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Posts by PrettyHateMachine

  1. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I'm daydreaming right now about taking that nug, grinding it up , sprinkling it into my pipe and lighting it up

    Mmmm the flavor
    Mmmm the smell
    That feeling of elevation

  2. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost What state are you located in?

    I can do it but it won't be cheap and it might get seized.

    Just picked up this $5 gram of Tuna Kush.

    ;_; I wish that were in my pipe right now
    Fuuuuuck living in the car would be slightly more tolerable if only I had the ganja on the daily
  3. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I haven't had weed since March or April of this year when I was in California
    I'm stuck out here in a car with nothing to do and no medicine to help numb the pain.
    Could any of you nigs mail some marijuanas to me?
    I can give you an address.
  4. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    I'm a trans woman of color
    Make me an admin
    I'll ban all the problematic shitlords like Bill Krozby, lanny, risir and hts.
    I can make this site inclusive and great again!
  5. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Yes not only that but they're purposefully being pushed by the jedis to degrade and destroy our society.

    Quit drugs (except for the occasional 420) and take up other activities such as exercise, self growth, raise a white family, get a pet and pour your heart into them etc
    You'll thank yourself once you hit your 40s.
  6. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    jedis want to force you to listen to coon tunes and kalergi pop so you will subconsciously tune into their fake world.
    It's psychic driving magick.
  7. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    A Pikachu with a fucking hat!
    I haven't seen this before ever.
    This is like finding a jedi who doesn't want to bother anyone and keeps to himself

  8. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Did you post this, OP?
  9. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
  10. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost I've never even met a jedi.

    I saw a jedi at the auto body shop the other day, he was working on our car.
    He had the hebrew word or whatever that looks like the NIN logo tattooed on his arm ...
    Hopefully he was just a lemming jedi and not mossand or anything.
  11. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2.0 - The GMO Reckoning If the jedis vanished tomorrow life would be like switching a video game from hard mode to easy.

    For every single man, woman and child on earth.

    Things would just be so easy you'd spend most of your time (when not at your $1000 a week, 20 hour job) laughing about how hard things used to be, and how people were so stupid before.

    Someday this will become a reality.
    We just need to band together and make it happen.
  12. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Nil peace on earth
  13. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    They way they look and behave is inhuman.
    They are more close to a chimp than a human and that is not a stereotype.
    Niggers are so bestial.
    Everything about them is disgusting and negative.
    After the jedi they are the most grim and repulsive human-like animal on earth.
    After eliminating the jedi I hope people band together and exterminate the jungle jedi from existence.
  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut

    Here is a good enough reason to exterminate every single jedi cockroach from the face of the earth.
    Oh and it will happen, just as eager as they are to fulfill their "prophecy" we are to simply exist.
    The jedis are literally digging their own graves.
    Believe me, before the end of the century either all the jedis are exterminated and the handsome and well tanned individuals put back into their little dwellings or we will mutually destroy each other but mark my words, the Europeans aren't just going to allow this to happen.
    Even the most cucked swedes will be happily mowing down hooked nosed gremlins in a few years .. even I will leave the comfort of my hiki lifestyle in order to kill these creatures one by one and I will enjoy every single second of it.
  15. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Everything was better before the internet became the new way
  16. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Racism is the natural way of things
    People say "but children aren't racist" that is definitely not true, what they are is more carefree and open to others (because they haven't grown and learned the brutish ways of society).
    You can't say that just because a little boy will sit down with a nigger at school and eat lunch together that he doesn't realize that the nigger is outside of his race, at all ages I had a full understanding of me, volk and "the other" I just wasn't "prejudice" against them (this all changed when I encountered a little sheboon in second grade).
    A dog will sniff and lick another dog's asshole, doesn't make it right, should humans start doing that ... NO (despite what some of the mentally ill degenerates here might feel).

    Anti-racism is newspeak for social manipulation by the jedis, they want to craft your psyche so you will better fit into their jedi world order.
  17. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Like literally the fucking president is running a psyop that has sent 4chan and a mostly recent (and probably built from the ground up for this) imageboard called 8ch to the mainstream of the highest levels.
    Now every asshole and their retarded half-nigger cousin with downsyndrome knows about the chans.
    As someone who has been there from the beginning this truly disgusts me, and not just because they're becoming mainstream but because these people have no fucking clue what imageboard culture is all about.
    Their only knowledge of memes and internet humor comes from expose to fifth generation 4chan newfag culture via facebook feeds, it's nauseating.
    The culture and feeling that I knew and loved is gone, all the original people seem to have disappeared or died and a lot of the original websites (such as my beloved iichan) have gone POOF.
    These places were once bastions for a certain type of mindset and creative output that had a very particular feel to it, the internet culture that came from late 90s and early 00s anime otaku culture, internet obscurism, TOTSE-esque attitudes (a TOTSE none of the faggots on this website even know about including the douchebag who created this place himself).
    Imageboards were MAGICAL, it was like entering a totally different universe, now it's like seeing the same exact bot posts every single day all day ever since around 2009 (/mu/ is literally the same garbage threads that started appearing around 2009 when kpop was becoming popular).

    And to detour here for a bit

    It's not just imageboards that have been lost, gaming has gone to total shit too.
    I look at the various gaming sites and they're only covering like ... four or five games total and besides two that MIGHT be fun somewhat (Read Dead Redemption and some other game I can't remember atm) everything else looks like a 00s straight to DVD CG movie (Fortnight) or some regurgitated garbage I fully expect to be shit and will never bother with (Black ops five, assassin's creed odyssey).

    Everything I loved in my teens has been destroyed or died
    There is NOTHING today that feels as amazing
    Not even VR, but it's still the extremely early days so I'll give that some time.

    When I get moved back into an apartment I'm literally going to buy a CRT and for the next decade play nothing but PS2, Xbox and pc games up to 2006 ... or maybe do that for the rest of my life.
    Oh and I'll stick to cds.
    Then I'll start an imageboard of my own using the old software with some new touches, I'll host it in San Francisco so I won't run into legal issues when someone posts child porn.
    Or maybe it'll just be a textboard like 4-ch and 2ch idk.

    Has anyone thought of doing this?
    Shutting out the modern world and living like your favorite era?
  18. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    The jedis are trying to sabotage Linux
    First they were going to pay someone for finding a backdoor exploit into Linux, then they get Linus to leave and have a tranny to ruin the ecosystem for developers.
    It's obvious who is behind this.
    The jedis are moving towards a future completely saturated by the net and a kernel and operating system not controlled by them is their number one threat.
    Not to mention Microsoft is moving towards an always online operating system as a subscription style setup.
    We must fight this war and help Linux by any means, even if it means actual bloodshed.
  19. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Oh yeah then there is also this

    When are we finally going to rise up and start killing jedis en masse wherever we find them?
  20. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Good god. This is fake, right??😨

    It's real

    You won't believe how disturbed society has become.
    And yes it's literally all because of the jedis.
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