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Thanked Posts by Jiggaboo_Johnson

  1. I'd sign up to be a guinea pig for this monkey business.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. It's in our interests for robotic technology to that when the technology comes along we can upload our brains to a robot we can live forever and choose how large we want our multi-tool to be.
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  3. Originally posted by Bugz How does one of the wealthiest cities not have enough they collect from taxes pay for the shit.

    They are spending it on faggot parades and other faggot supporting projects
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  4. Steals from the rich to give to the poor...only in reverse...AMIRITE?
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  5. This weekend I'm making 2x RGB to HDMI boards for the Amiga 500 and 2000 computers.

    It uses a raspberry Pi Zero as part of it.

    Previously I've made a Pi1541 disk drive emulator, a Pi 2 in a Commodore 64 case (using a Keyrah V2 keyboard interface), Octoprint setup to monitor and control my 3D printer remotely, 3x Pi Zeroes in my Spectrum NEXT computers, a stand alone Amibian system (commodore Amiga emulator) in a nice 3D printed case that looks like an Amiga 3000 (using PI 3b+), the usual retropi setups, a pi zero in an empty ZX spectrum case emulating a zx spectrum.

    ummm...a couple of other things I can't think of right now.

    ETA: Oh I made a pi robot a long time ago that would patrol the house and I could log on from work and watch it monitoring my (now dead) cat.
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  6. No's worthless. You could have wrote that yourself
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  7. Banning people isn't going to fix your pathetic life.
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  8. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Federal legal age is 18 and the legal age doesn't effect the porn age anyway. It's 18 for porn no matter what the legal age is.

    You seem to be some kind of expert on underage porn...that's quite disturbing.
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  9. Originally posted by frala How many houses though?

    3 but technically they belonged to the mortgage company anyway.

    I effectively paid "rent" while I lived in them so I got my monies worth.

    the good news as mentioned previously is the 6 acres and house with wife #1 is still in my name...she's been paying for it all this time and when it's paid off, the deed will be in my name. That should result in some interesting correspondence.
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  10. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad candy ask your boyfriend if we can get some pinkie toe pics cmon

    Why do you want photos of a dudes toes?
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  11. Originally posted by mmQ Let's make a pact to not eat lambs.


    I really do love lambs.

    I have a lamb calendar that I just put up that replaced my last year's lamb calendar.

    Lammies in pajamies and goats in coats.

    Leave them alone.

    I went to the zoo a few months ago and fed the goats a bunch of apples from tree.

    Yes I rememeber you talking about them on SNL a few years back.

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  12. Originally posted by mmQ We're not having this discussion

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  13. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad I am talking about people saying them out loud, not on a forum.





    -Gay (as an adjective)

    IME the type of people who use these insults were born premature and have a misshapen head because their mother was an alcoholic and their father is not in the picture.

    so basically all the words that are leveled at you daily.
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  14. Originally posted by aldra she's trying to look powerful and imposing but I don't think women in general know how

    or maybe that sort of look is imposing to other women, I dunno

    They dress like a man when they want to look powerful and imposing...the irony is palpable.
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  15. Originally posted by rabbitweed LOL Idk whos alt you are Lodger Free, but I like you.

    It's Bugz
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  16. 1 bullet should be enough for you.
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  17. Originally posted by jfakldjfkdaljfalkdfjlkad Okay, so what? Kamala will push the same policies and will also be a great President. I hope she does actually so she can be the first female president.

    Yes because that also will make the country a stronger, safter and richer place..."ohhh! we have a black female we can be united and no longer sexist or racist...BY POINTING OUT AND FOCUSING ON THE FACT SHE'S A BLACK FEMALE president"

    So fucking dumb and retarded..."Lets end racism and gender continually pointing out skin color and gender".

    Btw...have you realized yet that pointing out Trumps failures only backs up MY point...that signing pieces of paper isn't achieving

    Fucking lol
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  18. Not me but a "friend" did

    A "friend" of mine back in England met a chick at the pub and she took him home for sex...there was a dude there and she said it was her "room mate"...Friend had sex with her on the sofa and after they'd finished he noticed the guy was sitting at the top of the stairs and had been watching them...the dude then said to the girl "are you going to sleep down there or come to bed".

    She told my friend he could sleep on the couch...she then went upstairs and a few mins later the sound of them having sex could be heard from upstairs.

    Friend put his pants on and left.
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  19. Gay and "fluffy"

    Did you get called "fathead" at school §m£ÂgØL?
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  20. Kind of in between, a tutu.
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