Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Infact I'm gonna go google what he did before I laugh
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Navalny dies of sudden death syndrome lol
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Same average UK January here, rain rain, slight bit of snow, flooding of grassland.
I've lived on this planet 37 years and fuck all is out of the ordinary with regards to the weather here at least.
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Yes, but I don't have a job or not been abroad for twenty years so I can't really.
I lived in kowloon when I was 6/7 would be good to go back and see the sites.
2024-02-17 at 12:35 PM UTC
How many of you feel
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
Happy Saturday though mate
2024-02-17 at 11:45 AM UTC
How many of you feel
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
It's not hate,
It's pity and disgust and a little bit of despair.
Naturally Camouflaged
[the staring tame crusher]
A pretty good hour long rant on diversity and how the left weaponize it.