titus 3:5

    This means that offering sacrifices, keeping the commandments, going to church, being baptized, and other “good deeds” are incapable of saving anyone. No matter how “good” we are, we can never earn or measure up to God’s standard of holiness (Romans 3:23; Matthew 19:17; Isaiah 64:6).

    The Bible is just as clear that salvation is conditional; God does not save everyone. The one condition for salvation is faith in Jesus Christ. Over one hundred times in the New Testament, faith (or belief) is declared to be the sole condition for salvation.

    Suppose someone anonymously sent you a check for $1,000,000. The money is yours if you want it, but you still must endorse the check. In no way can signing your name be considered earning the million dollars—the endorsement is a non-work. You can never boast about becoming a millionaire through sheer effort or your own business savvy. No, the million dollars was simply a gift, and signing your name was the only way to receive it. Similarly, exercising faith is the only way to receive salvation, the generous gift of God, and faith cannot be considered a work worthy of the gift.

    According to the Bible - one day, some people asked Jesus what they could do to please God: “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus immediately points them to faith: “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent” (John 6:28-29). So, the question is about God’s requirements (plural), and Jesus’ answer is that God’s requirement (singular) is that you believe in Him.

    Grace is God’s giving us something we cannot earn or deserve. According to Romans 11:6, “works” of any kind destroys grace—the idea is that a worker earns payment, while the recipient of grace simply receives it, unearned. Since salvation is all of grace, it cannot be earned. Faith, therefore, is a non-work. Faith cannot truly be considered a “work,” or else it would destroy grace. (See also Romans 4—Abraham’s salvation was dependent on faith in God, as opposed to any work he performed.)
  5. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Meikai Yeah, I'm not sure how Christ would feel about all that though. Dude's whole schtick was kinda… y'know… redeeming fucked up, impure, broken people. Kind of feels like the good archbishop might be being a tad overzealous in deciding that access to the Christ should be limited only to the morally pure and righteous. Jesus isn't going to catch Pelosi's cooties. It's arguably blasphemy, in a sense, to deny the eucharist. The Pope himself has never done so, and doesn't seem to believe it to be in line with the clergy's role in shepherding humanity. They're supposed to be shepherding people to Christ, not preventing them from being exposed to Him.

  6. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Does anyone wonder what happened to what's her name?

  7. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Donald Trump 4 payments of $49.99? Outrageous!. Put it over 18 months, now it's only 18 payments of $24.99. Much cheaper

    It’s Fona-logical
  8. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost

    For the low low price of 4 payments of $49.99?
  9. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Treat others the way you want to be treated. Regardless of your personal feelings towards them.
  10. Haxxor Space Nigga
    I’m interrupting this thread with Off (thread) Topic comments;

    Reading through the posts here as I typically do a few things I saw compelled comment:


    Originally posted by Bradley Despite the mockery of RIPTOTSE that led me to drinking and using crack last week, I do alright.

    You’re blaming RIPtotse for your choosing to drink and use crack..that’s some weak ass victim crap right thuuuur, based on the bs shit you were doing and posting shortly after entering rehab it’s pretty obvious your “sobriety” wasn’t going to last (didn’t think you’d choose to fail this quickly), but nothing about you had changed except you were alcohol free. Blaming anyone for your failure, by choice, is weak sauce dood.


    Originally posted by mmQ I know for a fact when I worked at Happy Joe's we would throw away literally 50 pounds of perfectly good pizza, breadsticks, cinnamon sticks, pastas, every day. I would try to take as much as I could for myself and the owners would get mad and say No! you can't take so much. You need to leave some for the dumpsters.

    They were christians too which I found a bit odd that they wouldn't donate their food to a good cause but nope their true colors shone when it came time to throw away or save food. Joke is on them though after covid they shut down for a while and then reopened but never recovered and now their store is demolished and getting replaced with some shitty carwash as we speak!

    lol at these fucking Christian posers this shit is karma they got exactly what they deserve. Bad enough not donating that food but imagine giving you shit for taking food they were throwing away. Assholes - they always show their true colors don’t they.

    Anyway please return to OT ✊🏽 posting.
  11. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kafka I didn’t apologise for leaving him with no warning and he didn’t complain, I just sent him nudes.

    🙄 🤔 🥱 😴

  12. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson Summary:

    "nothing happened"
  13. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Rape Monster $3,000 in only 12 months? How are you gonna make that kind of money?

    That’s $250 per month I’m assuming zero interest IF completely paid off in 12 months.
    Once the credit promotional period ends, you'll be charged interest on any remaining balance.

    Add that payment to all the other recurring monthly payments, like $$ to pay for those $300 dinners, $70 pizzas, vacations, different car ever month, cash advance loans, other credit cards, food, utilities gasoline for the cars, mortgage payments, property taxes (if not included in the monthly mortgage payment). Sewer & water & trash pick up.
    Things that aren’t necessities.

    Damn dude when I read this all I could think of was the look on your face if you don’t end up with your name on the house as a joint owner. Unless you’re marrying this girl you’re gonna end up owing a buttload of money with nothing to show for it when this relationship tanks.

  14. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Steven Come to Guadalajara I will show you what real Mexicans are like.

    on our way!
  15. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master Yes please inform us.

    Perhaps with a nice video?
  16. Haxxor Space Nigga
    You ever notice bald guys are extra hairy everywhere else. That Sasquatch on the beach always has a bald head.
  17. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master 950 a month ain't shit compared to the unconditional love and financial support of one's family.


  18. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Steven blue collar worker for sure

    ad hominem response

    unemployed poser for sure 😉
  19. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Steven k byeee

    😘 👋🏼👋🏼
  20. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Kafka It’s hard to be this honest but I’m not going to tell anyone else. My first thought every morning is I wish I was dead. It’s because of people from my past who hurt or tried to take advantage of me, I know there will just be more of that in future. The past wasn’t worth living. If I had to pin it on one person it would be my ex. I’m currently being abused. I can’t say I have a single friend. Nis isn’t good for me.

    Your complaints, your drama, your victim mentality, your whining, your blaming, and all of your excuses have NEVER gotten you even a single step closer to your goals or dreams. Let go of your nonsense. Let go of the delusion that you DESERVE better and go EARN it!
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