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Posts by jer3552

  1. jer3552 Houston
    archer has an eyebrow
  2. jer3552 Houston
    or San Fran trying to keep from being STABBED
  3. jer3552 Houston
    I meet with the dietician today....still losing weight
  4. jer3552 Houston
    big brother is always watching....he knows if u been naughty or nice
  5. jer3552 Houston
    cheer up, at least your not in England trying to keep from getting stabbed
  6. jer3552 Houston
    I had cabbage again for lunch today.....I didn't check its visa stamp, but it sure tasted good
  7. jer3552 Houston
    i don't eat cookies any more and no other sweets
  8. jer3552 Houston
  9. jer3552 Houston
    and watching,My 600lb life on weight loss is down to losing 2lbs a week....that's better than gaining 2lbs per week I guess........I order that Dr Nows book, waiting for it to come in the mail
  10. jer3552 Houston
    I'm still losing weight, just slowly
  11. jer3552 Houston
    I hate those bloody immigrants that spend over twenty yrs and never take their citizenship test.....wankers should be sent packing
  12. jer3552 Houston
    if u hadn't been so chicken shit and joined the service, u could of seen the world
  13. jer3552 Houston
    white da right sauce......this beaner must be half black
  14. jer3552 Houston
    i want a roasted juicy bottom with an apple between the cheeks
  15. jer3552 Houston
    Originally posted by tee hee hee Why are you guys so rapey??

    stop fantasizing, u r safe princess
  16. jer3552 Houston
    im also having ribs tonight, with a salad of course
  17. jer3552 Houston
    brighter news is trump pardons famous boxer jack Johnson for rape charges
  18. jer3552 Houston
    to a party with tiger woods and bill cosby..................should be a real hodown
  19. jer3552 Houston
    I hang out at the maternity ward....I know those girls put out
  20. jer3552 Houston
    lj told me her secret is to keep her cheeks full of peanuts, just teasing
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