Originally posted by Octavian.
I noticed leading up to abstaining completely from alcohol I was drinking more and more, with yet more instances of blacking out. I also felt that it took less to get drunk despite being able to drink stupid amounts. This was accompanied by bad internal pain for days, sometimes weeks afterwards. Could it be possible my insides were/ are fucked irreparably and this affects tolerance. Maybe my liver isn't processing properly due to being so damaged ?
Originally posted by Haxxor
You haven’t changed
Uwill drink again ✊🏽
Originally posted by Octavian.
Originally posted by Octavian.
So I relapsed and went out for a few drinks that of course ended with me getting smashed, albeit no Cocaine was involved. I brought two girls back, fucked one and strangled the other mid argument outside my apartment. My neighbour called the filth and they arrested me with my dick and balls hanging out. The girl didn't even press charges so I got arrested for "Non fatal strangulation" on the word of some faggot. I can't wait for him to fucking die, he's due a stroke/ heart attack soon. As I had no clothes I got a nice grey cell issue jumper and pants as a momento.
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What really matters is not your worldly success, but your unique insight into the meaning of life and your commitment to it, which adds to your perso. virtual phone system service
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Originally posted by Wariat
aldra you claim or say its just me and meikai claims its just this chick or situation. no guys shes just the latest example of how rightwing wnd conservstive and traditional this society is and its chicks and their backwards artitude toward sex particularly casual sex. sure some guys here even from other countries like blacks do have success with it or may i dont know i csnt call it like an alcoholic if they actually get to fuck at the end of the night but thst may be due to white womens natural affinity for black dick or bestiality.
we j'ews keep getting kicked out of countries because everyone is an antisemite, not for our abhorrent social behaviour
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
Murk Lore
African Astronaut
[usually pique my undulation]
Originally posted by aldra
when you post like 5,000 of these threads complaining, you have to consider that the problem is with you
What the fuck are you talking about. Clearly Fault lies with the bouncer who asked him to leave multiple times before smashing the back of his skull into the pavement in which instead of getting medical treatment, he takes a selfie of it in the mirror of it to show us what that mean bouncer did to him
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!
Murk Lore
African Astronaut
[usually pique my undulation]
Originally posted by Wariat
I dont understand why trying or inviting someone over to fuck them is some shameful thing rather than part of the game? what a weird ass fucking culture and people here.
Give me your Moms phone number, kid. NOW!
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Originally posted by Wariat
Lol u guys are tards. I make a legitimatw thread about polish females and society as a whole you slam but love threads or create threads like fat people have low iq oe how many holocaust survivors will be weound in a hubdred yrs lol morons.
when you post like 5,000 of these threads complaining, you have to consider that the problem is with you
The following users say it would be alright if the author of this
post didn't die in a fire!