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Posts That Were Thanked by Technologist
2019-07-26 at 1:19 AM UTC in Reddit has decided that ICE detention centers are concentration campsHere's the thing about the detention centers:
Locking illegal immigrants up is just.
Deporting illegal immigrants is just.
Keeping them in overcrowded quarters where they have to share beds is not just.
Sending children to court without their parents or a lawyer is not just.
Keeping them without showers is not just.
Denying them a quick trial is not just.
Detaining legal immigrants under the assumption they are illegal because of the color of their skin is not just.
I am not sure what else is going on as I haven't kept up with it too much, but this is a massive humanitarian violation that is going on. Not comparable to the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, or the Uyghur camps in China today, but it's still very fucked up and a lack of funding should not be any sort of excuse. Everybody seems to talk about this lack of funding being the cause like that makes it okay.
But it's not. Humanitarian violations are never okay. Everybody seems to accept that lack of funding is the main issue here, and not actually that we WANT TO or SHOULD BE keeping people in these conditions, yet we've got people like Trump publicly defending the garbage treatment in these places even though he signed an emergency funding bill for it earlier this month. But we've still yet to see conditions actually change for these people.
Nobody gave a fuck when people suspected of terrorism were kept in inhumanitarian conditions, because they were terrorists.
Nobody gives a fuck when illegal immigrants are kept in inhumanitarian conditions, because they are illegal.
The private prison industry in America is already a fucking mess of convoluted slavery and overcrowding. But nobody cares. Because they're criminals.
This sort of behavior is EXACTLY the sort of slippery slope that has happened all around the world, and yes, has led to the sorts of camps like those of Nazi Germany, or the ones in Xinjiang. We cannot allow any treatment of any human, even criminals, to fall below the standard of basic human care that any first world nation should provide as default for any within its system. We are not quite at the atrocities of a concentration camp, but there are clear humanitarian violations going on that need to be stopped dead in their tracks right here and now.
Trump absolutely has a sort of fascist, racist following that THANK FUCK isn't very strong, and will die out of the limelight when he leaves office. I mean, the dude literally has posted memes about him staying in office forever, and has expressed a desire to extend his term multiple times. That shit is un-American. Our forefathers fought tooth and nail to create a country free from that sort of autocracy. We're ticking all the boxes of a regime starter kit here. The demonization of select groups (Mexicans, jedis, Gypsies, Muslims, Christians, take your pick) is a prevalent theme in these sort of governments.
I can't believe there are some Republicans who actually support Trump staying in power forever. You know who just removed presidental term limits last year? Fucking Xi Jinping. Yes, China used to elect their president. It was a closed election in which only high ranking officials could vote in, so it was obviously corrupt as hell to begin with, but there was at least a sliver of chance that they could boot him out. Recently there has been a push in Russia to remove/ammend some article in their constitution that will allow Putin to 'run' for President again in 2024, and every 6 years after that. Are these really the governments we wish to emulate? -
2019-07-24 at 12:25 AM UTC in Boris Johnson Prime Minister
2019-07-23 at 12:03 PM UTC in Serial Killer General
Originally posted by Technologist No seriously. I rarely read long posts from blowhards, but it doesn’t matter how long your posts are, I take in every word. You have an in depth knowledge on many things, but not so in depth you leave my head spinning. I get you!
I have like 0 in-depth knowledge, but I have a very cursory knowledge of a fair amount of things and I know a couple nifty words to make me sound smarter than I am. I'm not special. I'm so not special that I'm the only real person. Yessireee. -
2019-07-23 at 11:23 AM UTC in Serial Killer General
Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal Fuck off peasant, you're just a bunch of random numbers.
Delete yourself.
No you.
I'm utterly talentless and mediocre. It stands to reason that the least special person is the only real person. After all, the whole point of this construct is that it's more advanced than its creator. You think I could make Mozart? Record the next Tool album? Fuck no. I'm just here to watch how the construct plays out, man. You're out there making YouTube videos. You think I could make YouTube videos? Have your taste in music? Fuck no. You're part of the construct. Your superior capabilities prove that you are the intangible, numerical-based life form.
2019-07-23 at 6:10 AM UTC in I hate whitesglad i found a native chick to get debauched with, no whites plz
2019-07-22 at 5:21 PM UTC in ROSHAMBO ON METHADONE AGAIN !!!!!!Imagine giving someone that never touched a needle or seen heroin in their life methadone treatment lol, He is just a cuck for doctors so they can sell more drugs to afford that nice new sports car.
Nobody gives a shit about helping this sick individual or wants to make their life better. He is just an example of someone that fell through all the cracks. His parents, the system and anyone that could possibly help him have failed and now he is beyond fucked
Addicted to methadone because HE WASN'T A FUCKING OPIATE ADDICT until you started putting him on subs and methadone. I know homeless people that shoot fentanyl daily and can't even get on methadone but they give it to an occasional opiate user with polysubstance abuse issues, fucking lmao
and he just gobbles it up because why the fuck not? free drugs! I would probably do the same thing because fuck trying to improve your life when you can just do nothing and get free drugs 24/7 with no effort and never actually live a normal life.
I've given up caring or trying to help, it's too late.
Doesn't even make youtube videos anymore because he's so strung out. If I ever met his mother I would probably slap her across the face for being so stupid. -
2019-07-22 at 10:42 AM UTC in Serial Killer GeneralI bet hiki-meat tastes good😋🍖
2019-07-22 at 1:40 AM UTC in Technologist needs a usertitle.
Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country import os
from datetime import timedelta
default_app_config = 'ISS.contrib.taboo.apps.TabooConfig'
ISS_config = {
'violation_duration': timedelta(days=1),
'ban_reason_tmpl': 'You said the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"!',
'reregister_cooldown': timedelta(days=1),
'min_posts_to_reg': 100,
'min_age_to_reg': timedelta(days=28),
'time_to_inactivity': timedelta(days=7),
'post_msg_tmpl': '\n\n[ b(old) ]User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"![/ b(old) ]',
'base_path': '^taboo/',
'gulp_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/static-src',
'usertitle_punishment': 'victim of incest',
'usertitle_reward': 'motherfucker',
'usertitle_duration': timedelta(days=14),
'phrases': ['adult', 'aeroplane', 'air', 'aircraft carrier', 'airforce', 'airport', 'album', 'betabet', 'apple', 'arm', 'army', 'baby', 'baby', 'backpack', 'balloon', 'banana', 'bank', 'barbecue', 'bathroom', 'bathtub', 'bed', 'bed', 'bee', 'bible', 'bible', 'bird', 'bomb', 'book', 'boss', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bridge', 'butterfly', 'button', 'cappuccino', 'car', 'car-race', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'cave', 'chair', 'chess board', 'chief', 'child', 'chisel', 'chocolates', 'church', 'church', 'circle', 'circus', 'circus', 'clock', 'clown', 'coffee', 'coffee-shop', 'comet', 'compact disc', 'compass', 'computer', 'crystal', 'cup', 'cycle', 'data base', 'desk', 'diamond', 'dress', 'drill', 'drink', 'drum', 'dung', 'ears', 'earth', 'egg', 'electricity', 'elephant', 'eraser', 'explosive', 'eyes', 'family', 'fan', 'feather', 'festival', 'film', 'finger', 'fire', 'floodlight', 'flower', 'foot', 'fork', 'freeway', 'fruit', 'fungus', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gemstone', 'girl', 'gloves', 'god', 'grapes', 'guitar', 'hammer', 'hat', 'hieroglyph', 'highway', 'horoscope', 'horse', 'hose', 'ice', 'ice-cream', 'insect', 'jet fighter', 'junk', 'kaleidoscope', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'leather jacket', 'leg', 'library', 'liquid', 'magnet', 'man', 'map', 'maze', 'meat', 'meteor', 'microscope', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'mist', 'money $$$$', 'monster', 'mosquito', 'mouth', 'nail', 'navy', 'necklace', 'needle', 'onion', 'paintbrush', 'pants', 'parachute', 'passport', 'pebble', 'pendulum', 'pepper', 'perfume', 'pillow', 'plane', 'planet', 'pocket', 'post-office', 'potato', 'printer', 'prison', 'pyramid', 'radar', 'rainbow', 'record', 'restaurant', 'rifle', 'ring', 'robot', 'rock', 'rocket', 'roof', 'room', 'rope', 'saddle', 'salt', 'sandpaper', 'sandwich', 'satellite', 'school', 'sex', 'ship', 'shoes', 'shop', 'shower', 'signature', 'skeleton', 'slave', 'snail', 'software', 'solid', 'space shuttle', 'spectrum', 'sphere', 'spice', 'spiral', 'spoon', 'sports-car', 'spot light', 'square', 'staircase', 'star', 'stomach', 'sun', 'sunglasses', 'surveyor', 'swimming pool', 'sword', 'table', 'tapestry', 'teeth', 'telescope', 'television', 'tennis racquet', 'thermometer', 'tiger', 'toilet', 'tongue', 'torch', 'torpedo', 'train', 'treadmill', 'triangle', 'tunnel', 'typewriter', 'umbrella', 'vacuum', 'vampire', 'videotape', 'vulture', 'water', 'weapon', 'web', 'wheelchair', 'window', 'woman', 'worm', 'x-ray']
import hooks
Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country import os
from datetime import timedelta
default_app_config = 'ISS.contrib.taboo.apps.TabooConfig'
ISS_config = {
'violation_duration': timedelta(days=1),
'ban_reason_tmpl': 'You said the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"!',
'reregister_cooldown': timedelta(days=1),
'min_posts_to_reg': 100,
'min_age_to_reg': timedelta(days=28),
'time_to_inactivity': timedelta(days=7),
'post_msg_tmpl': '\n\n[ b(old) ]User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"![/ b(old) ]',
'base_path': '^taboo/',
'gulp_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/static-src',
'usertitle_punishment': 'victim of incest',
'usertitle_reward': 'motherfucker',
'usertitle_duration': timedelta(days=14),
'phrases': ['adult', 'aeroplane', 'air', 'aircraft carrier', 'airforce', 'airport', 'album', 'betabet', 'apple', 'arm', 'army', 'baby', 'baby', 'backpack', 'balloon', 'banana', 'bank', 'barbecue', 'bathroom', 'bathtub', 'bed', 'bed', 'bee', 'bible', 'bible', 'bird', 'bomb', 'book', 'boss', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bridge', 'butterfly', 'button', 'cappuccino', 'car', 'car-race', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'cave', 'chair', 'chess board', 'chief', 'child', 'chisel', 'chocolates', 'church', 'church', 'circle', 'circus', 'circus', 'clock', 'clown', 'coffee', 'coffee-shop', 'comet', 'compact disc', 'compass', 'computer', 'crystal', 'cup', 'cycle', 'data base', 'desk', 'diamond', 'dress', 'drill', 'drink', 'drum', 'dung', 'ears', 'earth', 'egg', 'electricity', 'elephant', 'eraser', 'explosive', 'eyes', 'family', 'fan', 'feather', 'festival', 'film', 'finger', 'fire', 'floodlight', 'flower', 'foot', 'fork', 'freeway', 'fruit', 'fungus', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gemstone', 'girl', 'gloves', 'god', 'grapes', 'guitar', 'hammer', 'hat', 'hieroglyph', 'highway', 'horoscope', 'horse', 'hose', 'ice', 'ice-cream', 'insect', 'jet fighter', 'junk', 'kaleidoscope', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'leather jacket', 'leg', 'library', 'liquid', 'magnet', 'man', 'map', 'maze', 'meat', 'meteor', 'microscope', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'mist', 'money $$$$', 'monster', 'mosquito', 'mouth', 'nail', 'navy', 'necklace', 'needle', 'onion', 'paintbrush', 'pants', 'parachute', 'passport', 'pebble', 'pendulum', 'pepper', 'perfume', 'pillow', 'plane', 'planet', 'pocket', 'post-office', 'potato', 'printer', 'prison', 'pyramid', 'radar', 'rainbow', 'record', 'restaurant', 'rifle', 'ring', 'robot', 'rock', 'rocket', 'roof', 'room', 'rope', 'saddle', 'salt', 'sandpaper', 'sandwich', 'satellite', 'school', 'sex', 'ship', 'shoes', 'shop', 'shower', 'signature', 'skeleton', 'slave', 'snail', 'software', 'solid', 'space shuttle', 'spectrum', 'sphere', 'spice', 'spiral', 'spoon', 'sports-car', 'spot light', 'square', 'staircase', 'star', 'stomach', 'sun', 'sunglasses', 'surveyor', 'swimming pool', 'sword', 'table', 'tapestry', 'teeth', 'telescope', 'television', 'tennis racquet', 'thermometer', 'tiger', 'toilet', 'tongue', 'torch', 'torpedo', 'train', 'treadmill', 'triangle', 'tunnel', 'typewriter', 'umbrella', 'vacuum', 'vampire', 'videotape', 'vulture', 'water', 'weapon', 'web', 'wheelchair', 'window', 'woman', 'worm', 'x-ray']
import hooks
adult', 'aeroplane', 'air', 'aircraft carrier', 'airforce', 'airport', 'album', 'betabet', 'apple', 'arm', 'army', 'baby', 'baby', 'backpack', 'balloon', 'banana', 'bank', 'barbecue', 'bathroom', 'bathtub', 'bed', 'bed', 'bee', 'bible', 'bible', 'bird', 'bomb', 'book', 'boss', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bridge', 'butterfly', 'button', 'cappuccino', 'car', 'car-race', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'cave', 'chair', 'chess board', 'chief', 'child', 'chisel', 'chocolates', 'church', 'church', 'circle', 'circus', 'circus', 'clock', 'clown', 'coffee', 'coffee-shop', 'comet', 'compact disc', 'compass', 'computer', 'crystal', 'cup', 'cycle', 'data base', 'desk', 'diamond', 'dress', 'drill', 'drink', 'drum', 'dung', 'ears', 'earth', 'egg', 'electricity', 'elephant', 'eraser', 'explosive', 'eyes', 'family', 'fan', 'feather', 'festival', 'film', 'finger', 'fire', 'floodlight', 'flower', 'foot', 'fork', 'freeway', 'fruit', 'fungus', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gemstone', 'girl', 'gloves', 'god', 'grapes', 'guitar', 'hammer', 'hat', 'hieroglyph', 'highway', 'horoscope', 'horse', 'hose', 'ice', 'ice-cream', 'insect', 'jet fighter', 'junk', 'kaleidoscope', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'leather jacket', 'leg', 'library', 'liquid', 'magnet', 'man', 'map', 'maze', 'meat', 'meteor', 'microscope', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'mist', 'money $$$$', 'monster', 'mosquito', 'mouth', 'nail', 'navy', 'necklace', 'needle', 'onion', 'paintbrush', 'pants', 'parachute', 'passport', 'pebble', 'pendulum', 'pepper', 'perfume', 'pillow', 'plane', 'planet', 'pocket', 'post-office', 'potato', 'printer', 'prison', 'pyramid', 'radar', 'rainbow', 'record', 'restaurant', 'rifle', 'ring', 'robot', 'rock', 'rocket', 'roof', 'room', 'rope', 'saddle', 'salt', 'sandpaper', 'sandwich', 'satellite', 'school', 'sex', 'ship', 'shoes', 'shop', 'shower', 'signature', 'skeleton', 'slave', 'snail', 'software', 'solid', 'space shuttle', 'spectrum', 'sphere', 'spice', 'spiral', 'spoon', 'sports-car', 'spot light', 'square', 'staircase', 'star', 'stomach', 'sun', 'sunglasses', 'surveyor', 'swimming pool', 'sword', 'table', 'tapestry', 'teeth', 'telescope', 'television', 'tennis racquet', 'thermometer', 'tiger', 'toilet', 'tongue', 'torch', 'torpedo', 'train', 'treadmill', 'triangle', 'tunnel', 'typewriter', 'umbrella', 'vacuum', 'vampire', 'videotape', 'vulture', 'water', 'weapon', 'web', 'wheelchair', 'window', 'woman', 'worm', 'x-ray
User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "teeth"! -
2019-07-21 at 9:52 PM UTC in Refine Ammonia
Originally posted by NARCassist you know anhydrous just means without water, right?
STFU, you just don't want us knowing about the chemical properties of anhydrous.
Nothing gets you high like anhydrous sprayed on wasp repellant and hooked up to a battery charger, which causes it to become a crystal and a type of methamphetamine. -
2019-07-21 at 3:33 AM UTC in Hey Bill Krozbyhe just flops his dong on the table halfway through the interview
"sorry sir we don't want any trouble, you can start whenever you want" -
2019-07-19 at 1:05 PM UTC in Nose menstruation, can vaults
2019-07-19 at 11:11 AM UTC in What are you doing at the moment
2019-07-18 at 4:04 AM UTC in It's honestly sexy being so extremely hard
2019-07-17 at 11:44 PM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Edition
Originally posted by Solstice I clean my cat's litterbox then play with my phone and put food in my mouth with my bare hands after without thinking of it all the time and I never get sick. I'm not afraid of some fucking filth.
I just eat my dog's shit directly off the ground. It's more environmentally friendly than using plastic bags to clean it up, and this way my hands don't get dirty. -
2019-07-17 at 1:58 AM UTC in The Retarded Thread: Malice Metro Editionsounds like she just felt like she needed to take care of you because she thought you were seriously mentally handicapped
2019-07-16 at 6:38 PM UTC in What do you think is beyond the universe?
2019-07-16 at 4:28 PM UTC in Area 51 raid, liberating the Lion of Sheffield
2019-07-16 at 12:56 PM UTC in New overlooked demographic for NISI'm still fucking waiting for the evidence of Democrat voter fraud.
Still can't believe SpectraL thought a quadruple recount was 'voter fraud'. -
2019-07-16 at 12:36 PM UTC in Ok, I’m gonna spill the beans....Breasts
If you flick the bean enough it will spill o.o -
2019-07-15 at 10:37 PM UTC in Say you work at Wal-Mart and you see a shoplifter about to walk out...
Originally posted by GGG mq I want to hear more stories about you robbing homes. What kind of surveillance did you do? What sort of stuff did you steal, and did you sell it or keep it? Do you have any TIPS to avoid being robbed by other mqs?
A few months ago I heard someone walking on my roof at like 2am. It sounded like they walked to where the exhaust is (which looks like a chimney and is grated) and then jumped off. After that I started looking up ways to NOT get robbed and moved the gun to my nightstand. I really don't want to believe that somebody was walking on my roof but the footsteps were clear as fuck. Like boots. ONE, TWO, ONE, TWO, ONE TWO. Exactly like when someone is up there to clean the gutters.
I'll type a little summary of my STYLE in a bit. I would love to help you feel better protected.
Originally posted by NARCassist house burglars are fucking dicks. i did a couple when i was about 16/17 and gave it up. going through peoples homes is just shitty as fuck. horrible no good cunts house burglars.
I agree. It was a very shitty thing to do. I was really good at justifying shitty behavior though. I still am but my shitty behaviors are less shitty now.