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Thanked Posts by Ghost

  1. Ghost Black Hole
    They need to cool it
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Ghost Black Hole
    that was a lie it's actually a $10. I feel much better about myself
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  3. Ghost Black Hole
    Not really. She's a fucking insane crack head that has been saying crazy shit for years, why the fuck this lead to her getting more power I will never understand.

    This is exactly what they did to Trump where the person says something like "stand back and stand by" or "be more confrontatinal" and instead people hear what they want to hear and use it as a GOTCHA to mean YOU HATE AMERICA!!!!

    They did it to Trump for 4 years so now we know that anytime a politician says anything you gotta freak the fuck out and blow it up and not shut up about it for 4 years. Even when Biden is out of office i'm gonna bitch about him for the rest of my life just like people do with trump.
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  4. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Robert Mugabe Says in the report he asked a cop, what a fucking dumb ass.

    Reminds me of the time I went on a first date with someone i met online and I walked up to the wrong girl and kept trying to get her to leave with me and she got really creeped out and confused why I kept asking if she was ready to go with me and just standing next to her.

    I think she told me to go away or something LMAO. I got stood up but I didn't go around talking to random people asking if they saw the girl? what the fuck who even does that? I just went home and called her a bitch then asked for nudes to make it up to me
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  5. Ghost Black Hole
    He is trying to call for a mistrial because the prosecution "belittled" them also the judge agreed that Maxine Waters fucked everything up and he can probably get it appealed on mistrial OMEGALUL

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  6. Ghost Black Hole
    I am a court reporter now.

    At the end of todays questioning the witness (female EMS/firefighter) started to get combative with the defense and even a bit snarky with the judge. She kept talking over the defense and refused to answer a question with yes or no.

    The judge told her to shut the fuck up and answer the questions properly or he would get Mr. Chauvin to sit on her neck and then said have a good night see you at 9:30am tomorrow.

    Maybe she will calm down and actually read her own statements to police lol. She literally refused to read her own words, she said "i'm not reading that" even though she said it. The judge made her read it.

    The defense is really good at painting these people as letting their emotions affect their understanding of law.
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  7. Ghost Black Hole
    Biden is just a puppet, Putin is the one pulling the strings like when they hacked the elections and got trump elected.
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  8. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Wariat Imagine… just imagine… running back and forth in a small bathroom cell as two guys are chasing you and hitting you while a third is holding the door to prevent yoru escape as you shit your pants.

    is this how you got raped
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  9. Ghost Black Hole
    another douglas monks thread looks like OP the fat asss hasn't had enough Bill Krozby dog for breakfast today folx

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  10. Ghost Black Hole
    Al Qaeda is an ideology, not a group.

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  11. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Data That is what these people can't wrap their head around. They don't trust FBI reports. They don't trust the investigations. They don't trust anything except right wing propaganda that stems from Murdoch and Putin and gets propagated by 'independent media' who are not actual journalists, but mouth pieces that just repeat what they hear.

    Most of them don't understand that Russia did meddle in elections. They did hack western private and government systems. They used the data gained on westerners to advertise on social media like Facebook and Youtube, and people like soy/aldra/spectral/etc all eat it up. The Russian government DID collude with the Trump admin. This is known fact and people are in prison for it. Yet you still have people believing otherwise even as investigations are ongoing and releasing new information about the issue constantly.

    "Witch hunt" is what they think, because that's what the Russians have pushed right wing 'independent media' to think. It's what they've advertised.

    It's crazy actually considering how the whole red scare shit was pushed by the right. Trump spent 4 years without passing any kind of security law because passing one would've been detrimental to him in the 2020 elections. Russians want the right to win. They've shown that repeatedly. Whether it's Trump or some other puppet, it's always going to be the same shit.

    Like seriously what are you going to do to regulate 'BLM' or 'Antifa'? What does it accomplish to take a stance against activists? There is almost always violence when you have any movement big enough, but that doesn't mean the message isn't a good message. People have gotten so fucked in the head as to think BLM is actually anti-white or racist in some way, when all people want is for the police to be less militarized and be held accountable for their actions, which basically fucking everybody agrees on.

    It's actually ludicrous how much everybody just agrees on politics when it comes down to it. Everybody is rational and using a logical line of thinking, but come to different conclusions based on the reality they've been shown.

    If Antifa was an actual organization planning crimes, then yeah, I would say go ahead and arrest their leaders. Lock all terrorists up. Left or right or middle or purple, IDGAF. But you can't do that, because they are not an organization. We CAN do something to at least quell the issues that people are rioting about in the first place.

    Meanwhile on the right you have actual terrorism being planned by leaders and enacted by its members. We can and have arrested them and gone after their organization. This is why the FBI has made all its statements about white supremacy and right wing nationalism being a threat. It's because those are the groups they're arresting, and the ones worth investigating. But nah. Somehow people are so twisted that think the FBI is actually full of lefties or some shit. It's all the 'deep state' making up investigations for no reason. Russia is innocent. Antifa is the real threat.

    We are not terrorists we just all go to the same church! hurr durr

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  12. Ghost Black Hole
    My dad thinks this cannabis product is homosexual

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  13. Ghost Black Hole
    She's been dead for almost 10 years they just have really good holograms
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  14. Ghost Black Hole
    My sink is still leaking so I switched the bill to your name by using a false ID. You will be getting an internet bill in the mail soon too
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  15. Ghost Black Hole
    "Once we get the jab this will all be over" they said as the government slowly stripped away their rights and freedoms
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  16. Ghost Black Hole
    Greedy sluts get NOTHING

    PNS or thot audit, your choice.

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  17. Ghost Black Hole
    It was good for socialization
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  18. Ghost Black Hole
    don't forget the knee socks

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  19. Ghost Black Hole
    I'd rather pop a mike and snort some molly
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  20. Ghost Black Hole
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Iv never been to BC or Canada but its not far from us. I think Im closer to BC than you are in Toronto. and Nelson is a known town. especially in the winter for its WInter Festival. so weather the podcaster is from USA or Canada itself, never to have heard of Nelson is like saying you never heard of Quebec or Montreal or Island of Victoria. its small but a well known tourist destination

    I lived in that area for 5 years up in the mountains it was pretty chill. Yeah you can easily drive from BC to California by going along the coast. I met a lot of people from that part of the USA who came up north and wound up in lower mainland BC. One dude I met was from Big Sur and hitchhiked his way all the way to canada and worked along the way for like 10 years, he was pretty cool.

    we lets lots of americans "doing the loop" the selkirk loop that is

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