I get that too- The almost dream state control a minute before actually falling asleep. I find the only way I can actually go to bed without being physically exhausted is to focus on random colors n shit when you close your eyes. Then slowly fall into those mini hallucinations and turn them into full born lucid dreams, then zzz. Doesn't last long though.
Business people are better at opsec than politicians. It's pretty obvious when you look at the security measures people like the Koch Brothers go through.
When I was 21 my subletted house got raided because my friend liked to order massive quantities of drugs from China. I couldn't sell anymore because I was obviously being watched hardcore so I moved half way across the country to live with my family. Cue isolation and alcoholism to due to living in the bible belt. Cue a drunken phone call to my girlfriend of 3 years accusing her of sleeping with some dude posting cute memes on her social media constantly. Cue break up and stronger alcoholism. Cue them getting together a month after we broke up and still being together til today.
If you want the bitches send them cute and funny memes.