2019-11-10 at 7:53 AM UTC
Fona life 11-9
What food is that? Looks delicious.
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Originally posted by Technologist
Andddd knowing you, if you do that coccaine, your paranoia will kill you. You’ve been forewarned.
I have a previous history of psychosis and paranoid schizophrenia. Therefore allow me to do cocaine, which triggers both those conditions. Nothing can go wrong."
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2019-11-08 at 9:30 PM UTC
Trump is going down.
GOP: We want a public hearing!
Democrats: Okay!
GOP: ThIs iS aN OuTRaGe!!!
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Originally posted by -SpectraL
Lanny has begun trashing entire threads with valid posts in them from random users, just because the OP was banned. Why bother putting any effort into posting in threads at all, if your posts are just going to be trashed by Lanny? He's also removing non-spam posts willy-nilly from banned members who are evading bans, thus fucking up the flow of the conversations within the threads in the process. This is wrong. Yet another fuckup by the worst admin a BBS has ever seen.
I wouldn't be too worried about your posts being lost forever. Bet my left nut you'll be repeating yourself soon.
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
Originally posted by Wariat
I mean i cant remember the last time I had sex absolutely sober
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Originally posted by Greenspam
Don't eat while vlogging.
It's grosser than you blowing your snots into a tissue.
I think you are hella CIA or "back to the reprogramming station you go" kind of rattex little rat fink rat tat tat, Johnny Lydon eyes of Graves Disease.
You're thin yet you don't make an attempt to work out or get some cardio. It's weird looking at a lazy skinny guy with no doubt Hyperthyroidism eating itself with grave disease eyes and having a frog like Turtleneck double chin just hanging off like a turkey vulture kind of way
Though the other creative side of you, I can Love in the Christian Way. I'm working on that. Stay creative my friend. But most of you music is fucked up.
You are so critical. OP is awesome.
And you need to love people in whole in the Christian way, like Jebus did. Or else you're not a real trad-catholic like I am. Enjoy going to hell, fool. Won't see you there fool, Jesus personally appeared to me and told me I'm saved like 1000x over due to my ultra progressive politics, and to knock it off as I am making everyone else look bad.
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looks like a cruise missile piloted by jeff hunter to me
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
I identify as heroin and require a daily transfusion of heroin to 'be myself'
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2019-11-05 at 10:23 PM UTC
the jhey fears the samurai!
Originally posted by Technologist
You thinking of joining them? You really should, at least you’d be doing something with all your talk. Put you money where your mouth is. Get on it.
Atomwaffen aren't EXTRMEME enough for Hiki "kike puncher" komomri.
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Originally posted by CASPER
to Clinton just tossing money at everything and swinging her dick around.
It's a good time in the club when she does that
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Black Hole
[my hereto riemannian peach]
this thread triggered me so badly I just saw someone in a red hat in home depot and beat him within an inch of his life with a shovel. Turns out him and his homies are part of a gang called "the shriners" so I guess we have beef now as they've taken to driving past my house in tiny cars
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You're officially making this site intolerable . I at least got some jollies from some fun thread and decent convos but you two have reduced it to nothing. I hate you. Yes if this is what you wanted then yes bask in it.
Never in my life in my internet history have I seen two attention whores in the likes of you. You ruin everything. Jill the Sock doesnt hold a candle toward either of you. You've ruined everything.
I am proud of you. You did it. You make the coming here experience suck ass. I just long for the days when i could log onto zoklet and read through pages of bad ideas threads.
You got the attention you wanted all along. That's the way to do it just be as obnoxious and repetitive and retarded as possible and yee shall receive. Yall got it. Jill the faggot has 1000 threads about her. Japan has made 1000 threads and wariat too. You three are 3 peas in a pod.
I hate you.
You're all just so fucking BORING. ahaha. The three of you. Everyone else that still hangs around here is actually interesting. It's just you three that stand out with your rampant retardetry. And yes I know. Yes. Congrats.
I hate you . Please please PLEASE INTO THE SUN, DRIFT.
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JIDF Controlled Opposition
Originally posted by DietPiano
..You mean the one that said he killed himself?
Gee. That was hard.
the coroner said he killed himself, the autopsy actually showed breaks in his vertebrae that are close to impossible to do to yourself without dropping over 1.5m or something. the only way he feasibly couldn't smashed his own neck like that would be if he tied a sheet around his neck, climbed on the top bunk and lept at the floor
and I mean, even if you think he did do that, it's hard to overlook him being taken off suicide watch, both his guards 'falling asleep' and the cameras 'malfunctioning'.
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2019-11-05 at 2:16 AM UTC
wario and his mail order wife
JIDF Controlled Opposition
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2019-11-03 at 9:15 AM UTC
a sober message
Have a pony
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Originally posted by Cold Air
No, calling someone a game is rude
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
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Originally posted by aldra
why would anyone ever wear a tie-dyed shirt
Right? Dress shirts only. No "light blue" fuckery either - plain white. With a tie, preferably. Fucking hippies.
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2019-11-01 at 5:56 AM UTC
They killed Al baghdadi
JIDF Controlled Opposition
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