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Thanked Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    rrrrrrrlook a cat

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by STER0S eww no

    she doesn't take no for an answer, and has more muscle mass than you so she can pin you down with her gigantic thighs and crush your head like watermelon.
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  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Everyone grab a cup! lets show these DH scum that we can come together as a group and agree on something

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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    They were just trying to hitch a ride on hallee boop

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  5. Ghost Black Hole
    This one is called BW (black and white)

    I think this one is just called kitty

    he also included this picture

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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat yea but they can still find out since they scour social media or ask other people related to the company or simply look for reasons and come to conclusions or simply how would you explain it in his case? or how would he say he got laid off when say a company was clearly not laying anyone off? they could easy ask why you were laid off or keep asking him to get to the answer as well just keep asking until his lies come out like cops do.

    And if you don't have social media?

    You can just lie, it's easy. I do it all the time and the employers don't give a shit, they don't care. Why the fuck would they care about a specific person? You really think they actually care enough to look you up. People that do hiring don't give a shit, they just fill out the paperwork and shake your hand.

    In the real working world people only care about one thing, the almighty $$$$$. Not your fucking gay socialization HURRR DURR CHECK HIS FACEBOOK, yeah that does happen but not in the average every day working American life.

    Maybe it happens more in your gay little fag industry of bitches that have never cut firewood. Yeah go sit in a cubicle and post on your facebook you fucking normie, real men do real work not your fake dumb shitty drawings which make no money.

    Why don't you get a real job in a factory or laying bricks or something? Maybe you will understand the world a bit better you pansy ass fruity useless social science liberal art degree faggot.

    This is a REAL MANS JOB not your shitty tablet office art fag office bullshit.

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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat any employer hiring someone willa t least do a basic history and if they were fired but not laid off clal that mployer or wt lewst call the last one to three employers if its a recent hire. plus if he is constantly fired or only keps jobs a few months that is a red flsg most will check upon.

    You have clearly never had a normal job in your entire life. You have no idea how the professional world works at all.

    Originally posted by Wariat most applcistions even have w checkbox in the usa that asks if you were ever fired or laid off for any reason or possibly fired which he would have to admit to it it would be an autoamtic disqualificstion like lying about being a felon once they find it. or anyone he knows or anyone who hates him can simply email th hiring manager or the ceo of the business thwt hried him thwt info and theyll chekc up how he fucked up company equipment and refused to even take the responsibility for it.

    The only database an employer can check is if the person has criminal convictions. They also can't just call any business on your resume and talk about you. You have to give them permission to contact your references, there are laws about this sort of thing.

    Maybe that's how things work in your country but in the first world workers have rights and can't be harassed in the ways you describe. That is completely illegal, so obviously you have no experience working and are just talking out your ass.

    You don't know what it's like to work, you get all your money from your rich jedi parents that put you through school to get a useless degree so you can sit around drawing shitty crayon art all day.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. Ghost Black Hole
    I wish another mass shooting or terrorist attack happens so I have something funny to watch on youtube. it's always a good day when Americans die. Fuck Texas!

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  9. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Antifa Member More texans died today lololol

    LOL!!! XDD



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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    when the plurals take over I get put into a trance and don't have any memories of their experiences.
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  11. Ghost Black Hole
    OP calls himself an American that is HORRIFIED about the violent attack on the capitol but then posts threads about this laughing about his fellow country men, women and children dying from a natural disaster and only blaming the people living there for their political beliefs as the reason why they suffered so much during an unexpected disaster.

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  12. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Antifa Member Lmao yeah right. Biden would've won with both hands behind his back.

    That's why stop the steal became so big because people knew the only reason he won was because of global pandemic fuckery.

    The election was stolen in a sense, but it's for the best. Because it showed who the true MAGA allies were in the very end and when Trump wins in 2024 as the first third party candidate to become president of the USA those republican cowards are gonna jump ship so fast your head will spin.

    PATRIOT PARTY 2024!!!!

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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    okay this thread makes me want to kill myself again

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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by larrylegend8383 You make this post then I look at threads created by NiS folks:

    "The Retarded Thread"

    "Hey Lanny the tranny"

    "Fuck everyone here"

    "Do you watch comic book movies"

    "Random image thread"

    "Known list of pedos"

    So my question to you is what drugs are you on to think this is quality content brought down by lack of dh members creating threads? And how is this not an atmosphere similar to social media?

    Try not to respond with a cute meme or corny plural character schtick

    I'm saying the reason we have those threads is because half the userbase is not actively posting threads and only bumping stupid shit like the DH general threads which honestly should be locked at this point.

    It never used to be like this until you people showed up. It was a dead and slow forum but people actually tried to make good threads, it was never meant to be perfect but You people make it impossible to have any normal discussion or real threads because some retard like larry or DTE or candy will come in and say some retard shit so instead people just fuck with you by posting pedo shit

    because they know you are normies that get upset by it.

    But instead of leaving you just bump more shitty Dh threads which perpetuates the problem of endless shit posting. This isn't fucking facebook, smoke meth and kill yourselves.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. Ghost Black Hole
    DH facebook spam and then they call you a cyber stalkererer for calling them bitches
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  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Yeah. I get the feeling that all of these older women I talk to in professional settings want to leave their husbands and run away with me.

    They can see the wild fire and passion in my eyes and forget about the world when they talk to me. But life doesn't work that way you can't just pick up some saucey young man at work and tell your husband and kids you aren't coming home.

    I get it. When I was single I wanted to date these divorced women with kids but it was a small town and THE GOSSIP like oh man what kind of a mother is she bringing home some 20 year old stoner dude to her kids. That wouldn't play too well in a custody hearing.
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  17. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe It'a called Australia.

    Everything is illegal there. I'm sure they would be more than happy to allow their inmates serving life sentences apply for citizenship.

    People serve prison sentences in foreign countries all the time. I could see this becoming a reality because taxpayers don't want to pay for immigrant criminals in their own country and they will elect politicians that will support a prison nation in the international community which will allow for UN recognition.
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  18. Ghost Black Hole
    I used to cyber with this girl that did meth and she would warn me the sun flew over her house and it was heading my way
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  19. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by CandyRein The thing is I’ve been subbed to the hodge twins for a long time for the “gainz” but kinda forgot about them ..

    Till I saw them at my guys house on the lappy and they were all political and hilarious..

    you guys should check out No Agenda
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  20. Ghost Black Hole
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
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