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Posts by Glokula's Homabla

  1. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Your post is a nearly unparsable stream of consciousness that fails to make any real argument.

    so you dont understand it and want me to make it simpler for u

    im gonna play video games instead
  2. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Literally try searching for that. The first page is 100% irrelevant or garbage lol.

    You have no critical thinking skills sploo.

    "i wonder how much noopept lanny would need to use to learn the formula called google(xnootropic + placebo controlled trial) = evidence"

    so you think that because i used noopept in the first part of the sentence, when i said "xnootropic" which was clearly a way of expressing a variable, it means the the variable must be NOOPEPT, even though i said afterwards that noopept has weak evidence. xnootropics tooootally couldnt mean every other nootropic in existence. but as an anecdotal report, it worked for me. so i guess its snake oil because 75 stage III clinical trials havent been done on it. stop making these terrible assumptions you fucking dumbass
  3. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny literally meaningless

    Literal highlighted at the top of the examine (lol) article: for first quote

    did you almost every USA approved psychiatric medication is also this "where it occurred, but fairly unreliably so and not to a large degree"

    as in, minor but statistically significant effects

    and then, wow we have two nootropics noopept and piracetam with weak-moderate effects (mild = not at all obviously). i didnt know there were 2 nootropics. i thought there were hundreds known or maybe thousands.

    what would have an absolutely extremely statistically significant effect would be smoked 7 grams of crack at once and then typing an essay. but people arent looking to fucking rock their minds they're looking for something subtle with benefits, hence a mild-moderate statistical significance.

    im not going to argue with you any more because you're a total retard
  4. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    im famisssss
  5. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    or this really obscure website called which compiles all the evidence for you

    and yeah, noopept has a low level of evidence compared to many other nootropics. clearly every nootropic is exactly the same, even in terms of the research done for it
  6. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    i wonder how much noopept lanny would need to use to learn the formula called google(xnootropic + placebo controlled trial) = evidence
  7. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Do you know of any clinical evidence of it producing measurable effects in healthy adults?

    all antidepressant mechanisms indirectly act through the neurogenesis they cause. nice dunning-kruger, bro
  8. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    b-b-but thats equivalent to the scientific process!!1!
  9. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Nor for anyone who didn't have a brain injury to start with. But given what counts for evidence in nootropic circles that might be a sizable part of the target demographic.

    what counts for evidence to you is the equivalent of ancient chakra spirit crystal talk by autistic greek men
  10. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    lanny changed the thread title because whenever my intelligence level gets brought up it makes him feel worthless by comparison (he is). can you imagine dedicating your entire life to wanking academia bullshit just to realize you're still a fucking mongoloid compared to someone who smokes spice and slashes up his arm. if i was him i would probably kill myself
  11. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny How about reading a book instead of russian snake oil?

    it didnt work for you
  12. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    legalize medical hurrlylyltl
  13. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    also no one cares except you and me to some extent
  14. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    my verbal intelligence is around average because im not a cringey faggot who reads books and talks about dead philosophers
  15. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    rule dependence reduces gf loading. something that is repeating rules from test to test wont work to assess fluid intelligence for people who have taken a test like that before, only learning. also why it's normed on experienced test takers who were initially administered professional tests.

    i don't like ravens based spatial tests either because they're all the same, and none of the spatial tests on iqexams are ravens matrices. there's the "two overlapping objects cancel out" rule "two overlapping objects preserve the object" rule, "two objects add together" rule. there are way more interesting and unique ideas to be introduced for fluid reasoning than being confined to a singular confined 3x3 grid. for example i scored 154 on this one. tell me where you see rules based on the RPM. they're original ideas. 17/30

    also i made daily obsessed with this subject then he started jacking me off too hard so he changed accounts but its obvious it's still him because his obsession has continued
  16. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    there's always an e-rape victim with me on their mind
  17. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    i dont think this is ever going to stop being funny
  18. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    lmao dat wordenhancement
  19. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
  20. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    bundy withdrawal is worse than benzo withdrawal

    i was on 2mg xanax/day for 6 months then stopped cold turkey. i took 1000mg of bundy everyday for 6 months and stopped cold turkey. besides benzo withdrawal being scary at some points with the potential seizures, the mental effects of bundy withdrawal are the absolute worst thing ive ever experienced. you DO NOT want to get tortured by roach demons attacking your groin in the metaphysical plane for a fucking year every day
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