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Posts by Instigator

  1. Instigator Space Nigga
    Cba to read at this hour M8
  2. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Instigator
  3. Instigator Space Nigga
  4. Instigator Space Nigga
    How old is ur nan?
  5. Instigator Space Nigga
  6. Instigator Space Nigga
    Mindfulness is the way forward...

    Also binge drinking and escorts
  7. Instigator Space Nigga
    Did handofzek have nice hands?
  8. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost Nothing because I'm not a pussy that needs pills to be normal. You are all on shitty meds because you are stupid Americans and you think you are better than me.

    You are all retards with/without the drugs and they keep you docile and too stupid to think critically.

    I have an anxiety disorder and I'm bi polar, I could get all kinds of benzos and drugs but I don't need them. I use my powers of fight or flight and constantly adrenaline to be faster and stronger than anyone else and I help other fellow anxiety people realize their potential.

    I don't look at any aspect of my neurological makeup as a disadvantage that I need to correct with medicine.

    Being bi polar with panic and anxiety disorders and smoking meth would ruin most people but I get almost zero negative effects aside from the physical ones. I have experienced things that normal mentally healthy people could never comprehend.

    You want a medal or something?

    I asked what medication you were on not your life story motherfucker.
  9. Instigator Space Nigga
  10. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Ghost She had a big butt, it was very nice.

    Too much info.
  11. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sikh Put time and energy into creating and maintaining the quality of life. There are few things of substance that come about by happenstance, no matter if it is of a material or personal nature. Leave a legacy of positive output and enhancement.

    Golda Meir (1898-1978) was a founder of the state of Israel and served as its fourth prime minister from 1969-1974. She emigrated from the Ukraine in 1906 to Wisconsin, becoming active in the Milwaukee Labor Zionist Party as a young woman and moving to Palestine in 1921.
    Golda Meir was a strong multidimensional woman, and her relentless pursuit of peace in a troubled region while head of Isreal was only one of her legacies.

    Positive judgements are bestowed upon those who leave behind positive works.

    Shut up grylls.
  12. Instigator Space Nigga
    Infact I reckon Jeff is is in his retirement home dribbling into his pillow from his olazipine.
  13. Instigator Space Nigga
    I invented jeff Hunter iirc.
  14. Instigator Space Nigga
    Well the bastard doctors have just taken me off my seroquel

    So just the the three for me

    Lamotrigine,leviracitem, and serteraline.

    Can't wait to be rid off all three of them to be honest.

    I know they give decent drugs out like candy in the fuck you guys.
  15. Instigator Space Nigga
    Think I might get my hair clipped to a 0 tommorow probably cost me a £5 but fuck paying more than that for a skin fade or a decent cut.
  16. Instigator Space Nigga
    Drug free since 03
  17. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Jυicebox Same

  18. Instigator Space Nigga
    Get the fuck out
  19. Instigator Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Phantasmagoria I used to drink steel reserves in the 40oz bottle
    that's how I became an alcoholic
    well … actually it was la fin du monde that made me an alcoholic
    they don't make them in glass anymore just in the gay ass plastic bottles so I started drinking King Cobra, which has less alcohol per volume so I didn't get as sick.
    I don't drink anymore.

  20. Instigator Space Nigga
    I bet that bath water stinks
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