Originally posted by CASPER
Ah. Arent you still on probation? As much id like to get fucked up and melt away into something other than the grinding poppimg ball of fat and fire and pain i am right now, the prospect of getting sucked back in to that whole fucked up tornado and losing another 13 years scares the shit out of me.
Take that for what its worth. It took a lot of work to get you where you are now. Being able to be there for people n stuff.
Yeah I ended up just going to sleep. I got triggered by something which is no longer bothering me. Something I need to watch out for in the future. I really dont want to get high, even though I know I can get away with it. It's not the point, I owe it to my family first of all. Second I'm just tired man, it's too much work maintaining dual lives. I like the steadiness and consistency that sobriety brings. Plus if I just kick back there are so many blessings coming my way.
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Originally posted by -SpectraL
Knowing you, you'll probably grab a nice lamp or something and get shot.
Is that a compliment ?
Yeah , I got shot stealing a lamp from a store where others were stealing washers and dryers and full kitchens and shit. I just tried to walk out with a dinky dinky lamp. Some white person shot me in the face and I didnt even bat an eyelash . Yolo. My lamp MINE. get your own. TAP TAP TAP
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Originally posted by Jiggaboo_Johnson
They don't have to do anything to me personally for me to find them offensive, their mere presence is enough to piss me off… (black people)
There you are enjoying your day and looking forward to a nice meal, you look down (on black people) and BAM..those stupid fuckers are there on your "plate" just spoiling the view and ambiance and taking up room other more worthy "veggies" (white people) could take…and they all smell like ass too.
It's pretty clear what you meant here, i'm not stupid
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This is what we call in the white community simulated retardation.
It's a tactic used by the jedi internet defense force to divide whites by promoting homosexuality and degeneracy like pedophilia. Zooohilia. Homosexual behavior. Racism against blacks and anti social behaviour
OP has all these traits because he is simulant retardation to attempt to outrage the white man and distract them from the white truth. Stay white and never take a cock nose nonce seriously. Namaste
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Thats where they keep the bbq dog kennels up on the roof. The roof koreans are a secret society meat masters living on the roofs out of the publics sight
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Originally posted by Hikikomori-Fujoshi
That is absolutely wrong.
The only reason people think the police have it out for niggers is because blacks are stupid and savage, they are unable to cooperate with the police which usually winds up with them six feet under.
this niggas posting from his racecar bed again
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