Originally posted by Wariat
I hate Pollacks and have nothing to do with them. being born one wasnt my choice and trust me none of them think I am one anyway because I dont agree with their right wing views and hate for instance on twiter they have me banned every time. And for really nothing. Not even violating any twitter rules or targeting thems pecifically just fighting their hate with hate.
But no matter how you slice it, you’re a pollack.
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You really think this is some kind of revelation that proves trump won’t be removed from office? So three folks, out of the entire American population, is a bellwether for this trial? And I thought trump grasps at straws😂
Good job, trump will be proud of your great intellect😂
I don’t even think the senate will remove him, but this is your dumbest political thread yet OPie.
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Originally posted by -SpectraL
The guy who proved beyond all doubt Obama used a forged birth certificate and was born in Kenya and is thus disqualified from having been President.
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Originally posted by Fox
It’s always funny whenever a troll who goes around acting all tuff and badass all the time gets on here and posts actual IRL details about their sad, pathetic life and you really get to see just how tiny and insignificant and how much of a failure they actually are.
Sploo did this a lot, so did Infinityshock sometimes, like that time he posted a really long thread about cussing out his boss and getting fired from his menial job. Wait is OP infinityshock lol
Actually Iam is a big strong guy. He also owns a very large ranch, and is highly specialized in his field. He does have to watch his anger at times, but we also have to consider where people come from. Where he’s from this isn’t that unusual.
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Originally posted by iam_asiam68
but in reality, the moment he refused to accept responsibility for his wrongdoing was the point i was ready to jack stomp him. he could have said anything because i was looking for "my bad," not go fuck myself in the terms he chose to use.
I get it, trust me, I used to lose my temper easily, I probably still do, at times (yeah I do). We have to realize this about ourselves and try to correct it. Going about it another way may have given you the outcome you wanted. Ya know, the means to the end.
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I told them not to bother arguing the meaning. I’ll gladly accept my crown as the best damn industrial grade faggot there is. I’ll wave my flag proudly👸🏼🏳️🌈
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Originally posted by mmQ
Why did you quit for a year ?
Funny you should ask, I thought about putting in my post, but decided not to.
My husband was due for a colonoscopy and he wouldn’t do it. He had a huge family history of colon cancer, and he was late getting his 1st one. You’re supposed to get your 1st one at 50. Sooooo, I promised I’d quit getting high if he had it done. We made a deal. I quit for a year, and that was enough for me. He wasn’t thrilled when I started back up, but he’s known me over 20 years, I’ve been an everyday stoner since our first date. He just has to accept me for me, and he does. Good or bad. Damn I’m lucky.
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