Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Originally posted by Warcry
the crazy fucking thing is i didnt write her but shes gone like ehr telegram she only had it open when she first set it up never logge dinto it again and it sgone. do u guys think shes doing all this for me or to get my attention aagin?
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Originally posted by Instigator
When I was on my first sentence a couple of the lads who were on prison gardening duty would come back whe we were all getting our food anyone my next door neighbour would come back literally purple as anything in the face
..well not actually purple more red but as close to purple as you can get whilst still being red.
Anyway I'd ask him what he'd been up to and he'd tell me he'd being huffing gas from the prison lawn mowers.