Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
import os
from datetime import timedelta
default_app_config = 'ISS.contrib.taboo.apps.TabooConfig'
ISS_config = {
'violation_duration': timedelta(days=1),
'ban_reason_tmpl': 'You said the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"!',
'reregister_cooldown': timedelta(days=1),
'min_posts_to_reg': 100,
'min_age_to_reg': timedelta(days=28),
'time_to_inactivity': timedelta(days=7),
'post_msg_tmpl': '\n\n[ b(old) ]User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"![/ b(old) ]',
'base_path': '^taboo/',
'gulp_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/static-src',
'usertitle_punishment': 'victim of incest',
'usertitle_reward': 'motherfucker',
'usertitle_duration': timedelta(days=14),
'phrases': ['adult', 'aeroplane', 'air', 'aircraft carrier', 'airforce', 'airport', 'album', 'betabet', 'apple', 'arm', 'army', 'baby', 'baby', 'backpack', 'balloon', 'banana', 'bank', 'barbecue', 'bathroom', 'bathtub', 'bed', 'bed', 'bee', 'bible', 'bible', 'bird', 'bomb', 'book', 'boss', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bridge', 'butterfly', 'button', 'cappuccino', 'car', 'car-race', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'cave', 'chair', 'chess board', 'chief', 'child', 'chisel', 'chocolates', 'church', 'church', 'circle', 'circus', 'circus', 'clock', 'clown', 'coffee', 'coffee-shop', 'comet', 'compact disc', 'compass', 'computer', 'crystal', 'cup', 'cycle', 'data base', 'desk', 'diamond', 'dress', 'drill', 'drink', 'drum', 'dung', 'ears', 'earth', 'egg', 'electricity', 'elephant', 'eraser', 'explosive', 'eyes', 'family', 'fan', 'feather', 'festival', 'film', 'finger', 'fire', 'floodlight', 'flower', 'foot', 'fork', 'freeway', 'fruit', 'fungus', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gemstone', 'girl', 'gloves', 'god', 'grapes', 'guitar', 'hammer', 'hat', 'hieroglyph', 'highway', 'horoscope', 'horse', 'hose', 'ice', 'ice-cream', 'insect', 'jet fighter', 'junk', 'kaleidoscope', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'leather jacket', 'leg', 'library', 'liquid', 'magnet', 'man', 'map', 'maze', 'meat', 'meteor', 'microscope', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'mist', 'money $$$$', 'monster', 'mosquito', 'mouth', 'nail', 'navy', 'necklace', 'needle', 'onion', 'paintbrush', 'pants', 'parachute', 'passport', 'pebble', 'pendulum', 'pepper', 'perfume', 'pillow', 'plane', 'planet', 'pocket', 'post-office', 'potato', 'printer', 'prison', 'pyramid', 'radar', 'rainbow', 'record', 'restaurant', 'rifle', 'ring', 'robot', 'rock', 'rocket', 'roof', 'room', 'rope', 'saddle', 'salt', 'sandpaper', 'sandwich', 'satellite', 'school', 'sex', 'ship', 'shoes', 'shop', 'shower', 'signature', 'skeleton', 'slave', 'snail', 'software', 'solid', 'space shuttle', 'spectrum', 'sphere', 'spice', 'spiral', 'spoon', 'sports-car', 'spot light', 'square', 'staircase', 'star', 'stomach', 'sun', 'sunglasses', 'surveyor', 'swimming pool', 'sword', 'table', 'tapestry', 'teeth', 'telescope', 'television', 'tennis racquet', 'thermometer', 'tiger', 'toilet', 'tongue', 'torch', 'torpedo', 'train', 'treadmill', 'triangle', 'tunnel', 'typewriter', 'umbrella', 'vacuum', 'vampire', 'videotape', 'vulture', 'water', 'weapon', 'web', 'wheelchair', 'window', 'woman', 'worm', 'x-ray']
import hooks
Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
import os
from datetime import timedelta
default_app_config = 'ISS.contrib.taboo.apps.TabooConfig'
ISS_config = {
'violation_duration': timedelta(days=1),
'ban_reason_tmpl': 'You said the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"!',
'reregister_cooldown': timedelta(days=1),
'min_posts_to_reg': 100,
'min_age_to_reg': timedelta(days=28),
'time_to_inactivity': timedelta(days=7),
'post_msg_tmpl': '\n\n[ b(old) ]User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "%(phrase)s"![/ b(old) ]',
'base_path': '^taboo/',
'gulp_dir': os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/static-src',
'usertitle_punishment': 'victim of incest',
'usertitle_reward': 'motherfucker',
'usertitle_duration': timedelta(days=14),
'phrases': ['adult', 'aeroplane', 'air', 'aircraft carrier', 'airforce', 'airport', 'album', 'betabet', 'apple', 'arm', 'army', 'baby', 'baby', 'backpack', 'balloon', 'banana', 'bank', 'barbecue', 'bathroom', 'bathtub', 'bed', 'bed', 'bee', 'bible', 'bible', 'bird', 'bomb', 'book', 'boss', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bridge', 'butterfly', 'button', 'cappuccino', 'car', 'car-race', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'cave', 'chair', 'chess board', 'chief', 'child', 'chisel', 'chocolates', 'church', 'church', 'circle', 'circus', 'circus', 'clock', 'clown', 'coffee', 'coffee-shop', 'comet', 'compact disc', 'compass', 'computer', 'crystal', 'cup', 'cycle', 'data base', 'desk', 'diamond', 'dress', 'drill', 'drink', 'drum', 'dung', 'ears', 'earth', 'egg', 'electricity', 'elephant', 'eraser', 'explosive', 'eyes', 'family', 'fan', 'feather', 'festival', 'film', 'finger', 'fire', 'floodlight', 'flower', 'foot', 'fork', 'freeway', 'fruit', 'fungus', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gemstone', 'girl', 'gloves', 'god', 'grapes', 'guitar', 'hammer', 'hat', 'hieroglyph', 'highway', 'horoscope', 'horse', 'hose', 'ice', 'ice-cream', 'insect', 'jet fighter', 'junk', 'kaleidoscope', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'leather jacket', 'leg', 'library', 'liquid', 'magnet', 'man', 'map', 'maze', 'meat', 'meteor', 'microscope', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'mist', 'money $$$$', 'monster', 'mosquito', 'mouth', 'nail', 'navy', 'necklace', 'needle', 'onion', 'paintbrush', 'pants', 'parachute', 'passport', 'pebble', 'pendulum', 'pepper', 'perfume', 'pillow', 'plane', 'planet', 'pocket', 'post-office', 'potato', 'printer', 'prison', 'pyramid', 'radar', 'rainbow', 'record', 'restaurant', 'rifle', 'ring', 'robot', 'rock', 'rocket', 'roof', 'room', 'rope', 'saddle', 'salt', 'sandpaper', 'sandwich', 'satellite', 'school', 'sex', 'ship', 'shoes', 'shop', 'shower', 'signature', 'skeleton', 'slave', 'snail', 'software', 'solid', 'space shuttle', 'spectrum', 'sphere', 'spice', 'spiral', 'spoon', 'sports-car', 'spot light', 'square', 'staircase', 'star', 'stomach', 'sun', 'sunglasses', 'surveyor', 'swimming pool', 'sword', 'table', 'tapestry', 'teeth', 'telescope', 'television', 'tennis racquet', 'thermometer', 'tiger', 'toilet', 'tongue', 'torch', 'torpedo', 'train', 'treadmill', 'triangle', 'tunnel', 'typewriter', 'umbrella', 'vacuum', 'vampire', 'videotape', 'vulture', 'water', 'weapon', 'web', 'wheelchair', 'window', 'woman', 'worm', 'x-ray']
import hooks
adult', 'aeroplane', 'air', 'aircraft carrier', 'airforce', 'airport', 'album', 'betabet', 'apple', 'arm', 'army', 'baby', 'baby', 'backpack', 'balloon', 'banana', 'bank', 'barbecue', 'bathroom', 'bathtub', 'bed', 'bed', 'bee', 'bible', 'bible', 'bird', 'bomb', 'book', 'boss', 'bottle', 'bowl', 'box', 'boy', 'brain', 'bridge', 'butterfly', 'button', 'cappuccino', 'car', 'car-race', 'carpet', 'carrot', 'cave', 'chair', 'chess board', 'chief', 'child', 'chisel', 'chocolates', 'church', 'church', 'circle', 'circus', 'circus', 'clock', 'clown', 'coffee', 'coffee-shop', 'comet', 'compact disc', 'compass', 'computer', 'crystal', 'cup', 'cycle', 'data base', 'desk', 'diamond', 'dress', 'drill', 'drink', 'drum', 'dung', 'ears', 'earth', 'egg', 'electricity', 'elephant', 'eraser', 'explosive', 'eyes', 'family', 'fan', 'feather', 'festival', 'film', 'finger', 'fire', 'floodlight', 'flower', 'foot', 'fork', 'freeway', 'fruit', 'fungus', 'game', 'garden', 'gas', 'gate', 'gemstone', 'girl', 'gloves', 'god', 'grapes', 'guitar', 'hammer', 'hat', 'hieroglyph', 'highway', 'horoscope', 'horse', 'hose', 'ice', 'ice-cream', 'insect', 'jet fighter', 'junk', 'kaleidoscope', 'kitchen', 'knife', 'leather jacket', 'leg', 'library', 'liquid', 'magnet', 'man', 'map', 'maze', 'meat', 'meteor', 'microscope', 'milk', 'milkshake', 'mist', 'money $$$$', 'monster', 'mosquito', 'mouth', 'nail', 'navy', 'necklace', 'needle', 'onion', 'paintbrush', 'pants', 'parachute', 'passport', 'pebble', 'pendulum', 'pepper', 'perfume', 'pillow', 'plane', 'planet', 'pocket', 'post-office', 'potato', 'printer', 'prison', 'pyramid', 'radar', 'rainbow', 'record', 'restaurant', 'rifle', 'ring', 'robot', 'rock', 'rocket', 'roof', 'room', 'rope', 'saddle', 'salt', 'sandpaper', 'sandwich', 'satellite', 'school', 'sex', 'ship', 'shoes', 'shop', 'shower', 'signature', 'skeleton', 'slave', 'snail', 'software', 'solid', 'space shuttle', 'spectrum', 'sphere', 'spice', 'spiral', 'spoon', 'sports-car', 'spot light', 'square', 'staircase', 'star', 'stomach', 'sun', 'sunglasses', 'surveyor', 'swimming pool', 'sword', 'table', 'tapestry', 'teeth', 'telescope', 'television', 'tennis racquet', 'thermometer', 'tiger', 'toilet', 'tongue', 'torch', 'torpedo', 'train', 'treadmill', 'triangle', 'tunnel', 'typewriter', 'umbrella', 'vacuum', 'vampire', 'videotape', 'vulture', 'water', 'weapon', 'web', 'wheelchair', 'window', 'woman', 'worm', 'x-ray
User was banned for saying the taboo phrase "teeth"!