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Posts That Were Thanked by WellHung

  1. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung i wont fight u, bill. i dont fight my e-friends.👍

    yeah i get it you rather blow me
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  2. Yes, a lot when I was 16-22. Being 6'4" and living in MADchester I was a target for every little tit in the pub who wanted to show off/prove how tough he was to his girlfriend/mates by starting a fight with the big fella.

    There is a pub in Swinton Manchester "The Brit" that has a little brass plaque under one of the windows (well it was still there last time I was in it about 15yrs ago) that says "Window kindly donated by (my name)", as I threw an idiot through it and the landlord of the pub banned me till I paid for the window (and the plaque). The good ol days etc.
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  3. HikikomoriYume0 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung lol… Why do you wank in the bathroom?

    so I can shoot straight into the toilet and then wash my hands
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    for me it's because the massive weight of my penis is difficult to lift, even with my ripped AF arms
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  5. Has anyone here not gotten into physical fights?

    Some nigger once robbed my friend here in the u.s. We found out where he sleeps in his car. The first BRiCK through the window woke him up. The second BRiCK put him back to sleep. Nigga still walks around with a chipped tooth to this day (lol).

    One time some nigger burglarized my friends house. We knew it was him. We fought us vs him n him friends. Ended up breaking his arm. He came over with a cast (lol) couple of weeks later with weed/ liquor as a peace offering.

    Once in Israel we were getting drunk, all of us Russian. We pretend to be Serbian because of Rusophobia in the region. Some tard with his friend started talking shit about Russians (lol), "how good that you're not Russian, you know they get drunk and start fights, in Israel our dicks are cut, etc.". So we tell the both of them "actually, we're Russian". Put some to bed, others ran away without even protecting their friends.

    Theres more but fuck typing it all out.
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  6. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Lol. If I was more of a thug people would be a lot less comfortable jumping me.

    And like I said 80% of those were losses. I'm not fast. Strong but not fast. My inclination is always to grapple with them or choke them just bc my arms and legs are long as fuck. Fighting dudes that just have that scrappy instinct sucks. Doesn't matter how big and strong you think you are- when your brain bounce s off your skull, shit stops working. That's why I hate every time I see BLM talking about a young black dindu being "unarmed" these are all people who haven't had their head stomped on and football punted. I have. It's why my teeth are in splinters. You can EASILY kill someone stomping on their head.

    It's a scary fucking feeling to still have the fire to continue the fight inside of you, but suddenly you realize you arms and legs and eyes aren't working right, and there's not a single thing you can do to defend yourself from someone cracking your skull open.

    My jaw still clicks from the beer mug.
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  7. tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Sprained my ankle. It was a baddie.

    And one yr, my 3 officemates and I kept passing back and forth to each other some kind of bug (high temp, coughing up blood, sooo much coughing) after the 3rd round i thought i was going to die.
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  8. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by DontTellEm Nah. I've never been in a physical fight lol @ my posts 😋😇
    I've thrown drinks on ppl tho, & one time in h.s some crazy bitch ran up behind me & pushed me in the courtyard, but it turned into a melee.

    lol when I was in jail (same time as the other story) some fat redneck was flicking water at me while we were just chilling after cooking dinner for the entire jail , giggling like a retard saying "haha what are you gonna do I get out today) Picking on the only guy that wasn't black and wasn't completely whyte. I picked up my cup of water and tossed it on the faggot and all the niggers started started laughing saying "this guys pretty cold with a cup of water" and the guy was turning red and visibly shaking and tried to go up to the door where they had the change of clothes and it didn't open because it was LOCKED and he bumped into it and the nigs started laughing even louder. Some guy had to calm him down as he was about to cry infront of everyone on HIS LAST DAY.

    I told the mexicans in my pod to tell the mexicans in his pod (you could speak thru a big crack thru the wall) that he was calling mexicans "nutter butters" and I saw these essays, (not like the kind that you write in school..) back him up into the bathroom and the gont was freaked out, they didn't do anything to him, but that was his FUCK DAY.

    Bet his redneck ass wont ever try to blow up a soda machine for quarters, fucking faggot.
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  9. CandyRein Black Hole

    This move
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  10. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    More times than I'd have liked, but never of my own volition.

    The first 3 or 4 were getting jumped by niggers, and then one episode with 4 Mexicans although later when I let them know who I was working with one of them tried to give me a beer- I guess to smooth things over.

    I've been hit by a car while someone was trying to get away from me. I've been tackled over a 3 foot cinderblock retaining wall. I've been clocked in the cheek with a glass beer stein. Ive had someone try to stab me with a screwdriver- which ironically probably hurt a lot more since it didn't go through my sweatshirts. Ummmmmm. I've been pistol whipped. Got in a fight at Dodgers stadium.

    I've been in 6 or 7 "good" fights, but I've never won any of them. Or idk....if you're fighting 12 people, maybe just being able to stay standing is what some would call a victory, but considering I'm so laid back and they were always the ones that started it, I always wanted to hurt them really bad. When I got jumped by the 4 Mexicans I had a Husky fold-up box cutter clipped to my back pocket. The second the first dude hit me, I started thinking about it, but for some reason I didn't. Idk. Lame.

    E: lol oh. And one time a Towncar driver (chauffeur) cut off my gf and I in a BAD way, sending me careening into oncoming traffic. When I caught up to him at the red light, I gave him the "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE" face, and he flipped me off. I pulled my gfs little red lancer in front of his car and put it in park, went to his drivers side door, opened it, and started dragging him out. He started trying to kick me off and I started punching him in the dick while he screamed for someone to call the police. Eventually he kicked me off enough to lock the doors, and since the auto glass way WAY harder then I anticipated, I just kicked a couple basketball sized dents in his side panels until he backed up, hit the car behind him and then hit my car, drove off like a bat out of hell. When I realized the driver behind him was super pissed about the damage to his car, I boned out. Had to pay for the damage to GFs car out of pocket, so it was super not worth it, but that's pretty much the only time I've ever legit initiated physical violence against someone. But I thought it was a pretty good reason. Had the oncoming drivers not been so dexterous, I would have been in a head on collision with both cars going at least 40-50 mph.
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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    The romans just didn't have much in the way of notable philosophers. There's Cicero, if you want to be generous, in like the late republic/early empire, then much much later you get Boethius and Aurelius of course, but beyond that there really wasn't anyone of any great significance. And even the most significant among them, Aurelius, was really kinda just developing on/rehashing the Greeks.

    Largely the romans just didn't seem to care about philosophy. Their high culture took a lot of cues from the greeks but they just didn't really seem to be as concerned with philosophy. They used Greek mathematics quite a bit but even there I don't think the romans are notable for developing it. And I guess it kind of makes sense, even late Rome was a much younger culture than the greeks at the time of Socrates. Rome had developed from a minor settlement into the dominant power in Italy quite quickly and was at war for most of its existence, they had professional soldiers and a government built around warding off existential risks, I think it's fair to say they were a far more militaristic people than the greeks of, say, Athens, and as a result probably a lot more pragmatic. And less interested in activities like philosophy which takes a lot of time, requires a good bit of excess resources, and isn't particularly economically productive.
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  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's kind of necessary, it can get real cold in Europe in the winter. The whole social thing just evolved around it i guess.
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  13. CandyRein Black Hole

    Ya.. exactly.. bad memory
    Get off the drugs 😁
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  14. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    Originally posted by WellHung Give me your phone number and I'll show you what I got. What country do you live in?

    give me yours first. the bitch always calls the shots.
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  15. Dregs African Astronaut [that freakishly double-edged allmouth]
    goatfucking scumnigger
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  16. GGG victim of incest [my veinlike two-fold aepyornidae]
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby lol i had this "friend" dale , only hung out a few times, but he came over with his xbox and games and we were gonna chill and drink. my baby mammer when she was pregnant was over and was gonna leave shortly. I went to the bathroom and came out and what not, she was leaving and told me "your weird friend was hitting on me when you were in the bathroom"

    and I was like meh.. whatever.. and anyways like the guy invited me to gym at one point and I went and worked out with him. Later that night we were drinking and he asked if he could sleep on my couch and i was like nah im not gay like that im going to bed cya later and he got really butt hurt and was like "I INVITED TO WORK OUT TO WORKOUT WITH ME!" as if that's a holy bond that seals us together as bromos or something

    If you invite someone to drink at your house you should at least let them sleep on your couch. Especially if there's nobody sober to drive. That's a pretty shitty way to treat a friend Bill Krozby. If you don't trust the dude to sleep over don't invite him to drink with you. Piece of gay shit you are bromo.
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  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by WellHung triggered like a slit? 👍❤

    pretty much he kinda sounds insecure.
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  18. larrylegend8383 Naturally Camouflaged
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 Awhile back I was talking to this woman named Sherryl. Talked for a few years and only saw her maybe 3-4 times. Well buddy let me tell you I was Wellsprung. But she broke things off with me and got a protection order against me because of me blowing her phone up and even called her place of employment. I was a bitch about it and posted many private pictures of her online, even camped out in the woods close to where she lived.

    Shit hurt me to my core, man. I'm still not right to this day.

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  19. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Idk what any of you lame faggots look like. I assume so, as my standards aren't incredibly high, but I feel like she'd try to swipe my wallet and then I'd have to garrote her and toss her in my deep freezer.
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  20. Erekshun Naturally Camouflaged
    I had 3 Cajun shrimp tacos and 2 beers last night. $20.

    If that's expensive to you, you are a broke ass nigga.
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