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Posts by the pat-man

  1. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    related subject why are old asian people so sensitive about grey hair, much more so than most others with the exception of maybe white women
  2. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    you dumb niggers i have so many alts im never going to die lol

  3. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    >mexican lettering
  4. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    fuck germans, protestantism, communism, ruining nationalism, 2 world wars, a hundred million dead, inviting the entire third world into europe, the list goes on.
  5. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    what happens when this forum is shut down in like 2 months
  6. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    Originally posted by Zanick I’m very concerned that what I said looked like flirting to you.

    im stupid and you're weird so there's a lot of room for interpretation
  7. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    who was that guy from arizona who was always tryna smash or maybe successfuly smashed
  8. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    is kinkou even hot why do you all autastically flirt with her
  9. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    oye guey donde estan las putas rubia?
  10. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    ye over in west cola not a bad spot, i didnt know til recently its not the same chain as the ones in the midwest

    best local fast food burger is zestos tho
  11. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]

    why lanny? why mock the king of all liserds?
  12. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    damn sad i missed out, i used a place called alliGAYtor or something and got this 250 pound gorilla bitch to lapdance my twinky buddy at his bachelor party, fun times.
  13. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    Originally posted by A College Professor what is ur inseam compensating for?

    my incredibly lithe johnson
  14. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    those app jobs always end up sucking, theres one for handymen and they take fucking weeks to pay back for materials and they wont let you price things, so jobs like replacing an hvac unit are all a flat rate even if its on a roof or a 2 ton unit.
  15. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    never actually fucked with a hooker was always concerned about stings / nigger ambushes
  16. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    where the fuck am i supposed to find a huge black behemoth for bachelor parties now
  17. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    how come wiggers all sort of look the same, as in phenotypically
  18. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    i need a big bike because i wear 36 length pants and i dont want to be bowleggeed after riding for more than 15 minutes
  19. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    you in a bunch of alts or something?
  20. the pat-man Tuskegee Airman [overshadow that snuff-brown nestling]
    a future full of overweight mulatto people slashing each other with machates. not unrealistic.
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