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Posts That Were Thanked by iam_asiam68

  1. Originally posted by RottenRobert He would rather watch our troops die on TV.

    Well I think most sane people would rather than being "on set" watching it.
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  2. Originally posted by Technologist It’s over anyway, as long as trump doesn’t retaliate. Iran said this was their retaliation and they’re done, but if we retaliate?…..they have threatened to bomb Dubai and some city in Israel. We shall see.👀

    Lol, so naive...
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  3. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Technologist It’s over anyway, as long as trump doesn’t retaliate. Iran said this was their retaliation and they’re done, but if we retaliate?…..they have threatened to bomb Dubai and some city in Israel. We shall see.👀

    I think the game changed tho, when they started a "Second" attack.
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  4. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Don't question why just do and die for Trump

    erm, NO...
    they do it for their "country" & sadly, for "idiots" that don't have any balls.. such like yourself.
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  5. Archer513 African Astronaut
    They wanted more Obama money

    Trump wasn’t having it

    It’s funny,2 mths ago the left was pissed he pulled out of Syria (where Obama got us in) now they mad he killed a horrible enemy.

    Watching the lefties go back and forth on their ideology and morality is quite entertaining 👍🏻

    TDS is real yo
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  6. A nice cup of tea and a friendly chat to sort things out really isn't as effective as a white hot missile injecting it's hot plasma up the ass of your enemies.

    Another Scone Mr Suleimani?
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  7. Archer513 African Astronaut
    At this time?

    Ya mean the time after American soil was attacked?

    Perfect time.
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  8. So far we have England winning WW2, America, Russia, Canada, Australia...anyone who has studied WW2 actually knows the allied success is 100% down to the Russians...if Hitler had left them alone Europe would now be Germany.
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  9. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 any human, whose eyes, look more like a damn cat needs their heads cut off by a wooden saw <3

    Unless it's a sexy catwoman outfit including the cats eye contacts.
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  10. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i am not at all pleased i allowed myself to get that fat and heavy, but i can promise you it can happen to anyone (not my same size and weight but much bigger than you are now). and i did change my diet. i did cut out a lot of bread, gluten, and starch items. the hardest part was not dropping the weight, but getting your skin back in shape. that took longer because i refused having the surgery to correct it. being on the farm is what did it best for me. nothing is light, easy to move, and it's 100% physical in every aspect. but i am glad i did it this way because it also strengthens the heart muscles.

    Exercise does not 'strengthen' the heart muscles. Building muscle eases stress on the heart, which is what you want. If your heart muscles are too strong/thick it will result in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which is something both runners and the morbidly obese suffer from.

    I have a congenital heart condition and I was advised specifically not to do cardio, but to lift weights instead. You want your heart to have an easy time pumping and not have a high heart rate where your heart muscles are thickening.
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  11. Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i am not at all pleased i allowed myself to get that fat and heavy, but i can promise you it can happen to anyone (not my same size and weight but much bigger than you are now). and i did change my diet. i did cut out a lot of bread, gluten, and starch items. the hardest part was not dropping the weight, but getting your skin back in shape. that took longer because i refused having the surgery to correct it. being on the farm is what did it best for me. nothing is light, easy to move, and it's 100% physical in every aspect. but i am glad i did it this way because it also strengthens the heart muscles.

    I just went to the docs this morning for a checkup, my weight was EXACTLY the same as last time I went...830lbs.
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  12. Octavian motherfucker
    Take loads of Imodiun like Sploo and die shitting yourself, losing what little dignity you had left in your short, shitty lives.
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  13. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny so you didnt teach them to think critically for themselves.

    Teach to think see the problem with that statement...My dad tried to teach me a lot, however my critical thinking overruled his dumbness.
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  14. The cauliflower pizza bases are delicious, tastier than bread ones in my not so humble opinion.
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  15. Technologist victim of incest
    Originally posted by Netflxchillr its easy to gain weight when you are not very mobile… and quickly too. i packed it on myself!! it was unreal how heavy i actually got.. before i could walk/run and exercise again.

    not 400 lbs but it looked sure looked like that much!😦

    Same here. I was nearly bedridden for 6 months in 2017, and these surgeries due to my mastectomy are making it hard to keep the weight off. Good thing I lost 22 lbs before all this started. The holidays didn’t help either.
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  16. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace Seriously 400lbs…

    its easy to gain weight when you are not very mobile... and quickly too. i packed it on myself!! it was unreal how heavy i actually got.. before i could walk/run and exercise again.

    not 400 lbs but it sure looked like that much!😦
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  17. stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by Solstice It always blows my mind that we're strong allies with Japan now despite glassing their country twice less than a century ago.

    It blows my mind that we're strong allies with Japan after what they did on December 7, 1941 as well as the abusive treatment they gave to POW's.
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  18. Originally posted by stl1 She obviously had the hots for me but I always kept that at arms length because she had a drinking problem and several times arrived with a six pack.

    What a pussy, those are the ones you call a bitch while you pound them.
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  19. RottenRobert African Astronaut
    Originally posted by iam_asiam68 i could afford more than beans from a can and a pack of corn shells, messican!!

    fried chicken, watermelon, and cornbread
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  20. Netflxchillr African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RottenRobert Guess you never learned about ball busting … Are you a fag or something along those lines?

    Straw Man... at it again!!

    So now, i'm a FAG... because you don't know how to banter?! like an adult?!


    dude... just " logically" argue the topic of conversation of this thread!

    .. if you can!!
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