Most people don’t even know what they’re truly capable of... because they quit as soon as it gets uncomfortable to them change is supposed to be sweet ..plz
You have no idea what your body really can fuqn do ..
I remember my dad used to say “ I control my body , my body does what ((I)) tell it to do ... not the other way around
It used to tickle me a little like wth you mean ya know ..
But when I work out .. I understand what he means
My body doesn’t control me I dictate wth it does And if I say 10 more squats That’s exactly what the hell I mean and that’s exactly what it’s gonna do.. You can do 100 crunches ... you may not feel the burn until you get to 60 and then you wanna stop
Fuq nah! The burning is the sign it’s actually working so why stop as soon as it burns because it’s uncomfortable ..that’s the change happening... Fuq being comfortable.. get out your comfort zone ...
Okay zooks I’m about to start filming some new content for my channel.. But if you’re looking..don’t leave the site if you don’t want to..want being the key word
I will mentor you on the fine art of handing niggas they will never feel like this again ...
Originally posted by Kuntzschutz
That's true, but based on the couple of posts I read by him I wouldn't have expected him to come to such a reasonable conclusion. He posted a lot of negative crap, and threatened someone's kids while drunk.
He hasn’t been here in almost a year and he’s doing awesome now...worry about you nigga like you some kind of saint